Chapter 17.66


17.66.010    Purpose.

17.66.020    Cost accruals and invoicing for additional city expenses.

17.66.030    Fee schedule and methodology adoption.

17.66.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the planning fee schedule and methodology is to reasonably assess and receive reimbursement for any city expenses and staff time related to compliance with development criteria in the comprehensive plan, zoning, subdivision, and all land development related ordinances. [Ord. 2021-01 § 1 (Exh. A)].

17.66.020 Cost accruals and invoicing for additional city expenses.

City costs shall begin accruing at application submittal and include, but not be limited to, publishing legal notifications, mailings, recordings, attorney fees, engineering, and planning or other consultant fees. Excepting preapplication review, costs shall be collected at the time of application for required approvals. Preapplication review shall be considered as a separate item from formal land use application submittal. Fees for this process shall become due and payable when an official city response on a specific project is requested by a potential applicant or developer. Allowance is made, without cost, for the informal exchange of information between staff and potential applicants as part of departmental customer service. For example, there is no fee for discussing a preliminary subdivision plat in relation to zoning, lot sizes or basic street configuration for connectivity with other developments. A fee may be due for reviewing a tentative plat to determine whether it is complete for official application purposes.

If an application is withdrawn before the planning process is completed, fees shall be reimbursed in an amount equal to the amount paid less the costs for city staff time devoted to the processing of the application.

If appropriate, projects with costs exceeding initial application fees shall be invoiced for the difference. Payment of said invoices shall be made prior to the issuance of any final development signoffs, certificates of occupancy or business licenses. [Ord. 2021-01 § 1 (Exh. A)].

17.66.030 Fee schedule and methodology adoption.

This fee schedule and supporting methodology for land use applications, planning actions, engineering review, and project inspection are hereby adopted and incorporated into the record.

A. Planning Action Fees.

Comprehensive Plan Amendment



Map or Text Amendment



Map and Text Amendment


Zoning Ordinance Amendment



Map or Text Amendment



Map and Text Amendment


Annexation and Zoning Designation


Tentative Subdivision

$1,500 + $300 per lot


(4 or more lots. Does not include civil engineering review and inspections.)

Final Subdivision: see Engineering Review Fees and Inspection Services Fees below.




Major (more than 3 lots)

Same as Tentative Subdivision


Minor (up to 3 lots)


Boundary Line Adjustment


Right-of-Way Vacation








Planned Development

Captured by CUP fee

Conditional Use Permit (CUP)


Site Plan Review


Type A (Conventional)



Residential (without TIS)



Residential (with TIS)



Commercial (with TIS)



Permanent Mobile Food Vendor


Type B (Administrative)






Ordinance Interpretation


Preapplication Review


Additional Services

hourly rates

B. Engineering Review Fees. Engineering review fees will be calculated based upon the actual hours required multiplied by the city’s hourly rate for the city engineer, beginning after the planning action/final order has been completed. The hourly rate will be assessed until the civil engineering plans are approved by the city engineer, at the current rate of $100.00 per hour.

C. Inspection Services Fees. Inspection services for periodic review of construction and final inspection will be provided pursuant to a fixed fee calculation based on the estimated construction cost of public improvements for the development. The developer’s engineer is to provide the estimated construction cost that shall be approved by the city engineer. The amount is to be paid prior to a preconstruction meeting, with all unpaid fees due at final plat. The fees cover all city inspections, engineering review of plans, approval of changes, final inspections, review and approval of as-built drawings, final plat approval, and the one-year warranty inspection.

Estimated Construction Cost

Inspection Services Fee

(Up to)




















$1,000,000 or more


*Installation of water services by city crew – 1" service line



Unpaved Streets



Paved Streets



If contractor provides excavation, backfill, and paving of trench, city crews will tap the main city water line


*Installation of water services – Greater than 1" service line



Actual cost of time and materials for all personnel and equipment


*Commercial: time and materials for all personnel and equipment


*Customers are expected to hire a private contractor to install water on private property. On rare occasions it may be appropriate for city crews to provide the installation. Such cases shall be approved by the public works director or designee.


D. Public Works Review and Inspection Permit Fees.

Sidewalk with residential permit


Sidewalk with residential permit (corner lot)


Driveway approach with residential permit


Repair of sidewalk (to encourage repairs)


Sidewalk/driveway fee after 3 failed inspections


ADA ramp with residential permit


Street cut permit (if within 5-year new pavement moratorium)
Applies to residential, collector, and arterial streets


Retaining wall inspection (minor; non-engineered)


Site drainage inspection


Erosion control permit


Encroachment fees


Grading or filling permit (if unrelated to building permit)



50 cubic yards or less (not adjacent to wetland or critical area)

No permit required


51 – 250 cubic yards



251 – 1,000 cubic yards



1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards


[Ord. 2021-01 § 1 (Exh. A)].