Division III. Generally Applicable Development Standards and Regulations

Chapter 17.55


17.55.010    What this chapter does.

17.55.020    Purpose.

17.55.030    Off-street parking required.

17.55.040    General provisions for nonresidential and multifamily off-street parking facilities.

17.55.050    Submittal and approval of parking areas.

17.55.060    Dimensions for parking stalls.

17.55.070    Handicapped accessible parking.

17.55.080    Landscaping in parking and drive lane areas.

17.55.090    Pedestrian walkways and accesses.

17.55.100    Shared parking and curb cuts.

17.55.110    Required parking by land use.

17.55.120    Tables.

17.55.010 What this chapter does.

This chapter establishes minimum standards and requirements for off-street parking stalls and landscaping and buffering of parking lots. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.1)].

17.55.020 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to reduce congestion and traffic hazards on public rights-of-way by requiring adequate, functional, and effective use of off-street parking areas. This chapter also requires landscaping and buffering within these parking areas to reduce adverse impacts of headlight glare and lighting within the parking area; improve circulation within parking areas by channeling vehicles and pedestrians; provide climatic relief from broad expanses of pavement; and improve the appearance of the site and surrounding neighborhood. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.2)].

17.55.030 Off-street parking required.

Off-street parking shall be provided according to standards noted in this chapter for all newly constructed buildings and additional parking that shall be provided for any structure or use that is expanded. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.3)].

17.55.040 General provisions for nonresidential and multifamily off-street parking facilities.

A. Materials for Parking Areas. Parking areas shall consist of concrete, asphalt, or other impervious materials approved in the Eagle Mountain City Construction Standards and Specifications manual.

B. Maintenance of Parking Areas. Pavement, striping, landscaping, and lighting are required to be maintained in all parking areas. During times of snowfall, parking areas shall be cleared of snow as soon as is practical and possible.

C. Parking Area Access. Parking areas serving more than one structure may use a common access. Common access locations shall be based upon acceptable standard design geometry, road alignment, and traffic volumes of the surrounding public streets. All nonresidential and mixed-use structures must be designed so that vehicles are not required to back up onto the public street.

D. Lighting in Parking Areas. Parking areas shall have adequate lighting to ensure the safe circulation of automobiles and pedestrians. Such lighting shall be directed in such a way as to not be a nuisance to adjacent properties or uses. Parking lot luminaries shall be in conformance with Chapter 17.56 EMMC.

E. Location of Parking Areas. Required off-street parking areas for nonresidential uses shall be placed within 600 feet of the main entrance to the building.

F. Storm Water Runoff. All parking areas other than single-family and two-family dwellings shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer for adequate drainage of storm water runoff.

G. Headlight Screen. Headlight screening is required around the perimeter of all parking areas adjacent to residential uses, or as deemed necessary by the planning director. A headlight screen shall consist of a berm, fence, wall, or landscaping consisting of at least three and one-half feet in height and capable of blocking headlight glare. Headlight screening may also be provided by buildings.

H. Parking Lot Slopes. Parking lots shall not have slopes on which vehicles park greater than five percent.

I. Service Drives. Service drives shall comply with the following design standards:

1. Service Drives in Setback Areas. Service drives shall be allowed to cross over and/or through required setback areas when they provide linkage between a parking area and a street or alley or between parking areas or properties.

2. Service Drive Width Requirements. Service drives, or sections thereof, lacking parking spaces to either side shall be at least 12 feet wide when designed to move traffic in a one-way direction and at least 20 feet wide when designed to move traffic in two ways. Where such service drives abut one or more parking stalls, the service drive shall instead be sized the same as the required back up area of the adjoining stall(s) as per Table 17.55.120(a). For example, a service drive being accessed by parking spaces oriented 90 degrees to the drive shall not be but 20 feet wide; rather, it shall be at least 24 feet wide at the point(s) where the parking stalls abut (i.e., connect into) the drive.

3. Services Drives Exceeding 150 Feet. Service drives exceeding 150 feet in length shall have a fire department turnaround at the 150-foot mark. The configuration of the turnaround shall match one of the four diagrams below (unless approved otherwise by the Fire Department), shall be configured to support 75,000 pounds GVW, shall not exceed 10 percent in grade, and, shall be surfaced per fire department requirements unless superseded by the city.

4. Service drives functioning as fire service lanes (access roads) shall be signed with 18-inch high, 12-inch wide “No Parking -- Fire Lane” signs.

Fire Turnaround Illustrations:

[Ord. O-46-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-12-2014 (Exh. A); Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.4)].

