Chapter 18.45


18.45.010    C-1 commercial zone established.

18.45.020    Permitted and conditional uses.

18.45.030    Permitted accessory uses.

18.45.040    Lot area.

18.45.050    Lot width.

18.45.060    Lot frontage.

18.45.070    Setback requirements.

18.45.080    Building height.

18.45.090    Signs.

18.45.100    Trash, material storage, and pollution.

18.45.110    Landscaping.

18.45.120    Grading and drainage.

18.45.130    Utilities.

18.45.140    Architectural design and materials.

18.45.150    Buffers, fences and walls.

18.45.160    Parking areas.

18.45.170    Service and loading areas.

18.45.180    Outdoor lighting.

18.45.190    General maintenance.

18.45.200    Highway access.

18.45.010 C-1 commercial zone established.

The commercial zone, hereinafter also referred to as the C-1 zone, is established to encourage commercial and retail development. Businesses that provide services directly to the residents of Francis will be highly encouraged. Transportation and other concerns may limit the types of businesses approved in the C-1 zone. The provisions contained herein should be used to encourage greater integrity and aesthetic improvements as these areas are developed and improved. Integrated and coordinated landscaping, parking, ingress, egress, signing and building design should be encouraged. New construction should be in harmony with the characteristics of the surrounding developed commercial and residential areas. The uses characteristic of this zone will be small retail and service stores and shops. Parking must conform to Chapter 18.100 FCC and is encouraged to be located behind the building.

Special approval procedures, landscaping requirements and design guidelines are applicable in the C-1 zone. These regulations can be found in Chapter 18.115 FCC. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3, 1993.)

18.45.020 Permitted and conditional uses.


Type: C-1 Use



Use Permit

Business License

Accessory structure unoccupied

Athletic club or recreational facility


Automotive body/paint repair establishment, welding and blacksmith shops


Banking, financial services

Bar, tavern, lounge as per Utah State Code


Barber shops and hair salons

Bed and breakfast

Bowling alley


Cabinet shop


Child care for business



Cinema, indoor


Computers/electronics sales and repair


Convenience goods, sales


Dry cleaning establishment


Equipment rental, light


Furniture sales, new and used


Gas stations


Health care center, hospital

Home occupation as regulated by business license and Chapter 18.80 FCC




Indoor/outdoor recreational facility

Large animal clinic

Landscape services



Liquor store, FCC 18.15.110


Lumber sales and storage

Manufacturing, compounding, processing, fabrication and warehousing of goods and materials. Only within fully enclosed warehouses with retail fronts; set back a minimum of 150 feet from state roads.






Office and professional, retail shops larger than 20,000 square feet

Office and professional, retail shops smaller than 20,000 square feet


Packaging and delivery services


Pet grooming




Photo lab/studio




Reception center


Religious structures and related activities



Repair services, small app.


Restaurant, fast food, drive through


Restaurant, cafe


Retail sales and service


Retail grocery store larger than 20,000 square feet

Retail grocery store smaller than 20,000 square feet


School, preschool, private school


Small animal clinic

Surplus, secondhand store

Theater, concert hall

(Ord. 2021-15 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 2008- § 5.3.2, 2008; Ord. 1999-1 § 5.3.1, 1999; Ord. 66 §§ 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 1993.).

18.45.030 Permitted accessory uses.

Accessory uses and structures are permitted in the C-1 zone provided they are incidental to, and do not alter, the character of the permitted principal use or structure. Such permitted uses and structures include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, equipment storage buildings and supply storage buildings which are customarily incidental to a principal use or structure permitted in the C-1 zone.

2. Storage of materials used for construction of buildings, including the contractor’s temporary office; provided, that such use be located on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto; and provided further, that such use shall be permitted only during the construction period. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.3, 1993.)

18.45.040 Lot area.

There shall be no minimum lot area requirements in the C-1 zone except as may be dictated by off-street parking requirements, adequate circulation, and property site utilization. Lot area requirements shall be determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2017-04 § 1, 2017; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 1999-1 § 5.3.4, 1999; Ord. 66 § 5.3.4, 1993.)

