Chapter 17.69


17.69.010    Purpose.

17.69.020    Applicability.

17.69.030    Permit for construction of an aboveground utility project located in a master plan designated utility corridor.

17.69.040    Permit for construction of an aboveground utility project not located in a master plan designated utility corridor.

17.69.050    Application process.

17.69.060    Application fee.

17.69.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for the review and permitting of aboveground utility projects within Humboldt County. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)

17.69.020 Applicability.

All aboveground utility transmission projects with a capacity over sixty kV proposed for locations within the unincorporated portions of Humboldt County are subject to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)

17.69.030 Permit for construction of an aboveground utility project located in a master plan designated utility corridor.

Any aboveground utility project, which is planned to be located in a corridor for the construction of aboveground utility projects as identified in the Humboldt County master plan, shall notify Humboldt County regional planning department prior to construction. Upon notification, Humboldt County regional planning department staff shall review notification to confirm location within the master plan designated utility corridor. This review, once completed, shall constitute approval of the project. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)

17.69.040 Permit for construction of an aboveground utility project not located in a master plan designated utility corridor.

A conditional use permit shall be required for any aboveground utility project that is located outside a designated aboveground utility corridor as designated in the Humboldt County master plan. In addition to the general criteria for approving the conditional use permit (outlined in Chapter 17.68 HCC) no conditional use permit application shall be approved unless the applicant establishes that the proposed aboveground utility project use meets the following additional criteria:

A. Corridors must not conflict with any existing or planned infrastructure or utility projects;

B. Proximity of the proposed corridor to any school, hospital, or urban residential area with a dwelling density greater than two units per gross acre should be taken into consideration and appropriate setbacks should be applied. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)

17.69.050 Application process.

If the aboveground utility project is on federally owned land, prior to submitting the application for the conditional use permit for construction of an aboveground utility project not located in a master plan designated utility corridor, and at the beginning of the federal review and permit application process, the applicant must have a presubmission meeting with Humboldt County regional planning department staff to discuss the project and the application. The applicant then shall submit, as the application, the appropriate documents related to the environmental review by state and federal land management agencies. If the applicant is required to apply for a permit to construct under the Utility Environmental Protection Act from the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, then the applicant’s service of the permit to construct application to the county, pursuant to NRS 704.870(4), shall constitute the environmental review documents that make up the application. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)

17.69.060 Application fee.

An application-processing fee, as established by the Humboldt County board of commissioners, shall be collected for any application for a conditional use permit for construction of an aboveground utility project not located in a master plan designated utility corridor. In addition, if the aboveground utility project is on federally owned land the applicant may be required to pay the cost for an independent contractor or consultant to represent the county as a cooperating agency in the federal environmental review process if the county does not otherwise have the capacity or staff to do so on its own. Prior to hiring an independent contractor, the county and the applicant will meet and reasonably agree to the scope of the services required. Any such fee paid by the applicant to the county for an independent contractor shall reflect only the cost to the county of compensating a consultant to represent them in the federal permitting process. Upon conclusion of the federal permitting process, the applicant may request an audit and accounting from the county on the costs paid to and the services provided by the independent contractor. Any aboveground utility project, which is planned to be located in a corridor for the construction of aboveground utility projects as identified in the Humboldt County master plan, shall notify Humboldt County regional planning department staff prior to construction. Upon notification, Humboldt County regional planning department staff shall review notification to confirm location within the master plan designated utility corridor. This review, once completed, shall constitute approval of the project. (Ord. 11-15-16B § 1)