Chapter 2

4.201 Street Network Design Requirements.

Streets in the City shall be designed to form an integrated network connecting adjacent developments and undeveloped parcels. Improved connection of newly constructed secondary streets to the existing street network will improve the network’s overall efficiency by providing a greater degree of route choice for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

A.    Purpose. The City Council finds and determines that an interconnected street system is necessary in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare in order to ensure that streets will function in an interdependent manner, to provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles, to connect neighborhoods, to promote walking and biking, to reduce miles of vehicle travel that result in lower air emissions and wear on the roadway, and to provide continuous and comprehensible traffic routes.

B.    Definitions.

1.    Links. A link is a segment of road between two intersections or from an intersection to a cul-de-sac or stub out. This includes interior road segments connecting to the exterior road network, exterior road network links, or connections to local streets in adjacent developments.

2.    Nodes are 1) intersections of three or more road links and 2) culs-de-sac. A stub-out at the property line is not considered a node.

3.    Exterior Road Network. The exterior road network consists of A and B streets as designated on the Zoning Map.

4.    Stub-out. A short road segment that is constructed to and terminates at a parcel line, and that is intended to serve current and future development by providing road connectivity between adjacent developments.

C.    Internal Street Network Design.

1.    Minimum Required Connectivity. To provide adequate internal connectivity within a development, the street network shall have a minimum connectivity index of 1.5. The connectivity index is defined as the number of street links divided by the number of nodes and link ends (See Figure 8).

Figure 8. Street Connectivity Index Calculation

2.    Cul-de-Sac Standards. Culs-de-sac shall have a maximum length of 600 feet, measured from the centerline of the intersection to the center point of the cul-de-sac.

D.    External Connectivity.

1.    Future Connections. To ensure future street connections where a proposed development abuts land that reasonably may be expected to be developed or redeveloped in the future, stub-outs shall be provided to the property line to extend the street system into the surrounding area.

    External connections are not required when no reasonable expectation exists that adjacent developed parcels will be redeveloped, or when a proposed development abuts a boundary such as a railroad, limited access highway, or natural feature that precludes the extension of the local street network.

2.    Existing Connections. New or proposed streets shall be coordinated with and connect to existing or planned streets on adjacent parcels.

3.    Traffic Calming or Vehicle Traffic Restrictions. If the reviewing authority determines that the proposed land use is incompatible with land uses on adjacent parcels, the required street connections may incorporate barriers to restrict vehicle traffic. In such a case, the street connections shall still be provided to the common property line to facilitate non-motorized connections, and to allow for vehicular connections in the future if a compatible land use is established on the adjacent parcel. The City shall retain the right to remove the barriers in such a case.

4.    Connection Spacing. Where future street connections must be provided to an external property line, such connections shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed 800 feet along each boundary that abuts potentially developable or redevelopable land.

E.    Street Design and Construction Standards. Streets, or similar easements for vehicular travel, shall comply with the requirements of the City Engineering Division and all Design Standards provided by Sections 106-126 through 106-132 of City Code. The City Planning Commission, subsequent to their consideration of the recommendations of the City’s Engineering Division and Traffic Safety Committee, may modify said standards, pursuant to Section 106-4 of City Code.

4.202 Access Management.

The following requirements shall apply to driveways for all non-residential and multiple family uses. Residential driveways are not subject to the requirements of this section.

A.    Driveway-Corner Separation. The following driveway separations shall be measured from the centerline of the driveway to the intersection of property lines at the corner:

1.    A & B Streets. Driveway approaches shall be separated at least 100 feet from a corner.

2.    C Streets. Driveway approaches shall be separated at least 40 feet from a corner.

3.    Waiver of Separation Requirements. When the above requirements cannot be met due to lack of frontage, the driveway may be located such that the radius will begin at the farthest property line from the corner.

B.    Driveway Spacing. The minimum spacing between driveways, measured from the centerline of each driveway, shall be as follows:

Table 7. Minimum Driveway Spacing

Street Type

Minimum Spacing

From Driveways on Same Side of Street

From Driveways on Opposite Side of Street

A Street

200 feet

175 feet

B Street

150 feet

125 feet

C Street

100 feet


    The City Engineer may approve reduced driveway spacing only when a parcel cannot gain access to a public street due to lack of frontage, and when it is not reasonably feasible to use a shared access solution to provide access to the parcel.

C.    Shared Access.

1.    Joint Driveway. A joint private access easement may be required between adjacent lots fronting on arterial and collector streets in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots. The location and dimensions of said easement shall be determined by the city engineer.

2.    Cross-Access. Private cross access easements may be required across any lot fronting on an arterial or collector street in order to minimize the number of access points and facilitate access between and across individual lots. The location and dimension of said easement shall be determined by the city engineer.

4.203 Essential Services.

Essential services shall be permitted as authorized and regulated by law and other ordinances of the city, it being the intention hereof to exempt such essential services from the application of this ordinance.

