Appendix A

I. Introduction and Overview

The city of Burlington is somewhat unique in that the entire Skagit River shoreline is fronted by a levee. There are few identified or delineated wetlands located on the waterward side of the levee system. Limited development such as recreation and restoration are allowed waterward of the levees which establish the floodway.

Gages Slough is a series of connected wetlands that cross the city and the wetland area itself is subject to the shoreline master program. As allowed by RCW 90.58.030(2)(d)(ii), the city has chosen not to place the wetland buffer into shoreline jurisdiction. The Gages Slough wetland buffer area is established through the city’s critical area ordinance and is gradually being restored through implementation of a series of buffer restoration, maintenance and monitoring projects that do not extend into the wetland itself. There may be the need to obtain a shoreline permit for upgrades to the wetlands themselves in the future if it is determined that sediment buildup has an effect on flood hazard mitigation.

For these reasons, standards for wetland buffers and widths are handled by direct reference to the appropriate literature, rather than providing details that are unlikely to be utilized. If, at a future date, decisions are made to remove riverine levees, because of installation of planned setback levees to increase the channel migration zone, there may be the potential for wetlands to form, and the appropriate best available science standards will already be addressed in the shoreline master program.

Applicable sections of the city’s critical areas regulations found within chapter 14.15 BMC have been adopted into the SMP here as Appendix A. Those provisions in chapter 14.15 BMC that are less restrictive than the SMP do not apply and as such are not embedded into this appendix. Provisions that are more restrictive than the SMP will generally be applied. The intent is to ensure the provision providing the most protection is always applied.

Throughout this appendix, references to “this title” refer to the Shoreline Master Program, BMC Title 18. References to “this chapter” refer to provisions contained in Appendix A. (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 1786 § 1, 2013).

II. Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure no net loss of ecological functions in wetlands and riparian corridors, including Gages Slough and wetlands along the Skagit River. Wetlands serve many important ecological and environmental functions and help to protect public health, safety and welfare by providing flood storage and conveyance, erosion control, fish and shellfish production, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, water quality protection, water storage, education, scientific research and other public benefits. It is the purpose of this shoreline master program to protect these functions to prevent the continual loss of wetlands, and where practical to enhance or restore wetlands functions and values.

It is also the purpose of these regulations to protect, restore where practical, and enhance fish and wildlife populations and their associated habitats. In addition to their intrinsic value, certain species of fish and wildlife represent important historic, cultural, recreational and economic resources. Many species serve as indicators of the condition of the environment and the quality of life that local residents have invested in, enjoy and respect. (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022).

III. Definitions

“Habitats of local importance” include a seasonal range or habitat element with which a given species has a primary association, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain and reproduce over the long term. These might include areas of high relative density or species richness, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors. These might also include habitats that are of limited availability or high vulnerability to alteration, such as cliffs, talus, and wetlands.

“Priority habitats” are habitat types or elements with unique or significant value to a diverse assemblage of species based on the current and updated definitions by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). A priority habitat may consist of a unique vegetation type (e.g., shrub-steppe) or dominant plant species (e.g., juniper savannah), a described successional stage (e.g., old-growth forest), or a specific habitat feature (e.g., cliffs). In the case of the Skagit River, priority habitats include areas for migration, nesting, and rearing of juveniles.

“Priority species” require protective measures for their survival due to their population status, sensitivity to habitat alteration, and/or recreational, commercial, or tribal importance. Priority species include state endangered, threatened, sensitive, and candidate species; animal aggregations (e.g., heron colonies, bat colonies) considered vulnerable; and species of recreational, commercial, or tribal importance that are vulnerable. In the case of the Skagit River, these include Chinook salmon, native cutthroat, and native steelhead fish.

“Wetland” or “wetlands” means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include these artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands (EHB 1653.PL). (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022).

IV. Wetlands

14.15.180    Wetlands identification and rating.

A. Identification and Delineation. Identification of wetlands and delineation of their boundaries pursuant to this chapter shall be done in accordance with the approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements. All areas within the city meeting the wetland designation criteria in that procedure are hereby designated critical areas and are subject to the provisions of this chapter. Wetland delineations are valid for five years; after such date the city shall determine whether a revision or additional assessment is necessary.

