Chapter 18.160


18.160.010    Purpose.

18.160.020    Intent.

18.160.025    Restrictions.

18.160.030    Definitions.

18.160.040    Procedures for application.

18.160.050    Requirements.

18.160.060    Improvements – Standards and requirements.

18.160.070    Conformance.

18.160.010 Purpose.

This chapter shall be known as the mobile home ordinance of Riverton City. The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum regulations required for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. Such provisions are intended to provide for permanently wholesome community environments, adequate municipal services and safe streets. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-700-005.]

18.160.020 Intent.

To permit variety and flexibility in land development for residential purposes by allowing the use of mobile homes in certain districts within the local jurisdiction. To require that mobile home and recreational vehicle developments will be of such character as to promote the objectives and purposes of this title to protect the integrity and characteristics of the districts contiguous to those in which mobile home parks are located; and to protect other land use values contiguous to or near mobile home or recreational vehicle developments. The mobile home is recognized as a form of housing for which provisions should be made. It is further recognized that in municipal areas such as Riverton, mobile home parks and subdivisions must be carefully located and designed to meet the needs of the residents and to achieve a satisfactory relationship to adjoining and nearby property. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-010.]

18.160.025 Restrictions.

No mobile home or recreational vehicle shall be used as a dwelling unit at any time in any zoning district outside of an approved compliant mobile home or recreational vehicle park or development as provided herein, with the exception that a recreational vehicle may be occupied for a period of no more than 14 days by those visiting the occupants of a main dwelling unit. No mobile home may be stored or maintained on any parcel except as provided herein. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.160.030 Definitions.

Unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions shall be used in the interpretation and construction of this chapter. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word “building” shall include the word “structure”; the words “used” or “occupied” shall include arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased or intended to be used or occupied; the word “shall” is mandatory and not directory and the word “may” is permissive; the word “person” includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or corporation as well as an individual; the word “lot” includes the words “plot” or “parcel.”

“Accessory use or building” means a use or building on the same lot with mobile homes, and of a nature customarily incidental to mobile homes.

“Awning” means any shade structure of approved materials installed, erected or used adjoining or adjacent to a mobile home.

“Building” means any structure used or intended to be used for the shelter, or enclosure, of persons, animals or property.

“Building, accessory” means a building or structure which is subordinate to and the use of which is incidental to, that of the main building, structure, or use on the same lot.

Camper. See “Recreational vehicle.”

General Plan. See “Master plan.”

“License” means a written license issued by the local jurisdiction and approved by the local building inspector allowing a person to operate and maintain a mobile home park or recreational vehicle park under the provisions of this chapter and regulations issued hereunder.

“Local attorney” means the attorney employed by or officially representing the local jurisdiction.

“Local building inspector” means the building inspector employed by or officially representing the local jurisdiction.

“Local engineer” means the engineer employed by or officially representing the local jurisdiction.

“Local governing body” means the Riverton City court.

“Local health officer” means the health officer or department employed by or officially representing the local jurisdiction.

“Local jurisdiction” means Riverton City.

“Local planner” means the planner employed by or officially representing the local jurisdiction.

“Master plan” means the master plan of the local jurisdiction.

“Mobile home” means a structure, other than a motor vehicle, of not less than 30 feet in length designed with attached axles and wheels which may be used for permanent or semipermanent housing or human occupancy; and which is designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle, containing a flush toilet, sleeping accommodations, a tub or shower bath, kitchen facilities, and plumbing and electrical connections provided for attachment to appropriate external systems and ready for occupancy except for connection to utilities and other work. Presectionalized, modular, or prefabricated houses not placed on permanent foundations shall be regarded as mobile homes. The term “mobile home” shall also include any structure meeting the above description which is used for an office, classroom, laboratory, processing, manufacturing, retail sales, or other such use.

“Mobile home lot” means a lot within a mobile home subdivision, designed and to be used for the accommodation of one mobile home.

“Mobile home park” means a space designed and approved by the local jurisdiction for occupancy by mobile homes, to be under a single ownership or management, and meeting all requirements of this chapter and this title.

“Mobile home space” means a space within a mobile home park, designed and to be used for the accommodation of one mobile home.

“Mobile home stand” means that part of the mobile home space reserved for the placement of the mobile home and its appurtenant structures or additions.

“Mobile home subdivision” means a subdivision designed and intended for residential use where the lots are to be individually owned or leased, and occupied by mobile homes exclusively.

“Planned unit development” means an integrated design for development of residential, commercial or industrial uses, or limited combinations of such uses, in which the density and location regulations of the district in which the development is situated may be varied in site and building design and location, in accordance with an approval plan and imposed requirements.

“Recreational vehicle” means a vehicle such as a recreational trailer, tent camper trailer, truck camper, travel trailer, camp car, or other vehicle with or without motive power designed and/or constructed to travel on the public thoroughfare in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Vehicle Code, designed for use of human habitation. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-015.]

