Chapter 2.80


2.80.010    Public infrastructure advisory board established.

2.80.020    Membership qualifications.

2.80.030    Terms of appointment.

2.80.040    Ex officio members.

2.80.050    Meetings.

2.80.060    Purpose.

2.80.070    Compensation of members.

2.80.080    Quorum – Rules and regulations.

2.80.090    Members – Public officials.

2.80.010 Public infrastructure advisory board established.

The public infrastructure advisory board composed of nine members to be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city council is hereby established. The public infrastructure advisory board members shall appoint, at their first regular meeting, a chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary from their membership. The position of chairperson shall be selected each January for a one-year term; provided, however, that no member shall serve more than two consecutive terms as chairperson. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.020 Membership qualifications.

Qualifications for appointment to membership on the public infrastructure advisory board include demonstration of positive interest in the development, operation and maintenance of public utilities, streets, public parks, open spaces and/or trails in Cornelius and status as a resident or representative of a property or business owner within the city limits. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.030 Terms of appointment.

The term of each of the initial members shall begin immediately upon their appointment to the board and shall expire as follows:

(A) Three of the members so appointed shall serve until December 31, 2024.

(B) Three of the members so appointed shall serve until December 31, 2025.

(C) The three remaining members so appointed shall serve until December 31, 2026.

Upon the expiration of the terms of each of the initial members, the mayor shall, with the consent of the council, appoint a successor to each member whose term shall have expired. Each succeeding term following the initial appointment shall be for a period of three years, and the mayor shall, with the consent of the council, appoint successors to such offices for each term of three years thereafter. Appointments shall be structured so as to ensure that terms overlap. No member shall serve more than three consecutive three-year terms. Following the completion of three consecutive three-year terms, a member may not apply for an additional term until they have stepped down from the board for a period of no less than one year, after which point they may reapply.

Vacancies on the public infrastructure advisory board shall be filled for the remaining term of the members ceasing to be members of the board in the same manner as the original appointment. It shall be the duty of the chairperson or the vice chairperson of the board to notify the mayor and city council when a vacancy so exists. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.040 Ex officio members.

A representative of the city’s public works department shall serve as an ex officio member. The public works department ex officio member may participate in the public infrastructure advisory board meetings and deliberations, but will not be a voting member. The mayor may also appoint city council advisory members and a youth advisory member to the board who will serve on an ex officio basis and without a vote. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.050 Meetings.

The public infrastructure advisory board shall meet at least bimonthly on a regular schedule adopted for the year by the board members. Special meetings of the board may be called by the board chairperson, or upon the concurrence of three members, or as scheduled by the public works department ex officio member. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.060 Purpose.

The purpose of the public infrastructure advisory board shall be to advise the mayor and city council regarding matters relating to public infrastructure including public works and parks and recreation service areas. Such public infrastructure matters include, but are not limited to, street construction and maintenance; water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer line construction and maintenance; parks and trails planning, acquisition, construction and maintenance; grants acquisition; volunteer coordination; and parks improvements. The board may also be requested to advise the council on utility rate analysis and recommendations on the budgets for operation and capital improvements.

The public infrastructure advisory board shall:

(A) Review and make recommendations on parks and recreation projects, including park naming.

(B) Advise on systems development charge rate analysis and recommendations for parks, transportation, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems.

(C) Advise on city parks rental rates and use procedures.

(D) Advise on city budget for operation and capital improvements.

(E) Troubleshoot capital and maintenance projects.

(F) Develop with city staff and advise on park rules and policy recommendations.

(G) Serve as the community involvement committee developing master plans for parks, transportation, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems and make recommendations on said plans to the planning commission prior to adoption. In addition, the board may advise the council on any matter upon which the council requests guidance; provided, however, that the board shall not engage in any engineering practices as that term is defined in state law, nor shall it develop specifications covering public works projects unless such specifications are approved by a duly registered professional engineer. The board shall not direct personnel nor investigate complaints regarding performance of personnel. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.070 Compensation of members.

Public infrastructure advisory board members shall receive no compensation for their services. The public infrastructure advisory board members shall have no authority to make any expenditure on behalf of the city or obligate the city for payment of any sums of money. However, they will make recommendations to city council from time to time regarding expenditures and/or obligations. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.080 Quorum – Rules and regulations.

A majority of the public infrastructure advisory board shall constitute a quorum. The board shall adopt rules and regulations to conduct its affairs, which rules and regulations shall be consistent with the laws of the state of Oregon, Cornelius City Charter and Cornelius Municipal Code. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

2.80.090 Members – Public officials.

Public infrastructure advisory board members are public officials for purposes of and subject to the state’s ethics laws. [Ord. 2023-04 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]