18.45.050 Lot width.

There shall be no requirements for lot width, provided all requirements of necessary parking regulations can be satisfied. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.5, 1993.)

18.45.060 Lot frontage.

Each lot or parcel of land in the C-1 zone shall have frontage on a public or private street for a minimum distance of 35 feet. (Ord. 2022-01 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.6, 1993.)

18.45.070 Setback requirements.

The following setback requirements shall apply in the C-1 zone:

1. Each structure in the C-1 zone shall be located at least 10 feet from the front property line.

2. Each structure in the C-1 zone shall be located at least zero feet from the nearest building or parcel and 15 feet when adjoining existing residence.

3. Each structure in the C-1 zone shall be located at least zero feet from the rear property line and 20 feet when adjoining existing residence. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 1999-1 § 5.3.7, 1999; Ord. 66 § 5.3.7, 1993.)

18.45.080 Building height.

Buildings in the C-1 zone shall not exceed 45 feet in height, unless an express exception in FCC 18.15.100 applies, nor exceed the recommendation of the South Summit Fire District. (Ord. 2024-07 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 2024-03 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.8, 1993.)

18.45.090 Signs.

All signs erected in the C-1 zone shall be in conformance with the sign provisions of Chapter 18.105 FCC. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.10, 1993. Formerly 18.45.100.)

18.45.100 Trash, material storage, and pollution.

No trash, used or raw materials, wrecked or nonoperational or abandoned vehicles or equipment shall be stored in an open area or yard. All such materials must be screened from public streets and adjacent property located with an opaque fence or wall, or must be stored within an enclosed building. All trash storage areas shall be screened and hidden from the public or adjoining residential area view by appropriate fencing or landscaping methods and placed in a rear area of the main building if possible. No hazardous materials, chemicals or oils/solvents shall be stored in areas that do not meet Health Department regulations or are accessible to the public. Trash storage plans must be presented to the Planning Commission or Planning Department for approval, as applicable, prior to issuance of a building permit.

Any use which emits or discharges gases, fumes, dust, glare, noise or other pollutants into the atmosphere in amounts which exceed the standards as prescribed by the Utah State Air Conservation Board or the Board of Health and any use which emits or discharges liquids or solid material onto the soil or water in amounts which result in pollutants entering ground water in amounts exceeding the standards prescribed by the Utah State Water Pollution Control Board or the Board of Health shall be prohibited. (Ord. 2021-15 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.11, 1993. Formerly 18.45.110.)

18.45.110 Landscaping.

Landscaping guidelines are established to maintain the site qualities that exist in the C-1 zone area and minimize alteration, removal, or degradation of landscaping that currently exists in the area.

1. No plans for any building, structure or other improvements shall be approved by the Planning Commission unless there shall also have been submitted separate landscape plans satisfactory to the Planning Commission.

2. All submitted landscape plans shall be designed to encourage water conservation as a primary consideration. Lawn shall not be installed in park strips, paths, or on slopes greater than 25 percent or 4:1 grade. Lawn areas shall not exceed 20 percent of the total landscaped area, outside of areas of the landscape dedicated to active play where lawn may be used as the playing surface (e.g., sports fields and play areas).

3. Landscaping in accordance with the plans submitted must be installed within 30 days following the occupancy of the site or as otherwise approved by the Planning Commission as seasonal conditions may dictate.

4. The land area not occupied by buildings, structures, hard surfacing, vehicular driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be kept in a weed-free condition or landscaped, as approved by the Planning Commission.

5. The developer shall bond for such landscape improvements to ensure that installations are completed as submitted and approved. Performance assurance requirements for landscape improvements shall be the same as required by the City for street improvements.

6. Plant Materials.

a. Sixty percent medium trees and shrubs in a combination with deciduous trees with a caliper from two to three inches and evergreen trees with a height from five to eight feet.

b. Forty percent small trees and shrubs in a combination with deciduous trees with a caliper of one and one-half to two inches and evergreen trees with a height of four feet.

c. Where possible, a 50/50 mix of deciduous and evergreen tree species shall be used for on-site landscaping.

d. Street trees with a minimum two-inch caliper shall be installed along all public rights-of-way by the developer of the property. The species, type, location, and spacing of trees shall be as shown on the approved landscape plan.

e. Street trees with a minimum two-inch caliper shall be installed along all public rights-of-way by the developer of the property. The species, type, location, and spacing of trees shall be as shown on the approved landscape plan.