B. Rating. Wetlands shall be rated according to the Washington Department of Ecology wetland rating system, as set forth in the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington: 2014 Update (Ecology Publication No. 14-06-029, effective January 2015) or as revised and approved by Ecology, which contains the definitions and methods for determining whether the criteria below are met.

1. Category I. Category I wetlands are: (a) relatively undisturbed estuarine wetlands larger than one acre; (b) wetlands of high conservation value that are identified by scientists of the Washington Natural Heritage Program/DNR; (c) bogs; (d) mature and old-growth forested wetlands larger than one acre; (e) wetlands in coastal lagoons; (f) interdunal wetlands that score eight or nine habitat points and are larger than one acre; and (g) wetlands that perform many functions well (scoring 23 points or more). These wetlands: (a) represent unique or rare wetland types; (b) are more sensitive to disturbance than most wetlands; (c) are relatively undisturbed and contain ecological attributes that are impossible to replace within a human lifetime; or (d) provide a high level of functions.

2. Category II. Category II wetlands are: (a) estuarine wetlands smaller than one acre, or disturbed estuarine wetlands larger than one acre; (b) interdunal wetlands larger than one acre or those found in a mosaic of wetlands; or (c) wetlands with a moderately high level of functions (scoring between 20 and 22 points).

3. Category III. Category III wetlands are: (a) wetlands with a moderate level of functions (scoring between 16 and 19 points); (b) can often be adequately replaced with a well-planned mitigation project; and (c) interdunal wetlands between 0.1 and one acre. Wetlands scoring between 16 and 19 points generally have been disturbed in some ways and are often less diverse or more isolated from other natural resources in the landscape than Category II wetlands.

4. Category IV. Category IV wetlands have the lowest levels of functions (scoring fewer than 16 points) and are often heavily disturbed. These are wetlands that we should be able to replace, or in some cases to improve. However, experience has shown that replacement cannot be guaranteed in any specific case. These wetlands may provide some important functions, and should be protected to some degree.

14.15.185    Wetland buffers.

A. Standard Wetland Buffer Widths. The standard buffer widths in Table 14.15.185-1 have been established in accordance with the best available science. They are based on the category of wetland and the habitat score as determined by a qualified wetland professional using the Washington State wetland rating system for western Washington.

1. Buffer Conditions.

a. These buffer widths assume that the buffer is vegetated with a native plant community appropriate for the ecoregion. If the existing buffer is unvegetated, sparsely vegetated, or vegetated with invasive species that do not perform needed functions, the buffer should either be planted to create the appropriate plant community or the buffer should be widened to ensure that adequate functions of the buffer are provided.

b. Measurement of Wetland Buffers. All buffers shall be measured perpendicular from the wetland boundary as surveyed in the field. The buffer for a wetland created, restored, or enhanced as compensation for approved wetland alterations shall be the same as the buffer required for the category of the created, restored, or enhanced wetland. Only fully vegetated buffers will be considered. Lawns, walkways, driveways, and other mowed or paved areas will not be considered buffers or included in buffer area calculations.

c. Buffers on Mitigation Sites. All mitigation sites shall have buffers consistent with the buffer requirements of this chapter to the extent feasible. Buffers shall be based on the expected or target category of the proposed wetland mitigation site.

d. Overlapping Critical Area Buffers. If buffers for two contiguous critical areas overlap (such as buffers for a stream and a wetland), the wider buffer applies.

e. Buffer Maintenance. Except as otherwise specified or allowed in accordance with this chapter, wetland buffers shall be retained in an undisturbed or enhanced condition. In the case of compensatory mitigation sites, removal of invasive nonnative weeds is required for the duration of the required maintenance and monitoring timeline, which ranges from five to 10 years depending on location.

Table 14.15.185-1. Width of buffers needed to protect wetlands in western Washington.

