Chapter 19.16
Station Area Overlay Standards

19.16.005    Purpose.

19.16.010    Establishment and designation.

19.16.015    Prohibited and permitted uses.

19.16.020    Parking.

19.16.025    Other requirements.

19.16.005 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to create a compact mix of residential, office, retail, service and public uses in areas of the city that have a high potential for pedestrian activity within close proximity to Metro RapidRide stations. [Ord. 777 § 1, 2021]

19.16.010 Establishment and designation.

1. The station area overlay standards shall apply to properties located wholly or partially within 300 feet of the midpoint of intersections on Ambaum Boulevard SW at the following cross streets where H Line stations are planned: SW 112th Street, SW 116th Street, SW 122nd Street, SW 128th Street, SW 136th Street, SW 142nd Street, and SW 148th Street, except properties located within the Downtown Commercial zone, including properties depicted in Figure 19.16-1.

2. The requirements of this chapter shall supersede those of underlying zoning code standards.

3. Nonconforming uses and structures are regulated by Chapter 19.55 BMC.

[Ord. 777 § 1, 2021]

19.16.015 Prohibited and permitted uses.

1. The following uses are prohibited on properties in the station area overlay:

a. Drive-through lanes;

b. Parking as a principal use;

c. Fuel station, automobile sales, automobile repair, service station, RV and boat sales, outdoor storage, auto wrecking, and self-service storage facilities.

2. The following uses shall be permitted on properties in the station area overlay:

a. Retail uses under 10,000 gross square feet in existing buildings, provided that those uses are not specifically prohibited by subsection (1) of this section.

b. Permitted uses determined by the use zone charts established in Chapter 19.15 BMC for the underlying zone in which a property is located, excluding those uses specifically prohibited in subsection (1) of this section. [Ord. 813 § 1, 2023; Ord. 777 § 1, 2021]

19.16.020 Parking.

1. Surface parking shall be located behind or to the side of a building. On corner lots, surface parking shall not be located adjacent to the street corner.

2. Parking entrances shall not be located along any primary street frontage. [Ord. 777 § 1, 2021]

19.16.025 Other requirements.

1. Development in the station area overlay is exempt from front setback requirements.

2. Development that abuts a required sidewalk is exempt from street frontage landscaping standards, except that street trees are required at an average of one tree for every 30 feet of linear street frontage and consistent with Burien Road Standards Section 5.03.

3. Structures within ten feet of the front property line and new structures on corner lots adjacent to Ambaum Boulevard SW shall include the following features:

a. Pedestrian weather protection complying with the standards of BMC 19.47.060(2)(C) at least 5 feet deep (measured from the front wall to edge of protection nearest the street) along sidewalks for 50% of the building frontage, unless there is a conflict with existing street trees or utility poles, in which case the width may be adjusted to accommodate such features;

b. Fifty percent of a nonresidential street-facing building facade between 2 feet and 8 feet above the sidewalk shall be transparent. Primary building entrances may be included in the calculation of required transparency.

4. Development in the station area overlay may request a waiver from minimum required parking spaces subject to a parking study per BMC 19.20.030.

5. Required sidewalks shall be eight feet in width along any arterial street.

6. Blank walls are prohibited along any street-facing facade. [Ord. 777 § 1, 2021]