Chapter 10.15


10.15.010    Purpose.

10.15.020    Definitions.

10.15.030    Area designation authority.

10.15.040    Area designation criteria.

10.15.050    Area designation process.

10.15.060    Area designation city engineer actions.

10.15.070    Signs and markings in designated areas.

10.15.080    Parking permit application term.

10.15.090    Parking permit fees.

10.15.100    Parking permit issuance conditions.

10.15.110    Parking permit display required.

10.15.120    Parking permit activities permitted.

10.15.130    Temporary visitor permits.

10.15.140    Parking permit revocation conditions.

10.15.150    Enlargement of area.

10.15.160    Removal of area designation or deletion of streets.

10.15.170    Modification of regulations.

10.15.180    Emergency procedures and temporary parking permit area.

10.15.190    Unlawful activities penalty.

10.15.010 Purpose.

(1) There exist certain entities within the city, such as a hospital, a high school and other entities, which construct and use large buildings or public facilities. These entities attract commuters seeking parking in nearby areas which are predominantly residential and business in nature. The increased demand often creates a severe shortage of street parking for residents and businesses in such areas.

(2) This chapter authorizes a program and implementing procedural system by which residents and businesses within qualifying areas may receive preferential treatment when competing with commuter vehicles for available on-street parking in predominantly residential neighborhoods of the city. The enactment of a preferential parking permit program administered by the city engineer and implemented and operated by the mayor or designee can address the adverse effect of motor vehicle congestion caused by the long-term parking of commuter vehicles within these areas by:

(a) Increasing access to residents and businesses;

(b) Increasing traffic/pedestrian safety by reducing traffic congestion;

(c) Reducing the adverse environmental impacts on an area created by excessive air and noise pollution and the accumulation of trash and refuse on public streets;

(d) Encouraging the use of mass transit, carpooling and other alternative modes of transportation by reducing commuter vehicle traffic that originates from outside the permit area and has no apparent relation to area residents and businesses;

(e) Promoting the tranquility, safety, health and welfare of area inhabitants, which are desirable attributes associated with a positive urban environment. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-010.]

10.15.020 Definitions.

(1) As used in this chapter:

“Address” means the street number and applicable apartment/condominium number for each dwelling unit, business, or other use. Each apartment or commercial unit is regarded as a unique address.

“Area” refers, irrespective of zoning, to a geographical region, not necessarily contiguous, where residents dwell and businesses may operate.

“Area business” means any professional establishment or nonresident property owner whose business property is located within a city parking permit area.

“Area permittee” means an area resident or an area business which has received from the transportation division an authorized area regular permit or an authorized seasonal city permit.

“Area regular permit” or “regular permit pass” means a city-issued pass for assignment to vehicles under the legal control of area residents and businesses.

“Area resident” means any person who dwells or resides within a parking permit area.

“Area seasonal permit” means a city-issued pass for assignment to vehicles under the legal control of area residents and businesses of a seasonal city permit area.

“Area vehicle” means a vehicle that originates from inside a permit area and is under the control of area residents or area business owners and includes automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, or other motor-driven forms of transportation. It does not include boats and trailers.

“City permit area” or “parking permit area” means any officially designated permit parking area within the corporate limits of Riverton City wherein motor vehicles displaying a valid permit as described herein shall be exempt from parking regulations or restrictions solely applicable to commuter vehicles.

“City permit program” means Riverton City’s permit parking program, as a whole, administered by the city engineer and operated by the mayor or designee pursuant to the provisions and regulations of this chapter.

“Commuter vehicle” means a motor vehicle parked in a city permit parking area that: (a) is not under the control of an area resident, business owner or property owner, and (b) does not bear a permit for the designated area.

“Declaration” is the final action taken by the city engineer setting the conditions for either approval or denial of the proposed city permit area.

“Dwelling” means a building, or portion thereof, which is designated for residential purposes. Such dwelling must bear an address assigned by the city engineer. The number of independent dwelling units recognized therein shall not exceed the number authorized under permit for zoning.

“Emergency parking situation” means a parking situation that, in the reasonable opinion of the city engineer, causes a threat to the tranquility, safety, health or welfare of inhabitants of a city neighborhood that will be addressed by implementing temporary permit parking procedures. An emergency situation may include, but is not limited to, the use of a facility within or adjoining a neighborhood that in the reasonable opinion of the city engineer: (a) is likely to result in the neighborhood qualifying as a city parking permit area or a seasonal city parking permit area, whether such use is governmental or otherwise, (b) which use appears to the city engineer to be inimical to one or more of the objectives of the city permit parking program as set forth in RCC 10.15.010(2) or its successor, and (c) where such use can be identified, forecast and is repetitive.