Category of Wetland

Required Buffer


50 ft


150 ft


300 ft


300 ft

B. Increased Wetland Buffer Widths. Buffer widths shall be increased on a case-by-case basis when a larger buffer is necessary to protect wetland functions and values. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation showing that it is reasonably related to protection of the functions and values of the wetland. The documentation must include but not be limited to the following criteria:

1. The wetland is used by a plant or animal species listed by the federal government or the state as endangered, threatened, candidate, sensitive, monitored or documented priority species or habitats, or essential or outstanding habitat for those species or has unusual nesting or resting sites such as heron rookeries or raptor nesting trees; or

2. The adjacent land is susceptible to severe erosion, and erosion-control measures will not effectively prevent adverse wetland impacts; or

3. The adjacent land has minimal vegetative cover or slopes greater than 30 percent.

C. Decreased Wetland Buffer Widths. Buffer widths shall be decreased on a case-by-case basis as determined by the city. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation showing that it still protects the functions and values of the wetland. The documentation must include but not be limited to the following criteria:

1. Buffer averaging to improve wetland protection may be permitted when all of the following conditions are met:

a. The wetland has significant differences in characteristics that affect its habitat functions, such as a wetland with a forested component adjacent to a degraded emergent component or a “dual-rated” wetland with a Category I area adjacent to a lower-rated area.

b. The buffer is increased adjacent to the higher-functioning area of habitat or more-sensitive portion of the wetland and decreased adjacent to the lower-functioning or less-sensitive portion as demonstrated by a critical areas report from a qualified wetland professional.

c. The total area of the buffer after averaging is equal to the area required without averaging.

d. The buffer at its narrowest point is never less than either three-quarters of the required width or 75 feet for Category I and II, 50 feet for Category III, and 25 feet for Category IV, whichever is greater.

D. Allowed Buffer Uses. The following uses may be allowed within a wetland buffer in accordance with the review procedures of this chapter; provided they are not prohibited by any other applicable law and they are conducted in a manner so as to minimize impacts to the buffer and adjacent wetland:

1. Conservation and Restoration Activities. Conservation or restoration activities aimed at protecting the soil, water, vegetation, or wildlife.

2. Passive recreation. Passive recreation facilities designed and in accordance with an approved critical area report, including:

a. Walkways and trails; provided, that those pathways are limited to minor crossings having no adverse impact on water quality. They should be generally parallel to the perimeter of the wetland, located only in the outer 25 percent of the wetland buffer area, and located to avoid removal of significant trees. They should be limited to pervious surfaces no more than five feet in width for pedestrian use only. Raised boardwalks utilizing nontreated pilings may be acceptable.

b. Wildlife-viewing structures.

3. Educational and scientific research activities.

4. Normal and routine maintenance and repair of any existing public or private facilities within an existing right-of-way; provided, that the maintenance or repair does not increase the footprint or use of the facility or right-of-way.

5. The harvesting of wild crops in a manner that is not injurious to natural reproduction of such crops and provided the harvesting does not require tilling of soil, planting of crops, chemical applications, or alteration of the wetland by changing existing topography, water conditions, or water source.

6. Drilling for utilities/utility corridors under a buffer, with entrance/exit portals located completely outside of the wetland buffer boundary; provided, that the drilling does not interrupt the ground water connection to the wetland or percolation of surface water down through the soil column. Specific studies by a hydrologist are necessary to determine whether the ground water connection to the wetland or percolation of surface water down through the soil column is disturbed.

7. Enhancement of a wetland buffer through the removal of nonnative invasive plant species. Removal of invasive plant species shall be restricted to hand removal. All removed plant material shall be taken away from the site and appropriately disposed of. Plants that appear on the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board list of noxious weeds must be handled and disposed of according to a noxious weed control plan appropriate to that species. Revegetation with appropriate native species at natural densities is allowed in conjunction with removal of invasive plant species.

8. Storm water management facilities. Storm water management facilities are limited to storm water dispersion outfalls and bioswales. They may be allowed within the outer 25 percent of the buffer of Category III or IV wetlands only; provided, that:

a. No other location is feasible; and

b. The location of such facilities will not degrade the functions or values of the wetland; and

c. Storm water management facilities are not allowed in buffers of Category I or II wetlands.