18.160.040 Procedures for application.

The application for a mobile home park, a recreational vehicle park or mobile home subdivision permit shall contain the following information:

(1) Name, address, and phone number of the applicant.

(2) Interest of the applicant in the mobile home park or recreational vehicle park.

(3) Location and legal description of the park.

(4) An overall plan for development of the mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, or mobile home subdivision prepared by a person or persons qualified to prepare such plans. The plan shall be drawn to a scale no smaller than one inch to 50 feet. At least 12 copies of the plan shall be submitted. The plan shall show:

(a) The area of the tract of land drawn to scale, with dimension and the approximate total acreage.

(b) The number, location and size of mobile home lots, recreational vehicle spaces or mobile home subdivision lots, and open spaces shall be clearly designated.

(c) The location, width and size of the roadways, walkways, parking areas, and access to public thoroughfares.

(d) The location of service buildings and all other proposed structures.

(e) The location and size of natural features, wetlands, streams, lakes, drains, wooded areas, and any anticipated change in these features, together with topography at two-foot contour intervals unless otherwise required by the planning commission.

(f) The size, location and design of recreational facilities.

(g) Detailed landscaping and utility plan, including location of TV system, fire hydrant, water, sewer, gas, power and telephone lines.

(h) Property ownership if other than applicant.

The applicant for approval of plans for a mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, or a mobile home subdivision shall pay to the building inspector at the time of application a checking fee, in addition to building, plumbing and electrical permits or any other fee, which shall be based upon a fee resolution adopted by the Riverton City council.

Application for approval shall be in writing, submitted to the planning commission at its regular meeting, and shall be granted or denied within 30 days, unless an extension of such time is approved by the applicant. If approved by the planning commission, the application and planning commission recommendations shall be forwarded to the local governing body within 15 days. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-020.]

18.160.050 Requirements.

(1) Mobile home parks may be approved by the local governing body in locations permitting such use in this title. Before such approval may be granted, a report to the governing body by the planning commission shall find that the proposed development will:

(a) Be in keeping with the general character of the district within which the proposed development will be located.

(b) Be located on a parcel of land containing not less than 10 acres, or on two or more parcels separated by a street or alley only, and totaling 10 acres, unless modified by an approved planned unit development plan.

(c) Have at least 25 spaces completed and ready for occupancy, or an approved schedule of financing, construction and phase completion together with approved security to assure compliance before first occupancy is permitted.

(d) Meet all standards and requirements of RCC 18.160.060 and all other requirements of applicable ordinances, except when such requirements are modified by approval of a planned unit development plan.

(e) Have written approval of the Salt Lake Valley health department.

(2) Mobile home subdivisions may be approved by the local governing body in locations permitting such use in this title. Before such approval may be granted, a report to the governing body by the planning commission shall find that the proposed development will:

(a) Be located on a parcel of land containing not less than three acres.

(b) Contain lots with a minimum net area of 7,000 square feet and minimum width of 70 feet.

(c) Meet all applicable requirements of RCC Title 17, Subdivisions.

(d) Meet all standards and requirements of RCC 18.160.060 and all other requirements of applicable ordinances, except where such requirements are modified by approval of a planned unit development plan.

(e) Be organized in a homeowners’ association if required by the planning commission.

(f) Be in keeping with the general character of the district within which the proposed development will be located.

(3) Recreational vehicle parks may be approved by the local governing body in locations permitting such use in this title. Before such approval may be granted, a report to the governing body by the planning commission shall find that the proposed development will:

(a) Be in keeping with the general character of the district within which the proposed development will be located.

(b) Be located on a parcel of land containing not less than five acres, or be located within a mobile home park, unless modified by a planned unit development plan.

(c) Have at least 25 spaces completed, or 10 spaces if located within a mobile home park, and ready for occupancy, or an approved schedule of financing, construction and phase completion together with approved security to assure compliance before first occupancy is permitted.

(d) Meet all standards and requirements of RCC 18.160.060 and all other requirements of applicable ordinances, except where such requirements are modified by approval of a planned unit development plan.

(e) Have the written approval of the State Division of Health.

(4) The planning commission shall disapprove any application for mobile home park, recreational vehicle park or mobile home subdivision if the developer cannot provide required water supplies or facilities, waste disposal systems, storm drainage facilities, access or improvement, if the developer cannot satisfactorily assure the planned development will be completed in a reasonable period of time, if the planning commission or local governing body determines there would be danger of flood, fire or other hazards, or if the proposed development would be of such a character or in such a location that it would:

(a) Create excessive costs for public services and facilities;

(b) Endanger the health or safety of the public;

(c) Unreasonably damage or destroy the natural environment;

(d) Cause excessive air or water pollution, or soil erosion; or

(e) Be inconsistent with any adopted general or specific plan of the area in which the development would be located. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-025.]

