Chapter 17.76


17.76.010    Description and purpose.

17.76.020    Permitted buildings and uses.

17.76.030    Application procedure.

17.76.040    General standards.

17.76.010 Description and purpose.

Planned developments allow diversification in the relationships of various uses, buildings and structures in planned building groups and the allowable heights of buildings and structures, while ensuring substantial compliance with the basic district regulations relative to adjacent land uses, density, parking and signs. The purpose of a planned development is to adequately require standards to protect the public health, safety and general welfare without unduly inhibiting the advantages of innovative design site planning for recreational, residential, commercial, industrial and public uses.

The provisions and requirements of planned developments (this chapter) apply in addition to the provisions and requirements of the basic district.

In those instances where there is a conflict between the provisions and requirements in a planned development with the provisions and requirements of the basic district, the provisions and requirements of the planned development supersede those of the basic district.

These planned development provisions apply to any zone which permits planned developments as permitted or conditional uses. [Ord. ZN/CH-86-4 § 1 (Exh. A § 16.010), 1986].

17.76.020 Permitted buildings and uses.

A. All buildings and uses which are permitted buildings and uses in the basic district zone.

B. Buildings and uses approved by the city in accordance with Chapter 17.60 EPMC and the standards of this chapter. [Ord. ZN/CH-86-4 § 1 (Exh. A § 16.020), 1986].

17.76.030 Application procedure.

A. Preliminary Site Plan Review. Applicant shall follow the site plan review procedure of Chapter 17.60 EPMC for a preliminary review. The applicant may then revise or abandon the plan, or proceed to the planning commission.

B. Planning Commission Review. The site plan committee report and the report of the planning director shall be forwarded to the planning commission, which shall hold a public hearing on all procedures required for approval (subdivision, zone change, conditional use permit, annexation, etc.). If there are items which must proceed to the city council (zone change, annexation, subdivision), the council shall then hold a public hearing on such items. The hearing and council decision shall be limited to the broad concepts of the issues at hand, not the details of site planning as determined by the planning commission (except in the case of an appeal of a commission decision).

C. City Council Review. The city council shall hold hearings on any required zone change, annexation, subdivision, etc., as detailed in subsection B of this section.

D. Final Site Plan Review. In most cases, the site plan committee shall, in formal or informal staff meetings, determine whether the conditions imposed by the commission or council have been met. No permits of any sort shall be issued until the planning director has issued a final letter of approval. [Ord. ZN/CH-86-4 § 1 (Exh. A § 16.030), 1986].

17.76.040 General standards.

A. Size. A planned development shall be on a site of at least one acre in size, except in industrial districts, where they shall be at least five acres.

B. Final Review. Included in the final review materials before the site plan review committee shall be the complete organizational plans and by-laws for management of any commonly held areas, or a property owners’ association. Such materials shall be in accordance with state law.

C. Base Zone Regulations. Regulations normally applicable to the base zone (subdivision ordinance, street standards, parking regulations, etc.) shall be applicable within a planned development, except that the commission and council may alter them if they specifically find it to be in the best interest of the city’s citizens and planning process, and in conformance with the intent of the comprehensive plan. Overall densities allowed in the parent zone may not be exceeded, except that private street areas within a planned development may be counted as part of net available acreage.

D. Modifications. After final approval, the planning director may allow minor technical changes to the plan which do not significantly alter the design or appearance of the planned development. Any other proposed changes must go through the full review process described above.

E. Architectural Review. All site plan committee, planning commission and city council review of a planned unit development shall include full architectural review for impact on the aesthetics and property values of the surrounding area. Architectural plans shall detail the shape, size, color, texture and appearance of building exteriors in relation to all surrounding buildings on and off-site, including perspective drawings clearly showing relative size and appearance of each building in relation to others. The plans shall also show floor layouts of each structure.

F. Fees. There shall be no separate fee for the PUD process; instead, each action required within the application process shall be charged a fee accordingly (site plan review, subdivision, conditional use permit, etc.). [Ord. ZN/CH-86-4 § 1 (Exh. A § 16.040), 1986].