9. Nonconforming Uses. Repair and maintenance of nonconforming uses or structures, where legally established within the buffer, provided they do not increase the degree of nonconformity.

E. Signs and Fencing of Wetlands and Buffers.

1. Temporary Markers. The outer perimeter of the wetland buffer and the clearing limits identified by an approved permit or authorization shall be marked in the field with temporary “clearing limits” fencing in such a way as to ensure that no unauthorized intrusion will occur. The marking is subject to inspection by the community development director prior to the commencement of permitted activities. This temporary marking shall be maintained throughout construction and shall not be removed until permanent signs, if required, are in place.

2. Permanent Signs. As a condition of any permit or authorization issued pursuant to this chapter, the city may require the installation of permanent signs along the boundary of a wetland or buffer.

a. Permanent signs shall be made of an enamel-coated metal face and attached to a metal post or another nontreated material of equal durability. Signs must be posted at an interval of one per lot or every 50 feet, whichever is less, and must be maintained by the property owner in perpetuity. The signs shall be worded as follows or with alternative language approved by the community development director:

Protected Wetland Area

No Dumping - Do Not Disturb

Thank you

b. The provisions of subsection (E)(2)(a) of this section may be modified as necessary to assure protection of sensitive features or wildlife.

3. Fencing.

a. The applicant shall be required to install a permanent fence around the wetland or buffer when domestic grazing animals are present or may be introduced on site.

b. Fencing installed as part of a proposed activity or as required in this subsection shall be designed so as to not interfere with species migration, including fish runs, and shall be constructed in a manner that minimizes impacts to the wetland and associated habitat.

14.15.190    Wetlands initial project review.

A. A site visit shall be conducted to confirm the presence of wetland indicators listed in the critical areas checklist or identified on critical areas map references as being within 300 feet of a proposed project or activity. A positive confirmation by the community development director that site indicators are present or that the proposed project may impact the wetland area will then require a professional site assessment.

B. The following map references shall be used to assist in making a determination:

1. Wetlands mapped under the National Wetland Inventory by the U. S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service;

2. Areas mapped as hydric soils under the Soil Survey of Skagit County Area, Washington, by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service;

3. A water of the state as defined under WAC 222-16-030 and maintained in the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Stream Type Maps; and

4. Wetlands previously identified through the methodology specified under this title for another project.

14.15.200    Wetlands site assessment requirements.

If a wetlands site assessment is required, it shall meet the following requirements:

A. A wetland reconnaissance shall be performed by a qualified wetlands professional. The reconnaissance shall identify the presence of wetlands within 300 feet of the project or activity area. If this wetland reconnaissance demonstrates no wetlands within 300 feet of the activity area, then no further study is required.

B. A wetland delineation shall be performed as part of a site assessment where a wetland reconnaissance confirms the presence of a wetland or the applicant chooses to perform delineation instead of a wetland reconnaissance. The delineation shall be performed by a qualified wetland professional trained in conducting delineations in accordance with the methodology specified under this title.

C. If the site of a proposed development includes, is likely to include, or is adjacent to a wetland, a wetland report, prepared by a qualified professional, shall be required. The expense of preparing the wetland report shall be borne by the applicant.

D. Minimum Standards for Wetland Reports. The written report and the accompanying plan sheets shall contain the following information, at a minimum:

1. The written report shall include at a minimum:

a. The name and contact information of the applicant; the name, qualifications, and contact information for the primary author(s) of the wetland critical area report; a description of the proposal; identification of all the local, state, and/or federal wetland-related permit(s) required for the project; and a vicinity map for the project.

b. A statement specifying the accuracy of the report and all assumptions made and relied upon.

c. Documentation of any fieldwork, performed on the site, including field data sheets for delineations, rating system forms, baseline hydrologic data, etc.

d. A description of the methodologies used to conduct the wetland delineations, rating system forms, or impact analyses including references.

e. Identification and characterization of all critical areas, wetlands, water bodies, shorelines, floodplains, and buffers on or adjacent to the proposed project area. For areas off site of the project site, estimate conditions within 300 feet of the project boundaries using the best available information.