“Guest permit” means the portable card stock placard issued by Riverton City to area residents and area businesses for use on vehicles under the legal control of guests, customers and/or clients during periods when persons operating said vehicles are actually visiting or engaged in business at the permittee’s address not to exceed two days per visit.

“Lease” means that a person pays rent or other remuneration for use of a parcel of real property as such person’s residence or place of business.

“Owns” means that a person has at least one-fourth of the fee or equitable interest in a parcel of real property within a city permit parking area.

“Permit vehicle” refers to any vehicle properly displaying area regular, area seasonal, guest, or temporary visitor permit, issued by the city for authorized use on such vehicles.

“Permit year” refers to the 12-month period set for the administration of a city permit area, including the expiration and renewal of permit area regular and guest permits.

“Program” means and shall refer to the process of designation, administration and enforcement of all city parking permit areas and regulations established by the city engineer pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

“Regular permit pass” means a pass card issued by the city for assignment to vehicles under the legal control of area residents and area businesses.

“Resident” means a person who resides in the city parking permit area on a regular basis.

“Seasonal city permit area” or “seasonal city parking permit area” means an area which meets the criteria for a city permit area as set forth in RCC 10.15.040 except that the 25 percent or higher occupancy by commuter vehicles is the result of special events occurring continually over a period of less than nine months and more than two months each year.

“Temporary city parking permit area” means a city parking permit area established on a temporary basis pursuant to RCC 10.15.180 or its successor.

“Temporary visitor permit” means the temporary disposable paper permit issued for a predetermined length of time, not to exceed 45 days, to area residents and area businesses for use on vehicles under the legal control of service persons, operators of construction vehicles or equipment, and long-term visitors at the area permittee’s address.

(2) The masculine form, as used in this chapter, if applicable as shown by the context thereof, shall also apply to a female person. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-020.]

10.15.030 Area designation authority.

The city engineer may consider for designation as a city permit parking area any area which satisfies the threshold criteria established below. Where he deems it necessary and appropriate to accomplish the legislative intent and objectives, the city engineer may then designate by declaration any qualified area as an approved city permit parking area in which motor vehicles displaying a valid area parking permit may stand or be parked without limitations imposed on commuter vehicles by the parking regulations in the area. Such declaration shall also state the applicable parking regulations and the fees to be charged for permit issuance. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-030.]

10.15.040 Area designation criteria.

(1) General Criteria. The city engineer is empowered by this chapter to review, approve, and designate parking areas within Riverton City for which a permit is required for operators of motor vehicles to park said vehicles on city streets. An area shall be deemed eligible for consideration as a city permit parking area if the city engineer determines, after evaluation of applicable surveys and traffic studies, that the qualified area is adversely affected by commuter vehicles for any extended period(s) during the day or night, on weekends or holidays.

(2) Specific Factors. In determining alleged adverse effects upon an area, the city engineer shall analyze and evaluate factors which include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) The extent of the desire and perception of need by the residents for permit parking as evidenced by receipt of verified petitions or ballots as required herein;

(b) The extent to which legal on-street parking spaces are occupied by motor vehicles during any given time period; and

(c) The extent to which vehicles parking in the area during the period proposed for parking regulations are commuter vehicles rather than resident vehicles.

(3) Threshold Technical Criteria. The city engineer may, pursuant to the provisions hereunder, consider for designation as a city permit parking area an area whose streets (or portions thereof) qualify by satisfying the following eligibility criteria:

(a) Seventy percent or more of the parking capacity is repeatedly occupied for a significant period of a business day or weekend day;

(b) Such occupancy continues for any consecutive two-hour period and such occupancy rate occurs at least three days per week during weekdays at least six months per year. If the recommendation is for designation of a seasonal city permit area, the occupancy occurs over a period of more than two months and fewer than six months;

(c) Twenty-five percent of the vehicles occupying the on-street spaces are other than area vehicles;

(d) The area subject to review by the city engineer consists of curb space fronting a minimum of six standard block faces geographically located within the proposed permit area; and

(e) The city engineer finds the proposed permit area will not, to a significant extent, transfer the commuter vehicle parking problem to a different adjacent area should the area under consideration be designated permit parking. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-040.]