7. Installation. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to grade, place topsoil, seed, sod, install sprinkler irrigation systems, and properly plant trees, shrubs, and other approved plant materials.

8. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to properly maintain landscaped areas including watering, mowing, pruning, fertilizing, and the removal and replacement of dead plant materials in a timely manner. Pruning trees for exposure is prohibited.

9. Vegetation Removal. Removed vegetation shall be replaced with equal or better quality plant materials. Trees that are necessarily removed shall be replaced with trees with comparable total caliper. Street trees that are necessarily removed shall be replaced with comparable individual caliper as approved by the Planning Division.

When utility connections or other disturbances are made to existing landscaped areas the existing landscaping must be replaced to its previous condition. Other modification of landscaped areas shall require approval by the City Planner. (Ord. 2023-08 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.13, 1993. Formerly 18.45.120.)

18.45.120 Grading and drainage.

Drainage from any lot must follow current Francis City requirements. Drainage shall not be allowed to flow upon adjoining lots unless an easement for such purpose has been granted by the owner of the lot upon which the water flows.

A site plan with grading, drainage, and clearing plans must be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council before any such activities may begin. Lot grading shall be kept to a minimum. Where possible, roads and development shall be designed for preservation of natural grade. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.14, 1993. Formerly 18.45.130.)

18.45.130 Utilities.

All utility lines shall be underground in designated easements. No pipe, conduit, cable, line for water, gas, sewage, drainage, steam, electricity or any other energy or service shall be installed or maintained upon any lot (outside of any building) above the surface of the ground except for hoses, movable pipes used for irrigation or other purpose during construction.

1. Transformers shall be grouped with other utility meters where possible and screened with vegetation or other appropriate method.

2. Each contractor and owner/developer shall be responsible to know the whereabouts of all underground utilities. Protection of such utilities shall also be their responsibility.

3. Prior to construction, contact must be made with Blue Stakes to identify underground utility lines.

4. Each development shall be required to be serviced by City water and sewer unless expressly approved by the City Council. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.15, 1993. Formerly 18.45.140.)

18.45.140 Architectural design and materials.

The treatment of building mass, materials and exterior appurtenances shall create an aesthetically pleasing building and site that is in character with the proportions of other surrounding developments. Proposed developments shall be designed with a common theme that reflects the heritage and community of Francis City. Themes shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council and may include but are not limited to agricultural or mountain tourism. Requirements applicable to all buildings are stated below:

1. All sides of buildings shall receive equal design consideration, particularly where exposed to vehicular traffic and adjacent properties. Facade shifts shall be encouraged on structures with a width greater than 50 feet or at neighboring property lines.

2. Basic materials shall be limited to no more than three types of materials per building and all buildings within the development shall possess a similar architectural theme. Building styles shall be compatible with existing buildings in the C-1 zone.

3. Buildings shall be designed to relate to grade conditions with a minimum of grading and exposed foundation walls.

4. Mechanical equipment shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from public and private streets. Screens shall be aesthetically incorporated into the design of the building whether located on the ground or on the roof. Screen materials shall be compatible with those of the building.

5. Plans for the exterior modifications to any existing structures must be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval and must meet the same requirements as all other structures within the C-1 zone. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.16, 1993. Formerly 18.45.150.)

18.45.150 Buffers, fences and walls.

The intent in having special buffer, fence, and wall requirements is to provide quality separation between incompatible commercial uses, and to provide physical and visual protection between commercial and residential uses.

Landscape buffers are preferred over fences and walls where a separation is desirable. A visually open look should be encouraged between similar uses. Visual screening is often more important than a physical separation and the Planning Commission or City Council may, at its own option, require special treatment of such areas.

Buffer treatment may be required whenever a change occurs between residential and nonresidential uses. Additional landscaping and screening may be required at the discretion of the Planning Commission and City Council within the setback which separates the uses. Fences or walls will be reviewed for their effectiveness in screening a view, and for their color and texture in relationship to building materials.