17.55.050 Submittal and approval of parking areas.

Plans depicting the parking areas for newly constructed buildings and expanded structures or uses shall be submitted in conjunction with a site plan for all nonresidential and multifamily residential development. All other parking plans shall show the following: the required number of stalls and aisles scaled to the correct dimensions, the correct number of handicapped accessible parking spaces, storm water drainage capabilities, lighting, landscaping, irrigation, and pedestrian walkways. Single-family dwellings may submit a plan with an application for a building permit that shows driveways and other areas to be dedicated to parking. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.5)].

17.55.060 Dimensions for parking stalls.

The dimensions of parking stalls and aisles contained within the parking areas shall be dependent upon the orientation of stalls. Table 17.55.120(a), Dimensions for Parking Stalls and Aisles, details these standards. Any deviation from these standards must be recommended by the city engineer and approved by the planning commission. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.6)].

17.55.070 Handicapped accessible parking.

A. Stalls Count Toward Minimum Number Required. Handicapped parking stalls shall be provided in off-street parking areas and shall count towards fulfilling the minimum requirements for automobile parking space count.

B. Location. Handicapped parking stalls shall be located as close to a primary building entrance as practical, with access ramps available for equipment used in assisting handicapped persons.

C. Signage. A permanently affixed reflective sign and/or surface identification depicting the standard symbol for handicapped parking shall identify each handicapped parking stall as depicted below.

D. Number of Stalls. The number of handicapped parking stalls provided shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) listed in Table 17.55.120(b), ADA Parking Requirements as represented in Table 17.55.120(b).

E. Dimensions of Stalls. The dimensions of standard handicapped parking stalls shall be a minimum of 10-feet wide by 18-feet deep, with an adjoining five-foot access aisle alongside the same (two handicapped parking spaces may share an access aisle between them), in accordance with ADA requirements. Van-accessible spaces shall be at least 11 feet wide with a five-foot access aisle alongside. [Ord. O-46-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.7)].

17.55.080 Landscaping in parking and drive lane areas.

The following requirements shall apply to all landscaping of off-street parking and drive lane areas:

A. Parking and Drive Lane Areas Adjacent to Public Streets or Private Streets. All parking and drive lane areas for nonresidential or multifamily residential uses which are adjacent to a public or private right-of-way shall have a landscaped bermed strip or planting width of not less than 10 feet placed on site and adjacent to the right-of-way line. A headlight screen or berm shall be at least three and one-half feet in height and capable of blocking headlight glare. Trees, both deciduous and/or evergreen, shall be placed in the strip with spacing of no less than 30-foot intervals or the width of the two adjacent trees’ canopy or foliage when mature. This spacing requirement is used for calculating the number of trees required to be installed along frontages and is not meant to dictate the design of the landscaping. Required street trees may be clustered so long as trees have sufficient space to grow to maturity without encroachment of other vegetation. The layout of the landscaping shall not be in close proximity to public facilities such as overhead power lines, fire hydrants, traffic control signage, etc., that would be obstructed when the vegetation reaches maturity. The following are sizes of planting standards for required landscaping that shall be followed for all new development:

1. Deciduous Trees. All deciduous trees shall have a minimum trunk size of one and one-half inches in caliper measured eight inches above the soil line.

2. Curbs. All landscaped areas abutting any paved surface shall be curbed according to the city’s construction specification.

B. Clear Sight Triangles. Clear lines of sight shall be provided at intersections by delineating triangular areas adjacent to all intersections, within which no parking, building, structure, berming, or landscaping over three feet in height above the street shall be permitted. Single-trunk trees may be planted within such areas, but only where the tree will be pruned to eliminate all branches and foliage below eight feet. Driveways, when feasible, are prohibited within the clear vision triangle of local streets.

1. Local Streets. At intersections of local streets the triangle shall be defined by drawing a line between two points that are 30 feet from the intersection along the lot (property) lines.

2. Alleys and Driveways. At intersections of alleys and driveways (this includes private driveways) the triangle shall be defined by drawing a line between two points that are 15 feet from the intersection along the lot lines (along alleys) or 15 feet from the intersection along the lot line and outer edge of the driveway.

3. Alleys or Driveways and Local Streets. At intersections of alleys or driveways (this includes private driveways) and local streets the triangle shall be defined by drawing a line between two points that are 15 feet from the intersection along the lot lines (along alleys) or driveways and 30 feet on the street side.