10.15.050 Area designation process.

(1) Upon receipt of information that a permit parking program may be appropriate for an area within Riverton City, the city engineer shall, as soon as practicable and consistent with scheduling constraints, fix a time, date and location for a public hearing to consider whether to designate the proposed area of city permit parking area where curb parking is restricted or allowed by permit only. Said hearing shall also be conducted for comment and analysis to determine the boundaries as well as the appropriate area rules and regulations, parking restrictions, issuance of permits, fees and other pertinent matters.

(2) At least 10 days prior to the hearing date, written notice of the public hearing(s) provided for herein shall be: (a) published in a newspaper of general circulation, (b) posted not more than 400 feet apart along the streets proposed in the permit area, and (c) mailed to the listed residents, owners and those institutions known to the city to generate a significant volume of commuter parking in the neighborhood. The notice shall clearly state the purpose of the hearing, the location of the hearing, the proposed boundaries of the permit area, the proposed permit fee schedules and formulas for issuance, and the location where the city-generated documents in support of this evaluation process are on file and available for public review.

(3) Any interested party shall be entitled to appear and be heard on the proposal, subject only to reasonable rules of order that may be established by the city engineer. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-050.]

10.15.060 Area designation city engineer actions.

(1) Within 30 days following the hearing, the city engineer shall deny or approve the designation of a city permit parking area as he deems justified under the objectives and procedures above. The city engineer shall reduce his decision to writing in the form of a report that shall be filed with the city recorder, which includes a description of the appropriate permit parking area, if one is found to meet the criteria described in this chapter. The report filed by the city engineer shall be made available to any interested party upon request.

(2) The city engineer’s report shall include:

(a) Significant subjects and concerns raised at the public hearing conducted;

(b) The findings relative to those designation criteria deemed applicable to the city permit area;

(c) Conclusions as to whether the findings, including testimony obtained at the public hearing, justify preferential permit parking for the area under consideration;

(d) The city engineer’s approval (or denial) of the proposed permit parking area, and, if approved:

(i) The proposed boundaries of the city parking permit area;

(ii) The proposed parking regulations, including administrative provisions for issuing permits; and

(iii) An implementation schedule indicating when the new permit parking area will become effective.

(3) If the city engineer approves creation of a city permit parking area, a declaration of designation shall be prepared as an administrative regulation establishing the program for the area, including the boundaries, parking regulations, fees, and other pertinent matters, for its administration and implementation. The declaration shall be mailed to each listed address in the area’s designated boundaries. The city shall promptly implement the program pursuant to the schedule. If the city engineer denies the creation of a city permit parking area, a notice of such denial shall be mailed to each listed address in the area’s designated boundaries.

(4) Information generated through the original designation process and the designation criteria set forth in this chapter shall also be utilized by the city engineer in determining whether to remove any particular existing city permit parking area or portion thereof from designated status and participation in the program.

(5) Action by the city engineer in creating, deleting or modifying the boundaries applicable in city parking permit areas under this chapter shall be final. However, the city council may agree to review and to modify such decision(s) by a vote of at least four of its members.

(6) The city engineer’s decision shall be stayed by the filing of a written objection requesting city council review, provided the objection is filed within 15 days of the filing of the report. The objection shall specify grounds upon which council review is justified. If accepted for review, the matter shall be scheduled for public hearing before the city council, with the mailing of 10 days’ written notice thereof to the appellant, petitioner of record and the city engineer. An objection failing to receive the necessary votes for review shall be deemed an affirmation of the city engineer’s decision.

(7) Actions by the city engineer as to the implementation and enforcement shall be considered administrative matters. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-060.]

10.15.070 Signs and markings in designated areas.

Upon the declaration of the city engineer designating a city permit parking area, the city shall cause appropriate signs, markings and/or meters to be erected in the area, indicating prominently thereon the parking regulations, the effective date, and conditions under which permit parking shall be exempt therefrom. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-070.]