f. For each wetland identified on site and within 300 feet of the project site provide: the wetland rating, including a description of and score for each function, per wetland ratings of this title; required buffers; hydrogeomorphic classification; wetland acreage based on a professional survey from the field delineation (acreages for on-site portion and entire wetland area including off-site portions); Cowardin classification of vegetation communities; habitat elements; soil conditions based on site assessment and/or soil survey information; and to the extent possible, hydrologic information such as location and condition of inlet/outlets (if they can be legally accessed), estimated water depths within the wetland, and estimated hydroperiod patterns based on visual cues (e.g., algal mats, drift lines, flood debris, etc.). Provide acreage estimates, classifications, and ratings based on entire wetland complexes, not only the portion present on the proposed project site.

g. A description of the proposed actions, including an estimation of acreages of impacts to wetlands and buffers based on the field delineation and survey and an analysis of site development alternatives, including a no-development alternative.

h. An assessment of the probable cumulative impacts to the wetlands and buffers resulting from the proposed development.

i. A description of reasonable efforts made to apply mitigation sequencing pursuant to mitigation sequencing to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to critical areas.

j. A discussion of measures, including avoidance, minimization, and compensation, proposed to preserve existing wetlands and restore any wetlands that were degraded prior to the current proposed land use activity.

k. A conservation strategy for habitat and native vegetation that addresses methods to protect and enhance on-site habitat and wetland functions.

l. An evaluation of the functions of the wetland and adjacent buffer. Include reference for the method used and data sheets.

2. A copy of the site plan sheet(s) for the project must be included with the written report and must include, at a minimum:

a. Maps (to scale) depicting delineated and surveyed wetland and required buffers on site, including buffers for off-site critical areas that extend onto the project site; the development proposal; other critical areas; grading and clearing limits; areas of proposed impacts to wetlands and/or buffers (include square footage estimates).

b. A depiction of the proposed storm water management facilities and outlets (to scale) for the development, including estimated areas of intrusion into the buffers of any critical areas. The written report shall contain a discussion of the potential impacts to the wetland(s) associated with anticipated hydroperiod alterations from the project.

14.15.210    Alteration of wetlands.

A. A regulated wetland or its required buffer can only be altered if the wetlands site assessment shows that the proposed alteration does not degrade the quantitative and qualitative functioning of the wetland, or any degradation can be adequately mitigated to protect the wetland function. Any alteration approved pursuant to this section shall include mitigation necessary to mitigate the impacts of the proposed alteration on the wetland as described in BMC 14.15.220, Wetland mitigation standards.

B. Storm water discharges to wetlands shall be controlled and treated to provide all known and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment as mandated in the State Water Quality Standards, chapter 173-201A WAC, as required by state law and implemented in chapter 14.05 BMC, Surface Water Management.

14.15.220    Wetland mitigation standards.

A. Mitigation Sequencing. Before impacting any wetland or its buffer, an applicant shall demonstrate that the following actions have been taken. Actions are listed in the order of preference:

1. Avoid the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action.

2. Minimize impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation, by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts.

3. Rectify the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment.

4. Reduce or eliminate the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations.

5. Compensate for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments.

6. Monitor the required compensation and take remedial or corrective measures when necessary.

B. Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation.

1. Compensatory mitigation for alterations to wetlands shall be used only for impacts that cannot be avoided or minimized and shall achieve equivalent or greater biologic functions. Compensatory mitigation requirements shall be consistent with Washgington State Department of Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 (2021) Wetland Mitigation in Washington State – Part 1: Agency Policies and Guidance (Version 2) (Ecology Publication No. 21-06-003) or as revised. Compensatory mitigation plans shall be consistent with Wetland Mitigation in Washington State: Part 2 – Developing Mitigation Plans Version 1, March 2006, Publication No. 06-06-011b, or as revised.

2. Mitigation ratios shall be consistent with subsection (G) of this section.

3. Mitigation requirements may also be determined using the credit/debit tool described in Calculating Credits and Debits for Compensatory Mitigation in Wetlands of Western Washington: Final Report (Ecology Publication No. 10-06-011, Olympia, WA, March 2012, or as revised) consistent with subsection (H) this section.