4. Other Streets. Larger clear sight triangles may be required by the city engineer where local streets enter arterial streets, major collector streets, or parkways.

C. Required Parking Islands.

1. Islands on Doubled Rows of Parking. On doubled rows of parking, there shall be one 36-foot-long by six-foot-wide landscaped island on each end of the parking rows, plus one 36-foot-long by six-foot-wide landscaped island to be placed at minimum of every 12 parking stalls. Measurements shall be taken from the curb wall. Each island on a doubled parking row shall include a minimum of two deciduous trees per planter having a minimum trunk size of one and one-half inches in caliper measured eight inches above the soil line. Other landscape installed in the island shall include shrubbery and an acceptable ground cover. No hard surface improvements such as concrete or asphalt are allowed within any landscape islands. Xeriscaping is encouraged in these areas.

2. Islands on Single Rows of Parking. On single rows of parking, there shall be one 18-foot-long by six-foot-wide landscaped island on each end of the parking rows, plus one 18-foot-long by six-foot-wide landscaped island to be placed at a minimum of every 12 stalls. Measurements shall be taken from the curb wall. Each island on a single parking row shall include a minimum of one deciduous tree per planter having a minimum trunk size of one and one-half inches in caliper measured eight inches above the soil line. Other landscape installed in the island shall include shrubbery and an acceptable ground cover. No hard surface improvements such as concrete or asphalt are allowed within any landscaped islands. Xeriscaping is encouraged in these areas.

3. Landscape islands may be replaced on double rows of parking with a landscape median at least six feet in width running length of the double parking row. Trees shall be planted every 30 feet and end islands shall be required.

4. Traffic Circulation. Landscaped islands at the ends of parking rows shall be placed and shaped in such a manner as to help direct traffic through the parking area. There shall be a break in parking rows at a minimum of 48 parking stalls for each double row of parking for the purpose of facilitating traffic circulation on the site.

5. Interior Landscaped Boundary Strips. Landscaping along interior property lines is not required if adjacent to the same land use. If landscaping is used along interior property lines, the landscaped boundary strip shall be a minimum of six feet in width and contain plantings that shall be at least three and one-half feet high capable of blocking headlight glare. Landscape buffer width between parcels with different land uses in contained in Table 17.60.170(a).

6. Completion of Landscaping. All landscaping improvements shall be completed in accordance with the approved site plan, landscaping plan, and irrigation plan and occur prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the associated structure(s). Exceptions may be permitted and certificates of occupancy issued where weather conditions prohibit the completion of required landscaping improvements. In such cases an extension period of six months is permitted but a bond shall be posted for not less than 110 percent of the value of the landscaping and shall be held until the requirements of this chapter are met.

7. Snow Stacking Capacity. Every parking lot design shall plan for a snow stacking area to accommodate the stacking volume of a four-inch snow base over the entire parking lot. [Ord. O-49-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-19-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.8)].

17.55.090 Pedestrian walkways and accesses.

Parking lots larger than 87,120 square feet shall provide raised or delineated pedestrian walkways. Walkways shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and shall be placed through the center of the parking area and extend to the entrance of the building. Landscaped islands along the center walkway shall be placed at a minimum interval of every 30 feet. Landscaped islands are encouraged to be offset from one another to create a feeling of greater coverage. Where the developer desires to have a driveway access at the center of the parking area, a pedestrian access shall be placed on either side of the driveway. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.9)].

17.55.100 Shared parking and curb cuts.

Up to 50 percent of the required parking may be shared with other required parking areas upon approval by the planning commission. The developer must show an agreement granting shared parking or mutual access to the entire parking lot in perpetuity, as well as a professional traffic engineer’s data showing that peak parking demand of all uses will not exceed parking spaces.

A. Shared Ingress and Egress. In most cases, shared parking areas shall also share ingress and egress. This requirement may be waived when the city engineer believes that shared accesses are not feasible. In reviewing the site plans the city engineer shall evaluate the need for limited access and the appropriate number of curb cuts, shared driveways or other facilities that will result in a safer, more efficient parking and circulation pattern. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.10)].

17.55.110 Required parking by land use.

This section describes criteria to be used in assessing required parking. The following criteria shall be used in conjunction with Table 17.55.120(c), Required Parking by Land Use, when determining required parking for any project.

A. Gross Square Footage. When a parking requirement is based upon square footage, the assessed parking shall be based upon gross square footage of the building or use.

B. Number of Employees. When parking requirements are based upon the number of employees, parking calculations shall use the largest number of employees who work at any one shift. Where shift changes may cause substantial overcrowding of parking facilities, additional stalls may be required.