18.160.060 Improvements – Standards and requirements.

The development of a mobile home park, recreational vehicle park or mobile home subdivision shall conform to the following standards and requirements, unless modified by an approved planned unit development plan.

(1) The area shall be in one ownership, or, if in several ownerships, the application for approval of the development shall be filed jointly by all the owners of the property included in the plan.

(2) The plans for a mobile home park, recreational vehicle park or a mobile home subdivision shall be prepared by a team of competent professionals in planning, engineering, architecture, and landscape architecture. In all cases, it is recommended that professional design and other assistance be obtained early in the program, including, as needed, an urban planner, a geologist, or soil engineer, a lawyer, a financial expert, or others. It is the intent of the local jurisdiction that the developer solve his problems before approval is given and construction begins. Determination of qualifications of required professional individuals or firms shall be made by the planning commission.

(3) In all mobile home and recreational vehicle parks and mobile home subdivisions, a strip of land at least 30 feet wide surrounding the entire park or subdivision shall be left unoccupied by mobile homes, and shall be planted and maintained in lawn, shrubs, and trees, with an approved wall or fence, designed to afford privacy to the development.

(4) Storm drainage facilities shall be so constructed as to protect residents of the development as well as adjacent property owners. Such facilities shall be of sufficient capacity to ensure rapid drainage and prevent the accumulation of stagnant pools of water in or adjacent to the development.

(5) All storage and solid waste receptacles, outside of the confines of any mobile home, must be housed in a closed structure compatible in design and construction to the mobile homes, and to any service buildings within the developments; all patios, garages, carports, and other add-ons must be compatible in design and constructed with the mobile home. The service buildings shall be constructed in accordance with standard commercial practice and kept in good repair as approved by the building inspector.

(6) A security compound for the storage of vehicles, boats and other large items shall be provided equivalent to a minimum of 300 square feet of paved area per mobile home space in mobile home parks. The planning commission may also require a security compound in mobile home subdivisions, to be maintained by a homeowners’ association.

(7) In all mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions, within 45 days of occupancy, each mobile home shall be skirted, or if shields are used, they are to be fireproof, well painted or otherwise preserved.

(8) In mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks, not less than 15 percent of the gross land area shall be set aside for the joint use and enjoyment of occupants. The land covered by vehicular roadways, sidewalks, and off- street parking shall not be constructed as part of the 15 percent common area required for parks and playgrounds for occupants; provided, however, that in initial stages of development or special smaller developments the minimum area shall be not less than three-fourths acre or 15 percent, whichever is greater.

(9)(a) The subdivider shall have installed in each lot a yard light, or shall contract with the builder to have said yard light installed.

(b) The light pole, lamp and other part of the said yard light may be of the choosing of the builder or subdivider, but in no case shall it be constructed to a height of more than nine feet or less than six feet, and shall emit a light intensity of no less than that of a 175-watt mercury vapor lamp.

(c) Each lamp shall be connected to a photoelectric switching device which will automatically turn the lamp on at dusk and off at dawn.

(d) The light pole and lamp shall be located no further than 20 feet from the front property line of each lot.

(10) In mobile home and recreational vehicle parks, all areas not covered by mobile homes, hard surfacing or buildings shall be landscaped as approved by the planning commission and such landscaping shall be permanently maintained.

(11) In mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks, all off-street parking spaces and driveways shall be hard surfaced before the adjacent mobile home spaces may be occupied.

(12) In mobile home parks, the roadways shall be designed to accommodate anticipated traffic, including the following standards unless modified by an approved planned unit development plan.

(13) All recreational vehicle parks shall be subject to conditional use approval and all applicable zoning ordinances shall apply as specified by the Riverton City planning commission.

(14) In mobile home subdivisions, roadway widths shall be as required by RCC Title 17, Subdivisions, except as may be modified by an approved planned unit development plan.

(15) In a mobile home park, the number of mobile homes shall be limited to eight units per acre and may be limited to fewer units depending on mobile home size, topography and other factors of the particular site. The mobile homes may be clustered; provided, that the total number of units does not exceed the number permitted on one acre, multiplied by the number of acres in the development. The remaining land not contained in individual lots, roads or parking shall be set aside and developed as parks, playgrounds, and service areas for the common use and enjoyment of occupants of the development and visitors thereto.

(16) In a mobile home park, no mobile home or add-on shall be located closer than 20 feet from the nearest portion of any other mobile home or add-on. All mobile homes and add-ons shall be set back at least 10 feet from road curbs or walks. If the tongue of the mobile home remains attached, it shall be set back a minimum of six feet from road curbs or walks. All mobile homes shall set back at least 30 feet from any boundary of the mobile home park.

