Chapter 14.09.191
Northeast Growth Area Overlay District

Sections:    Purpose.    Applicability.    Permitted and Conditional Uses.    Supplemental Regulations. Purpose.

In accordance with General Plan Goal LU-18, the City of Vacaville shall provide for orderly, well-planned, and balanced growth in the Northeast Growth Area. Pursuant to Policy LU-P18.1, this area shall primarily be developed with job generating uses such as high-quality offices, industrial uses, and technology campuses. The purpose of this overlay district is to guide temporary or interim development in a manner that preserves existing land for future development in the Northeast Growth Area, as depicted on the City zoning map.

(Ord. 1981, Added, 12/13/2022) Applicability.

The standards and regulations of this chapter shall apply to all properties located in the Northeast Growth Area, as depicted on the City zoning map.
(Ord. 1981, Added, 12/13/2022) Permitted and Conditional Uses.

The permitted and conditional uses allowed within the Northeast Growth Area overlay district shall be limited to the following:

A. Permitted Uses.

1. Agricultural uses including crop and horticulture production;

2. Animal production with accessory uses including veterinarian services;

3. One single-family dwelling as an accessory to agricultural uses;

4. Water wells, pump stations and other similar utility facilities;

5. Roads, driveways, and emergency accesses; and

6. Landscaped buffer areas, walls, and fences.

B. Conditional Uses.

1. Employee housing as an accessory to agricultural uses;

2. Flood control channels and water supply canals;

3. Reservoirs and municipal water storage tanks;

4. Interim storage yards for off-site construction activities;

5. Digital freeway billboards; and

6. Other temporary uses.

(Ord. 1995, Amended, 07/23/2024; Ord. 1981, Added, 12/13/2022) Supplemental Regulations.

All new development located within the Northeast Growth Area shall require a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 14.09.300 of this code (Use Permits) and development agreement in accordance with Division 14.17 of this title (Development Agreements) to ensure that the proposed uses provide public benefits and are designed and developed to be temporary in nature such that they are not inconsistent with the City’s long-term goals for the area.

(Ord. 1981, Added, 12/13/2022)