12-19. Preamble.

(a) The township, by and through its board of trustees, received an application in writing dated November 7, 1977, for authorization to incorporate a nonprofit economic development corporation pursuant to Public Act No. 338 of 1974 (MCL 125.1601 et seq.), said corporation to be known as the economic development corporation of the township.

(b) The said application included proposed articles of incorporation for the economic development corporation of the township.

(c) Public notice of said application has been given in accordance with Public Act No. 338 of 1974 (MCL 125.1601 et seq.) and, after due notice, public hearing on the merits of said application has been held and competing applications have been invited and the township board of trustees being advised in the premises.

(Code 1987, § 2-02.02)

12-20. Application approved and adopted.

The application dated November 7, 1977, and articles of incorporation for the economic development corporation of the township, are hereby approved and adopted.

(Code 1987, § 2-02.03)

12-21. Authorization to incorporate.

(a) Filing with state. A certified copy of the ordinance is directed to be filed with the corporation division of the secretary of state and department of treasury in accordance with section 5 of Public Act No. 338 of 1974 (MCL 125.1605).

(b) Applicants authorized to proceed. The applicants in said application dated November 7, 1977, are thereafter authorized to incorporate the economic development corporation of the township as a public corporation pursuant to said Public Act No. 338 of 1974 (MCL 125.1601 et seq.).

(Code 1987, § 2-02.04)

12-22—12-47. Reserved.


State Law reference—Economic development corporations, MCL 125.1601 et seq.