(17) Off-street parking shall be provided at the rate of two parking spaces per mobile home space, and each such parking space shall have a minimum depth of 20 feet. In no case shall the parking space be located further than 100 feet from the mobile home space it is designed to serve.

(18) One-story bulk storage areas shall be provided within a mobile home park, equivalent to 60 square feet per mobile home space. The area designed for said bulk storage shall be improved, landscaped, and screened in such a manner as approved by the planning commission.

(19) A launderette for convenience of the park occupants but not for the general public may be included in mobile home parks.

(20) An access shall be provided to each mobile home stand for maneuvering mobile homes into position. The access way shall be kept free from trees and other immovable obstructions. Paving under mobile homes will not be required if adequate support is provided. Use of planks, steel mats or other means to support the mobile home during placement shall be allowed so long as the same are removed upon completion of placement.

(21) Recreational vehicle parks shall generally be located:

(a) Adjacent to or in close proximity to a major traffic artery or highway;

(b) Near adequate shopping facilities;

(c) Within or adjacent to mobile home park.

(22) Recreational vehicle parks shall contain not more than 20 units per acre. The spaces may be clustered; provided, that the total number of units does not exceed the number permitted on one acre, multiplied by the number of acres in the development. The remaining land not contained in individual recreational vehicle spaces, roads or parking shall be set aside and developed as park, playground, or service areas for the common use and enjoyment of occupants of the park and visitors thereto.

(23) No individual space in a recreational vehicle park shall be used by one individual recreational vehicle for more than 90 consecutive days, nor shall such space be rented or leased to any one individual for a period longer than 90 days in any one calendar year.

(24) Recreational vehicles may be stored where permitted, but not used for permanent living quarters.

(25) Recreational vehicles may be stored, displayed, sold and serviced, but not used for living quarters, in a sales lot in an appropriate zoning district when such use is a permitted or a conditional use.

(26) Recreational vehicles may be accommodated in an approved and licensed mobile home park; provided, that:

(a) The recreational vehicle park portion of the development is separated by barriers, screens or otherwise from the area of mobile homes.

(b) The recreational vehicle use area shall have direct access to a collector or arterial street.

(27) In addition to meeting the requirements of this section and conforming to the other laws of the local jurisdiction, all mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks shall also conform to requirements set forth in the Code of Camp Trailer Court, Hotel, Motel, and Resort Sanitation Regulations adopted by the Utah State Board of Health, February 21, 1968, and to the fire prevention code, which codes are hereby adopted by reference; four copies of the codes are filed with the office of the local jurisdiction’s recorder for use of the public and all restrictions, regulations and notations contained therein shall be made a part of this chapter as fully as though set forth herein. In the event of any conflict between said codes and this chapter, this chapter shall take precedence where its regulations are more strict, and the provisions of the codes shall take precedence where their regulations are more strict. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-030.]

18.160.070 Conformance.

For all mobile home parks, recreational vehicle parks and mobile home subdivisions, the planning commission shall review the proposed development plan to determine its compliance with all portions of the local general plan. In considering the application, the planning commission among other things shall make sure that such development will constitute a residential environment of sustained desirability and stability and that it will not adversely affect amenities in the surrounding areas. The planning commission may require changes to be made in the plan and development standards in excess of the minimum standards contained in this chapter, such as walls, buffers and setbacks. Greater amounts of landscaping or parking space may be imposed as conditions of the approval where determined by the planning commission to be necessary to ensure that the development will mix harmoniously with contiguous or nearby uses.

(1) Utilities. Every mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, and mobile home subdivision shall provide underground utility service to every mobile home stand or lot as required by the local jurisdiction’s ordinances and as required by the planning commission, including but not limited to water, sewer, or power.

(2) Guarantees.

(a) For mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks, adequate and reasonable guarantees must be provided as determined by the city engineer for permanent retention of open spaces and for the maintenance of roadways, storage facilities, service facilities, and landscaping resulting from the application of these regulations.

Guarantees may be in the form of a bond, in the sum to be determined by the city engineer, which form must be approved by the Riverton City attorney.

(b) In any case when a mobile home park, or recreational vehicle park which is not within a mobile home park, is owned by more than one person, the developer shall establish and appoint a park manager. The manager shall be authorized to receive, process and represent fully the interests of the owners in respect to continuing management and maintenance of the park.

(c) Prerequisite to the operation of any mobile home park or recreational vehicle park in the local jurisdiction shall be the obtaining of an annual business license from the local jurisdiction.

(d) In the event a mobile home or recreational vehicle park is not completed according to approved plans, the annual business license shall be denied, the mobile homes or recreational vehicles and associated property and facilities removed, and all services discontinued, before any part of the land within the development planning area may be used for another purpose or be subdivided. [Ord. 16-25 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 12-700-035.]