Where differing uses are to be developed adjacent to existing residential areas, special consideration shall be made to protect the privacy of residents and requirements shall be at the discretion of the Planning Commission and City Council. As a minimum, the negative effects of noise and artificial lighting shall be minimized to protect existing residents. Outdoor lighting must meet the requirements of Chapter 18.118 FCC, Commercial Outdoor Lighting.

Service areas shall be properly screened. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to prevent exposure of light source to the view of residents. Facilities that require late-night customers and activities shall be located away from residential areas to reasonably prevent disruption of privacy. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.17, 1993. Formerly 18.45.160.)

18.45.160 Parking areas.

Parking areas must meet the requirements of Chapter 18.100 FCC, Off-Street Parking.

All parking spaces and driveways shall be paved with asphaltic cement or concrete, and shall be provided with adequate drainage which shall not run across a public sidewalk. Parking spaces shall not be provided within a required front or side setback.

Parking areas shall be considered as structures since they present a three-dimensional appearance when occupied.

1. Location of parking shall be determined not only from its visual relationship to building and site, but also as it relates to safe convenient pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns. The placing of building and parking elements on a site shall be evaluated by the Planning Commission and City Council on the basis of the following factors:

a. Type of land use and structure.

b. Building height and configuration.

c. Relationship to other buildings both horizontally and vertically.

d. Natural land features such as slopes and vegetation.

e. Physical features such as rail lines, canals, and controlled ingress and egress.

f. Visibility from vehicular approaches and distant highways.

g. Parking is strongly encouraged to be located on the side and to the rear of any proposed structures, with minimum parking between the front of the building and the street.

2. Parking shall not occur adjacent to any public street except when:

a. It has been established that such a location is needed or justified by other site conditions or building entrance orientation.

b. The use is restricted to visitors and/or key employees.

c. Parking is 80 percent screened by fencing, walls, and/or landscaping from the highway or street by either depressing the paved areas or using elevated landscape berms.

d. A minimum of 10 feet of landscaped screening consisting of mixed evergreen and deciduous trees shall surround the periphery of paved areas adjacent to buildings or property lines. The number of trees for this area shall be determined by a standard of one tree per every 200 square feet of landscaping required. (Ord. 2021-15 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.18, 1993. Formerly 18.45.170.)

18.45.170 Service and loading areas.

Loading and refuse collection areas shall not be permitted between buildings and streets, and must be screened from view of public and private streets. Streets shall not be used directly for loading, unloading, or refuse collection. Building and improvements upon lots must be designed to properly accommodate loading, unloading and refuse collection. Loading and refuse collection areas shall be properly screened meeting standards stated herein. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.19, 1993. Formerly 18.45.180.)

18.45.180 Outdoor lighting.

Outdoor lighting must meet the requirements of Chapter 18.118 FCC, Commercial Outdoor Lighting. For parking lot lighting, pole-mounted fixtures are recommended. Lighting of all pedestrian pathways is recommended. Lighting of a building and site identification signs are permitted as allowed by this title.

Lighting will be judged as to how adequately it meets its intended purpose. Design and location of standards and fixtures shall be specified on the site development drawings. All streetlights shall be shoebox design type fixtures and installed as required by the street lighting policy. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.20, 1993. Formerly 18.45.190.)

18.45.190 General maintenance.

An overall maintenance schedule shall be implemented by property owners in maintaining all buildings, landscaping, fences, walls, drives, parking lots (including surfacing and striping, signs, or other structures). The above shall be maintained in good and sufficient repair in a safe and aesthetically pleasing manner. Roads and pavements shall be kept true to line and grade and in good repair. Drainage ditches shall be kept clean and free of any obstacles. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.21, 1993. Formerly 18.45.200.)

18.45.200 Highway access.

All access from state roads shall be in accordance with the master street plan for Francis City. Access for this zone shall be made from a properly designed and landscaped frontage road or as otherwise approved by Francis City and UDOT. (Ord. 2021-02 § 2 (Exh. B), 2021; Ord. 2016-09 § 1, 2016; Ord. 66 § 5.3.22, 1993. Formerly 18.45.210.)