C. Multiple Uses. When a development contains multiple uses, more than one parking requirement may be applied.

D. Fraction When Calculating. Any fraction obtained when calculating the parking requirement shall be required to add one additional parking stall.

E. No Parking Standard in Table 17.55.120(c). Where no comparative land use standard for parking is found in Table 17.55.120(c), Required Parking by Land Use, the city engineer shall make a recommendation to the planning commission. The planning commission shall then determine an appropriate parking requirement.

F. Additional Information. Any information provided by the developer relative to trip generation, hours of operation, shared parking, peak demands or other information relative to parking shall be considered when evaluating parking needs.

G. Alternative Parking Requirements. Alternative parking provisions which do not fully comply with requirements may deviate from the standards contained in Table 17.55.120(c), Required Parking by Land Use, when the planning commission determines that the deviation does not impair the service level required by this chapter. [Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) § 11.11)].

17.55.120 Tables.

Table 17.55.120(a) Dimensions for Parking Stalls and Aisles 

Parking Angle

Stall Width

Stall Length

Aisle Width*

Aisle Width**





















* Two-way traffic only

** One-way traffic only


Table 17.55.120(b) 

Total Number of Parking Spaces Provided in Parking Facility

(per facility)

Column A

Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces

(car and van)

Column B

Minimum Number of Van-Accessible Parking Spaces

(1st ADA space and then 1 out of every 6 accessible spaces provided thereafter)

1 to 25



26 to 50



51 to 75



76 to 100



101 to 150



151 to 200



201 to 300



301 to 400



401 to 500



501 to 1,000

2% of total parking provided in each lot or structure

1/6 of Column A*

1,001 and over

20 plus 1 for each 100 spaces over 1000

1/6 of Column A*

*One out of every 6 accessible spaces


Table 17.55.120(c) Required Parking by Land Use 

Land Uses

Parking Standard


Single-Family Dwellings

2 stalls per dwelling unit enclosed in garages

Two-Family Dwellings

2 stalls per dwelling unit with 1 space per unit to be within a fully enclosed garage


2 stalls per dwelling unit (not in tandem configuration) plus 1 guest parking space per 3 dwelling units. 1 space per unit to be within a fully enclosed garage


2 stalls per dwelling unit plus 1 guest parking space per 3 dwelling units

PUD or Cluster Home Development

2 stalls per dwelling unit enclosed in garages plus 1 guest parking space per 3 dwelling units

Residential Care Facilities for Elderly Persons

1 stall per 4 beds plus 1 for each employee during regular hours

Residential Facility for Persons with a Disability (Group Home)

1 stall per patient bed



1 stall per 20 sq. ft. in main assembly room

Parks and Playgrounds

To be determined by the planning director and planning commission (see city parks and open space master plan)


Agriculture/Farm Industry

To be determined by the planning commission

Automotive Service Stations

1 stall per 500 sq. ft. of gross finished floor area plus 2 stalls per service bay

Child Day Care Center/Preschool*

1 stall per staff member plus 1 stall per 10 children

Convenience Store

1 stall per 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Grocery Store and Deli

1 stall for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area for building greater than 10,000 sq. ft.

Health/Fitness Club

1 stall per 150 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Hotel, Motel, Bed and Breakfast

1 stall per sleeping unit, plus 1 stall for each employee on duty, and 1 stall for every 200 sq. ft. of banquet/meeting rooms or restaurant space within the building


1 stall per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Light Manufacturing

1 stall per person employed on highest employee shift

Lumber and Hardware

1 stall for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area for building greater than 10,000 sq. ft.

Meeting/Reception Rooms

1 stall per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Office and Professional

1 stall per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Other Business

1 stall per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Printing and Publishing

1 stall per person employed on highest employee shift

Retail Establishment

Minimum = 1 stall for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area for buildings; Maximum = 1 stall for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area for buildings


1 stall per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Restaurants (Fast Food/Drive-Thru)

1 stall per 125 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Research and Development

1 stall per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area


To be determined by the planning commission

Shopping Centers

1 stall for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area for building greater than 10,000 sq. ft.

Warehouse and Distribution

1 stall per 2,000 sq. ft. for first 20,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area plus 1 stall per 4,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area thereafter

* Not required of day care/preschool operated from a residence with a home business license.

[Ord. O-34-2024 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-46-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-05-2019 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-04-2015 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-23-2005 § 3 (Exh. 1(1) Tables 11.1 – 11.3)].