Chapter 2.85


2.85.010    Acceptance of donations.

2.85.020    Donate or dispose of surplus items.

2.85.010 Acceptance of donations.

Pursuant to RCW 35.21.100 and 39.33.020, the city council authorizes the city manager to accept donations or bequests of money or property on Burien’s behalf following the terms of the donation or bequest and in compliance with the law. If no terms or conditions are attached to the donation or bequest, Burien may expend or use it for any municipal purpose. If the donation or bequest is not in Burien’s interest, the city manager may reject it or negotiate more favorable terms for accepting the donation or bequest. The city manager shall designate the appropriate Burien fund or department to which such money or property shall be allocated. [Ord. 825 § 1, 2023; Ord. 577 § 1, 2013]

2.85.020 Donate or dispose of surplus items.

Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.010 and Washington Constitution Art. VIII, Sec. 7, the city council authorizes the city manager to donate or dispose of money or property on Burien’s behalf for the common benefit and/or for the necessary support of the poor and infirm. In addition to complying with the noted RCWs and WAC, the city manager is authorized to donate items to a bona fide charitable organization if the cost or expense to surplus or dispose of the property exceeds the donation’s fair market value or if the item has no operational value to Burien. [Ord. 825 § 2, 2023]