Chapter 15.10
Land Fill Regulations


15.10.010    Definitions.

15.10.020    Regulations.

15.10.030    Penalties.

15.10.010 Definitions.

“Inorganic material” means rocks, soil, incompressible metals not including the following: hollow containers, plastics, rubber tires, soil containing more than 10 percent by weight of sawdust, chips, bark, etc., wood pieces more than four inches in diameter by one foot in length. Wood of the above size may not exceed 12 pieces per cubic yard.

“Land fill” means any transfer of inorganic material, soil and rocks from one area to another for the purpose of changing the elevation of both or either areas.

“Natural drainage channels” means swales, hollows, and depressions occurring naturally that provide drainage from one area to another or to creeks or rivers. [Ord. 441 § 1, 1974; 1981 Compilation § 8-2.1.]

15.10.020 Regulations.

All land fills exceeding 100 cubic yards or any land fill materially changing, filling, or altering any natural or existing ditch or natural drainage channels shall be subject to the following regulations:

A. Prior approval of the Planning Commission and City Council shall be required before any land fill operation may commence.

B. Such Council approval shall be subject to an impact study provided by the land filler and such study to be made by a registered engineer or other qualified person acceptable to the Council.

C. Results of such study shall be reported to the Council showing at least the following standards:

1. The fill material is of such nature that it will be self-compacting within a period of three years.

2. The fill material does not contain materials prohibited by this chapter or applicable standards of the state of Oregon.

3. The fill will not pose a threat to any other property within a one-mile radius because of changed drainage patterns.

4. Where the land fill is being built as the ultimate development of an area, such fill will be subject to any conditions that the Planning Commission may apply, especially regarding final appearance and the aesthetics of the fill.

5. In all land fills requirements of the state of Oregon, where more stringent than the requirements of this chapter, shall be fulfilled. [Ord. 441 § 2, 1974; 1981 Compilation § 8-2.2.]

15.10.030 Penalties.

Violations of any part of this chapter shall be subject to the following procedure:

A. Violator shall be notified of his violations, be granted a period of 10 days to remedy violations and comply with this chapter.

B. Failure to comply after 10 days grace period will result in a fine of $25.00 per day as long as the violation exists and/or 10 days in the County Jail. [Ord. 441 § 3, 1974; 1981 Compilation § 8-2.3.]