10.15.080 Parking permit application term.

Each parking permit issued by the city shall be valid for one year or portion thereof to be determined by the city, excluding visitor permits. Permits shall not be transferable, but may be renewed annually upon reapplication in the manner required by the city. Each application or reapplication for a parking permit shall contain information sufficient to identify the applicant’s identity, claim for permit eligibility, authorized residence or business within the city permit parking area, the license number of the motor vehicle for which application is made, and such other information that may be deemed relevant by the city. Applications shall be accompanied by the fee established in the declaration referred to in RCC 10.15.060. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-080.]

10.15.090 Parking permit fees.

To defray program administration costs, fees associated with the city parking permit program shall be established by the declaration of the city engineer applicable to the city permit parking area.

The fees shall be assessed by resolution of the city council for the following permits:

(1) Area regular permit for a term of one year.

(2) Area regular permit for a term of nine, 10, or 11 months.

(3) Area regular permit or area seasonal permit for a term of five, six, seven or eight months.

(4) Area seasonal permit for a term of three or four months or area regular permit for a term of one, two, three or four months. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-090.]

10.15.100 Parking permit issuance conditions.

(1) Parking permits shall be issued by a designee of the mayor. Each such permit shall be designed to state or reflect thereon the particular city permit parking area. No more than one parking permit shall be issued for each motor vehicle included on the application. The number of permits available and the manner for allocating permits between various competing resident (as opposed to commuter) vehicles, and the manner in which the process will be administered for each designated area in the program, shall be established by the city engineer’s declaration of designation.

(2) The following classifications of persons or entities (listed in order of priority) may be issued parking permits for motor vehicles under their control upon request pursuant to the allocation basis set forth in said declaration:

(a) Area residents of the city permit parking area for motor vehicles owned or controlled and regularly parked in the area by household members.

(b) Area business owners who own or lease property (and their full-time employees) within a city permit parking area for motor vehicles associated with the business use regularly parked in the area. However, no more than one parking permit may be issued for each such motor vehicle.

(c) Area residents and area businesses (and the full-time employees of area businesses) within a seasonal city permit area during the term set forth in the declaration.

(d) Guests, customers, and/or clients of city permit area residents or area businesses who may be provided guest permits by such area permitted for use on vehicles under the legal control of guests, customers and/or clients during periods when persons operating such vehicles are actually visiting or engaged in business at the area permittee’s address, for periods not to exceed two days per visit.

(e) Temporary visitors as provided by RCC 10.15.130 or its successor.

(3) Issuance of a permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated permit parking area. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-100.]

10.15.110 Parking permit display required.

Permits shall be displayed on the authorized vehicle as provided in the regulations adopted in the declaration. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-110.]

10.15.120 Parking permit activities permitted.

A motor vehicle bearing a valid parking permit displayed as provided for herein shall be permitted to stand or be parked in the permit area for which the permit has been issued without being limited by parking regulations or prohibitions solely applicable to commuter vehicles. The permit does not exempt drivers or owners from complying with general parking regulations and penalties imposed by the traffic code set out in this title, or ordinances. All other motor vehicles not displaying permits that are parked within a city permit parking area shall be subject to the commuter parking regulations adopted by such declaration authorized by this chapter, and the penalties provided for herein. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-120.]

10.15.130 Temporary visitor permits.

The mayor or designee is authorized to issue temporary visitor parking permits to residents and businesses located within designated permit areas for use of their bona fide transient visitors, service persons, and construction personnel for a limited duration not to exceed 45 days. Prior to expiration, a vehicle bearing a visitor permit shall have all the parking rights, obligations and privileges held by permanent permits. Appropriate requirements or limitations on visitor permits, methods and qualification for fees shall be recommended in each permit parking area by the mayor or designee and contained in the city engineer’s declaration. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-130.]

10.15.140 Parking permit revocation conditions.

(1) Faithful compliance with the terms of the city parking permit program is a condition subsequent to the privilege of obtaining a permit. Violation of the terms of the city parking permit area shall be deemed a forfeiture of those privileges.

(a) Any permit holder convicted for violation of this chapter may be required to surrender such permit as a part of sentencing.

(b) The city may revoke the city parking permit of any person found to be in violation of this chapter, and upon written notification thereof, the person shall surrender such permit to the city. Failure, when so requested, to surrender a city parking permit so revoked shall constitute an infraction.

(c) In the event the city has good cause to believe that any person or entity is abusing the visitor permit system described above, he shall so notify the permit holder. Any further application for a visitor permit by such person found abusing the system may be denied for a period of not more than one year.

