Chapter 16.36


16.36.010    Appeal.

16.36.010 Appeal.

A. Appeal may be made to the city council from any decision, determination or requirement of the planning commission by filing notice of such appeal in writing with the city recorder within 10 days after such decision or determination or requirement is made. Such notice shall set forth in detail the action and the grounds upon which the land divider deems himself aggrieved.

B. The city council, following the filing of such appeal, shall set a time for a hearing on the appeal to be held within 30 days thereafter, and such hearing may, for good cause, be continued by order of the city council. Upon the hearing of such appeal, the city council may overrule or modify the decision, determination or requirement appealed from and enter any such order or orders as are in harmony with the spirit and purpose of these regulations and such disposition of the appeal shall be final. [Ord. 9-91 § 1 (Exh. A § 39), 1990; Ord. 9-57 § 1 (Exh. A § 40), 1981].