Chapter 3.20


3.20.010    Payment of attorneys’ fees.

3.20.010 Payment of attorneys’ fees.

Under the following conditions, witnesses for the prosecution in criminal cases in which such witnesses are called by the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office as witnesses, and other citizens who give information helpful to law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of crime, may have their attorneys’ fees paid by Josephine County (in full or in part) when such individuals are later made defendants in a civil action against them by the criminal defendant against whom they were called as a witness:

A. It is certified to the County Board of Commissioners by the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office that such witness was called by that office, and that such witness or other cooperative citizens cooperated with law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the criminal case involved.

B. It is further certified by the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office that the witness or other cooperative citizens testified (if the witness gave testimony) or otherwise relayed information truthfully, to the best knowledge of the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office.

C. The information supplied by such person was of material benefit to the investigation or prosecution of a crime.

D. Sufficient funds appear to be available for purpose of payment as noted herein.

E. Such attorney’s fees are reasonably incurred by such a witness or other cooperative citizens in defense of a claim against such person by a criminal defendant (plaintiff in the civil action) in connection with the subject matter of the person’s testimony, projected testimony, or other information given to law enforcement authorities.

Nothing in the authorization for this chapter shall be deemed to compel the County to pay the attorney’s fees of any such witness and it is expressly authorized that the County may pay all or a portion of the attorney’s fees incurred by the witnesses or other cooperative citizens as described above. [Ord. 85-36; Ord. 85-36-E.]