(2) Any person aggrieved by such a determination made by the city under subsections (1)(b) and (c) of this section shall have the right to appeal to the city engineer within seven days of such determination. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-140.]

10.15.150 Enlargement of area.

Upon recommendation from the city that the designation criteria and circumstances indicate that enlargement of an existing permit parking area is warranted and appropriate, the city engineer may begin proceedings to enlarge the area by initiating the following procedure:

(1) Notice shall be given to all addresses within the proposed permit area expansion boundary of a public hearing to be held. Such notice shall be given as provided for in RCC 10.15.050.

(2) Such notice shall contain:

(a) The date, time and place of the public hearing to consider the proposed area expansion.

(b) A description of the city engineer’s intentions to enlarge the existing permit parking area.

(c) A listing of the streets (or portions thereof) proposed to be added to the existing permit parking area.

(d) A listing of the rules and regulations proposed for governing the enlarged permit parking area, including the issuance of permits and fees.

(3) The hearing shall be conducted as provided under RCC 10.15.050(3). The city engineer shall take into account the factors justifying the permit parking area expansion in accordance with RCC 10.15.040(3), with the exception that the requirement stated in RCC 10.15.040(3)(d) shall not be considered.

(4) Within 30 days of the public hearing, the city engineer shall approve or deny the proposed permit area enlargement. The city engineer shall reduce his decision to writing in the form of a report that shall be filed with the city recorder and made available to any interested party upon request. The report shall follow the format outlined in RCC 10.15.060(2).

(5) If the permit parking area enlargement is approved, a declaration of expansion shall be prepared and distributed using the criteria outlined in RCC 10.15.060(3). Criteria contained in RCC 10.15.060(4) through (7) shall apply. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-150.]

10.15.160 Removal of area designation or deletion of streets.

Upon receipt of information that the designation criteria and circumstances indicate that removal of permit designation from an entire permit parking area is warranted and appropriate, the city engineer may begin proceedings to delete a permit parking area or selected streets of a permit parking area by initiating the following procedure:

(1) By giving notice to all addresses within the boundary of the permit parking area proposed to be wholly removed from permit parking designation, or within the boundary of an existing permit parking area where certain streets (or portions thereof) are proposed to be deleted from the permit parking area, that a public hearing is to be held to consider this action. Such notice shall be given as provided for in RCC 10.15.050.

(2) Such notice shall contain:

(a) The date, time and place of the public hearing to consider the proposed removal or deletion.

(b) A description of the city engineer’s intention to remove from designation a permit parking area or to delete certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing permit parking area.

(c) A listing of the streets (or portions thereof) proposed for removal from designation or deletion from a permit parking area.

(3) The hearing shall be conducted as provided under RCC 10.15.050. The city engineer shall take into account the factors justifying the proposed removal of area permit parking designation or the proposed deletion of certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing permit parking area.

(4) Within 30 days of the public hearing, the city engineer shall approve or deny the proposed removal from permit designation of an entire permit parking area or the proposed deletion of certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing permit parking area. The city engineer shall reduce his decision in writing in the form of a report that shall be filed with the city recorder and made available to any interested party upon request. The city engineer’s report shall include:

(a) Significant subjects and concerns raised at the public hearing conducted;

(b) The findings relative to those designation criteria and circumstances which indicate whether or not removal from designation or the deletion of certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing city permit parking area is warranted;

(c) Conclusion as to whether the findings, including testimony obtained at the public hearing, justify the removal from designation or the deletion of certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing city permit area;

(d) The city engineer’s approval (or denial) of the proposed removal or deletion;

(e) If approved, an implementation schedule for removal or deletion.

(5) If permit parking area designation is removed from an entire area or if the deletion of certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing permit parking area is approved, a declaration of removal shall be prepared and distributed using the criteria outlined in RCC 10.15.060(3). Criteria contained in subsections RCC 10.15.060(4) through (7) shall apply.

In the case of deleting certain streets (or portions thereof) from an existing permit parking area, the area declaration of designation shall be amended to reflect the approved deletion. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-160.]

10.15.170 Modification of regulations.

Upon an initial finding by the city engineer that circumstances warrant modification to regulations or restrictions governing an existing permit parking area, the city engineer may begin proceedings to make such modifications by initiating the following procedure:

(1) Notice shall be given to all addresses within the boundary of the existing permit area that a public hearing shall be held. Such notice shall be given as provided for in RCC 10.15.050.