4.204 Historic Districts.

New construction, additions and all exterior improvements, excepting routine maintenance and repair, of properties located within Pontiac’s designated Historic Districts (see Sec. 74-53 of City Code) requires prior approval by the Pontiac Historic District Commission, pursuant to Sections 74-51 thru 74-62 of City Code.

4.205 Vehicle Storage in Residential and C-O Districts.

A.    Parking for non-commercial motor vehicles and not more than one commercial vehicles of less than one-and-one-half tons capacity, not in excess of those motor vehicles owned by the occupants, plus two additional off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking of any vehicle shall not be permitted within the front yard, except within an improved driveway pursuant to Section 114-70 of City Code.

B.    Permissible off-street parking lots require Site Plan Review pursuant of the requirements of this ordinance.

C.    The storage of one unoccupied trailer coach or small utility trailer and/or a single watercraft which is the property of the occupant in the rear yard of such lot, provided such trailer coach or watercraft is parked at least ten feet from any dwelling.

D.    No parking or storage of any vehicles, trailers, trucks, watercraft, equipment, supplies etc. shall be permitted within community gardens.

4.206 Keeping of Household Animals or Pets.

A.    Keeping of Household Animals or Pets Permitted. The keeping of household animals or pets is allowed without a permit under the following circumstances in any zoning district, unless there are other sections in this ordinance which are in conflict, and the raising and keeping of such animals is not for the purpose of breeding or selling them as a source of income:

1.    Common household pets such as dogs, cats, etc., but not including fish or marine animals less than 20 pounds, as long as there are not more than three animals of any one species permanently boarded or kept and not more than six total common household pets. The keeping of more than three common household pets of any one species is a kennel use. Refer to Table 2: Uses Permitted by District for kennel regulations. Common household pets must be kept in compliance with state regulations referred to in Pontiac Municipal Ordinance 18-3.

2.    Livestock. Livestock is prohibited. Livestock includes, but is not limited to, cattle, sheep, new world camelids, old world camelids, llamas, goats, bison, privately owned cervids, ratites, swine, equids, aquaculture species, and rabbits. Common household pets and poultry are not considered livestock.

3.    Poultry.

a.    Roosters or male chickens or any other type or class of fowl or poultry are prohibited.

b.    Only three egg laying hens are allowed at any one time.

c.    Slaughtering of any chickens at the property is prohibited.

d.    Chickens shall be maintained in a fully enclosed structure or a fenced enclosure at all times. Fully enclosed and fenced enclosures are subject to all fence provisions and restrictions contained in Section 2.304(F), Accessory Structures. Enclosed structures shall be constructed of permanent materials and shall be properly maintained. Fenced enclosures may be wire mesh with openings no larger than one-quarter inch.

e.    No enclosed structure or fenced enclosure shall be located within any front yard, side yard, and must comply with Section 2.304(F), Accessory Structures.

f.    All structures and enclosures for the keeping of chickens shall be constructed and maintained to prevent rats, mice, or other rodents or vermin from being harbored underneath or within the walls of the structure or enclosure.

g.    A zoning or building permit will be required.

i.    Initial chicken coop inspection must be scheduled at least 30 days from date of permit issuance.

ii.    After initial chicken coop inspection, a 90-day follow-up will be performed for general code compliance.

iii.    All chicken permits will expire December 31 of current year and a renewal permit will be required.

h.    All feed and other items associated with the keeping of chickens likely to attract rats, mice, or other rodents or vermin shall be secured and protected in sealed containers. Ground feeding is prohibited.

i.    Chickens shall be kept in compliance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices for the Care of Farm Animals, as it relates to egg-laying chickens, as amended, except as otherwise provided in this section.

4.    Litters shall be exempt from these requirements until weaned.

B.    Nuisance Prohibited.

1.    The keeping of the animals mentioned in subsection A of this section shall not constitute a nuisance to persons living in the surrounding area. Upon receipt of a written complaint filed by a neighbor with the City stating the animals constitute a nuisance, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall hold a hearing in accordance with the procedures of Article 6, Chapter 4. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall determine if in fact the animals do constitute a nuisance.

2.    If the Zoning Board of Appeals determines that the animals have and will likely continue to constitute a nuisance, the animals shall not be kept on the property after the date set by the Zoning Board of Appeals. If, in the opinion of the Zoning Board of Appeals, there is reason to believe that reasonable measures will be taken to alleviate the nuisance associated with the animals, the Zoning Board of Appeals may issue a permit, renewable yearly, for the keeping of such animals with or without restrictions. If a hearing is held and a determination is made, the matter may not be reviewed again on a complaint of a neighbor unless there has been a change of circumstances.

    No person shall allow animals under the person’s control or ownership to constitute a nuisance. The violation of this section may be prosecuted in the district court or may be enjoined in the circuit court. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, this section shall not be a limitation on, lessen the effect of, nor interfere with any other City ordinance pertaining to animals and the enforcement of it.

C.    Permitted and Special Exception Uses. Refer to Table 2.1 for permitted and special exception uses in the IP-1 district.

(Ord. No. 2407, 4-4-23; Ord. No. 2410, 6-6-23)