C. Compensating for Lost or Affected Functions. Compensatory mitigation shall address the functions affected by the proposed project, with an intention to achieve functional equivalency or improvement of functions. The goal shall be for the compensatory mitigation to provide similar wetland functions as those lost, except when either:

1. The lost wetland provides minimal functions, and the proposed compensatory mitigation action(s) will provide equal or greater functions or will provide functions shown to be limiting within a watershed through a formal Washington state watershed assessment plan or protocol; or

2. Out-of-kind replacement of wetland type or functions will best meet watershed goals formally identified by the city, such as replacement of historically diminished wetland types.

D. Preference of Mitigation Actions. Mitigation for lost or diminished wetland and buffer functions shall rely on the types below in the following order of preference:

1. Restoration (reestablishment and rehabilitation) of wetlands:

a. The goal of reestablishment is returning natural or historic functions to a former wetland. Reestablishment results in a gain in wetland acres (and functions). Activities could include removing fill material, plugging ditches, or breaking drain tiles.

b. The goal of rehabilitation is repairing natural or historic functions of a degraded wetland. Rehabilitation results in a gain in wetland function but does not result in a gain in wetland acres.

2. Creation (establishment) of wetlands on disturbed upland sites such as those with vegetative cover consisting primarily of nonnative species. Establishment results in a gain in wetland acres. This should be attempted only when there is an adequate source of water and it can be shown that the surface and subsurface hydrologic regime is conducive to the wetland community that is anticipated in the design.

a. If a site is not available for wetland restoration to compensate for expected wetland and/or buffer impacts, the approval authority may authorize creation of a wetland and buffer upon demonstration by the applicant’s qualified wetland scientist that:

i. The hydrology and soil conditions at the proposed mitigation site are conducive for sustaining the proposed wetland and that creation of a wetland at the site will not likely cause hydrologic problems elsewhere;

ii. The proposed mitigation site does not contain invasive plants or noxious weeds or that such vegetation will be completely eradicated at the site;

iii. Adjacent land uses and site conditions do not jeopardize the viability of the proposed wetland and buffer (e.g., due to the presence of invasive plants or noxious weeds, storm water runoff, noise, light, or other impacts); and

iv. The proposed wetland and buffer will eventually be self-sustaining with little or no long-term maintenance.

3. Enhancement of significantly degraded wetlands in combination with restoration or creation. Enhancement should be part of a mitigation package that includes replacing the altered area and meeting appropriate ratio requirements. Enhancement is undertaken for specified purposes such as water quality improvement, flood water retention, or wildlife habitat. Applicants proposing to enhance wetlands or associated buffers shall demonstrate:

a. How the proposed enhancement will increase the wetland’s/buffer’s functions;

b. How this increase in function will adequately compensate for the impacts; and

c. How all other existing wetland functions at the mitigation site will be protected.

4. Preservation. Preservation of high-quality, at-risk wetlands as compensation is generally acceptable when done in combination with restoration, creation, or enhancement; provided, that a minimum of 1:1 acreage replacement is provided. Ratios for preservation in combination with other forms of mitigation generally range from 10:1 to 20:1, as determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the quality of the wetlands being altered and the quality of the wetlands being preserved.

Preservation of high-quality, at-risk wetlands and habitat may be considered as the sole means of compensation for wetland impacts when the following criteria are met:

a. The area proposed for preservation is of high quality. The following features may be indicative of high-quality sites:

i. Category I or ll wetland rating (using the wetland rating system for western Washington).

ii. Rare wetland type (for example, bogs, mature forested wetlands, estuarine wetlands).

iii. The presence of habitat for priority or locally important wildlife species.

iv. Priority sites in an adopted watershed plan.

b. Wetland impacts will not have a significant adverse impact on habitat for listed fish, or other ESA listed species.

c. There is no net loss of habitat functions within the watershed or basin.

d. Mitigation ratios for preservation as the sole means of mitigation shall generally start at 20:1. Specific ratios should depend upon the significance of the preservation project and the quality of the wetland resources lost.

e. Permanent preservation of the wetland and buffer will be provided through a conservation easement or tract held by a land trust, or land in public ownership.

f. The impact area is small (generally less than one-half acre) and/or impacts are occurring to a low-functioning system (Category III or IV wetland).