(2) Such notice shall contain:

(a) The date, time and place of the public hearing to consider the proposed area modifications.

(b) A description of the city engineer’s proposed modifications to the existing permit parking area.

(c) A listing of the streets (or portions thereof) that will be affected by the proposed modifications.

(3) The hearing shall be conducted as provided under RCC 10.15.050(3). The city engineer shall take into account the factors justifying the proposed modifications/changes to rules, regulations and/or restrictions governing the existing parking permit area.

(4) Within 30 days of the public hearing, the city engineer shall approve or deny the proposed modification(s) to the permit area. Should the modification(s) be approved, the city shall implement the change(s) as soon as is practicable, consistent with scheduling constraints. The permit area declaration of designation shall also be amended to reflect the new, approved modification(s) to the area rules, regulations and/or restrictions. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-170.]

10.15.180 Emergency procedures and temporary parking permit area.

In the event the city engineer determines that an emergency parking situation exists, the city engineer may implement procedures for the establishment of a temporary city permit parking area. Such procedures shall, at a minimum, include:

(1) Conducting an informal public meeting as soon as is practicable after the determination of the emergency situation. The purposes of the meeting are to allow the city engineer an opportunity to announce to the public the city engineer’s determination of the emergency situation and of the details of the city engineer’s proposal regarding the establishment of a temporary city permit parking area and of temporary regulations pertaining thereto and to allow verbal public comment at said meeting and continuing written comment thereafter regarding said determination and proposals. The city engineer shall give whatever informal notice of said meeting to the residents, business owners and property owners of the proposed temporary city parking permit area the city engineer deems appropriate under the circumstances. Such notice may include the distribution of flyers throughout the said area. The formal notice requirements of section RCC 10.15.050 or its successor shall not apply to this informal meeting.

(2) Following the informal meeting and receiving the comments from those in attendance, the city engineer shall make whatever further review and modifications of the proposed temporary city parking permit area and proposed temporary regulations the city engineer may deem appropriate or the city engineer may abandon the proposal. If the city engineer determines to proceed with the proposal after such further review, the city engineer shall reduce such decision to writing in the form of a report that shall be filed with the city recorder and made available to any interested party upon request. Said report shall include:

(a) Significant subjects and concerns raised at the informal meeting conducted;

(b) Preliminary findings and conclusions justifying the implementation of the temporary city parking permit area and temporary regulations and a declaration of the emergency parking situation;

(c) The boundaries of the temporary city parking permit area;

(d) The parking regulations, including administrative provisions for issuing permits; and

(e) An implementation schedule indicating when the temporary city parking permit area will become effective.

(3) No such temporary city parking permit area or temporary regulations shall remain in effect for more than 180 days.

(4) No later than 90 days following the effective date of implementing the temporary city parking permit area, the city engineer shall put into place procedures for the possible designation of a regularly approved city parking permit area as provided in this chapter, to take the place of the temporary city parking permit area.

(5) The city engineer shall have discretion to make adjustments as the city engineer may deem appropriate to the boundaries of the temporary city parking permit area and to the temporary parking regulations during the period that the temporary city parking permit area and temporary regulations are in effect. The city engineer shall reduce such adjustments to writing in the form of amendments to the previously issued report, which amendments shall be filed with the city recorder and made available to any interested party upon request. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-175.]

10.15.190 Unlawful activities penalty.

(1) It is unlawful and a violation of this chapter, unless expressly provided to the contrary herein, for any person to stand or park a motor vehicle or to cause the same to be done contrary to the parking regulations established pursuant hereto. Such violation shall be punishable as an infraction.

(2) It is unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person to falsely represent himself as eligible for a parking permit, or to furnish false information in an application therefor to the city. Such violation shall constitute a class B misdemeanor.

(3) It is unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person holding a valid parking permit issued pursuant hereto to permit the use or display of such permit on a motor vehicle other than that for which the permit is issued. Such conduct shall constitute an unlawful act and violation of this chapter, both by the person holding the valid parking permit and the person who so uses or displays the permit on a motor vehicle other than that for which it is issued. Such violation shall be punishable as an infraction.

(4) It is unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person to copy, produce or otherwise bring into existence a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit in order to evade parking regulations applicable in a city permit parking area. Such violation shall constitute a class B misdemeanor. [Ord. 09-09 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-1-180.]