Chapter 2.35


2.35.010    Auditing officer.

2.35.020    Agent for receiving claims.

2.35.010 Auditing officer.

Pursuant to RCW 42.24.080, the director of the department of finance, or such other person that the city manager may appoint, shall serve as the auditing officer responsible for ensuring that all claims by persons furnishing materials, rendering services, performing labor, or for any other contractual purpose presented to the city are audited before payment. [Ord. 768 § 1, 2023; Res. 51 § 1, 1994]

2.35.020 Agent for receiving claims.

The city clerk shall be the city agent responsible for receiving claims for damages made under Chapter 4.96 RCW. The city clerk shall be available to receive claims for damages during regular City Hall business hours at Burien City Hall, 400 SW 152nd Street, Third Floor, Burien, Washington 98166-1973. [Ord. 768 § 1, 2023; Ord. 334 § 1, 2001]