All preservation sites shall include buffer areas adequate to protect the habitat and its functions from encroachment and degradation.

E. Location of Compensatory Mitigation. Compensatory mitigation actions shall be conducted within the same subdrainage basin and on the site of the alteration except when all of subsections (E)(1) through (4) of this section apply. In that case, mitigation may be allowed off site within the subwatershed of the impact site. When considering off-site mitigation, preference should be given to using alternative mitigation, such as a mitigation bank, an in-lieu fee program, or advanced mitigation.

1. There are no reasonable opportunities on site or within the subdrainage basin (e.g., on-site options would require elimination of high-functioning upland habitat), or opportunities on site or within the subdrainage basin do not have a high likelihood of success based on a determination of the capacity of the site to compensate for the impacts. Considerations should include: anticipated replacement ratios for wetland mitigation, buffer conditions and proposed widths, available water to maintain anticipated hydrogeomorphic classes of wetlands when restored, proposed flood storage capacity, and potential to mitigate riparian fish and wildlife impacts (such as connectivity).

2. On-site mitigation would require elimination of high-quality upland habitat.

3. Off-site mitigation has a greater likelihood of providing equal or improved wetland functions than the altered wetland.

4. Off-site locations shall be in the same subdrainage basin unless:

a. Established watershed goals for water quality, flood storage or conveyance, habitat, or other wetland functions have been established by the city and strongly justify location of mitigation at another site; or

b. Credits from a state-certified wetland mitigation bank are used as compensation, and the use of credits is consistent with the terms of the certified bank instrument; or

c. Fees are paid to an approved in-lieu fee program to compensate for the impacts.

The design for the compensatory mitigation project needs to be appropriate for its location (i.e., position in the landscape). Therefore, compensatory mitigation should not result in the creation, restoration, or enhancement of an atypical wetland. An atypical wetland refers to a compensation wetland (e.g., created or enhanced) that does not match the type of existing wetland that would be found in the geomorphic setting of the site (i.e., the water source(s) and hydroperiod proposed for the mitigation site are not typical for the geomorphic setting). Likewise, it should not provide exaggerated morphology or require a berm or other engineered structures to hold back water. For example, excavating a permanently inundated pond in an existing seasonally saturated or inundated wetland is one example of an enhancement project that could result in an atypical wetland. Another example would be excavating depressions in an existing wetland on a slope, which would require the construction of berms to hold the water.

F. Timing of Compensatory Mitigation. It is preferred that compensatory mitigation projects be completed prior to activities that will disturb wetlands. At the least, compensatory mitigation shall be completed immediately following disturbance and prior to use or occupancy of the action or development. Construction of mitigation projects shall be timed to reduce impacts to existing fisheries, wildlife, and flora.

1. The community development director may authorize a one-time temporary delay in completing construction or installation of the compensatory mitigation when the applicant provides a written explanation from a qualified wetland professional as to the rationale for the delay. An appropriate rationale would include identification of the environmental conditions that could produce a high probability of failure or significant construction difficulties (e.g., project delay lapses past a fisheries window, or installing plants should be delayed until the dormant season to ensure greater survival of installed materials). The delay shall not create or perpetuate hazardous conditions or environmental damage or degradation, and the delay shall not be injurious to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. The request for the temporary delay must include a written justification that documents the environmental constraints that include implementation of the compensatory mitigation plan. The justification must be verified and approved by the city.

G. Wetland Mitigation Ratios1:

Category and Type of Wetland

Creation or Reestablishment



Category I:
Bog, Natural Heritage Site

Not considered possible

Case by case

Case by case

Category I:
Mature Forested




Forested I:
Based on Functions




Category II




Category III




Category IV




H. Credit/Debit Method. To more fully protect functions and values, and as an alternative to the mitigation ratios found in the joint guidance “Wetland Mitigation in Washington State Parts I and II” (Ecology Publication No. 06-06-011a and b, Olympia, WA, March 2006), the community development director may allow mitigation based on the “credit/debit” method developed by the Department of Ecology in “Calculating Credits and Debits for Compensatory Mitigation in Wetlands of Western Washington: Final Report” (Ecology Publication No. 10-06-011, Olympia, WA, March 2012, or as revised).

I. Compensatory Mitigation Report. The report must include a written report and plan sheets that must contain, at a minimum, the following elements. Full guidance can be found in Wetland Mitigation in Washington State – Part 2: Developing Mitigation Plans (Version 1) (Ecology Publication No. 06-06-011b, Olympia, WA, March 2006, or as revised).

1. The written report must contain, at a minimum:

a. The name and contact information of the applicant; the name, qualifications, and contact information for the primary author(s) of the compensatory mitigation report; a description of the proposal; a summary of the impacts and proposed compensation concept; identification of all the local, state, and/or federal wetland-related permit(s) required for the project; and a vicinity map for the project.

b. Description of how the project design has been modified to avoid, minimize, or reduce adverse impacts to wetlands.

c. Description of the existing wetland and buffer areas proposed to be altered. Include acreage (or square footage), water regime, vegetation, soils, landscape position, surrounding land uses, and functions. Also describe impacts in terms of acreage by Cowardin classification, hydrogeomorpbic classification, and wetland rating, based on wetland ratings of this chapter.

d. Description of the compensatory mitigation site, including location and rationale for selection. Include an assessment of existing conditions: acreage (or square footage) of wetlands and uplands, water regime, sources of water, vegetation, soils, landscape position, surrounding land uses, and functions.

e. A description of the proposed actions for compensation of wetland and upland areas affected by the project. Include overall goals of the proposed mitigation including a description of the targeted functions, hydrogeomorphic classification, and categories of wetlands.

f. A description of the proposed mitigation construction activities and timing of activities.

g. A discussion of ongoing management practices that will protect wetlands after the project site has been developed, including proposed monitoring and maintenance programs (for remaining wetlands and compensatory mitigation wetlands).

h. A bond estimate for the entire compensatory mitigation project, including the following elements: site preparation, plant materials, construction materials, installation oversight, maintenance twice per year for up to five years, annual monitoring field work and reporting, and contingency actions for a maximum of the total required number of years for monitoring.

i. Proof of establishment of notice on title for the wetlands and buffers on the project site, including the compensatory mitigation areas.

2. The scaled plan sheets for the compensatory mitigation must contain, at a minimum:

a. Surveyed edges of the existing wetland and buffers, proposed areas of wetland and/or buffer impacts, location of proposed wetland and/or buffer compensation actions.

b. Existing topography, ground-proofed, at two-foot contour intervals in the zone of the proposed compensation actions if any grading activity is proposed to create the compensation area(s). Also existing cross-sections of on-site wetland areas that are proposed to be altered, and cross-section(s) (estimated one-foot intervals) for the proposed areas of wetland or buffer compensation.

c. Surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions, including an analysis of existing and proposed hydrologic regimes for enhanced, created, or restored compensatory mitigation areas. Also, illustrations of how data for existing hydrologic conditions were used to determine the estimates of future hydrologic conditions.

d. Conditions expected from the proposed actions on site, including future hydrogeomorphic types, vegetation community types by dominant species (wetland and upland), and future water regimes.

e. Required wetland buffers for existing wetlands and proposed compensation areas. Also, identify any zones where buffers are proposed to be reduced or enlarged outside of the standards identified in this chapter.

f. A plant schedule for the compensation area, including all species by proposed community type and water regime, size and type of plant material to be installed, spacing of plants, typical clustering patterns, total number of each species by community type, timing of installation.

g. Performance standards (measurable standards reflective of years post-installation) for upland and wetland communities, monitoring schedule, and maintenance schedule and actions by each biennium.

J. Buffer Mitigation Ratios. Impacts to buffers shall be mitigated at a 1:1 ratio. Compensatory buffer mitigation shall replace those buffer functions lost from development.

K. Protection of the Mitigation Site. The area where the mitigation occurred and any associated buffer shall be located in a critical area tract or a conservation easement or land in public ownership.

L. Monitoring. Mitigation monitoring shall be required for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met, but not for a period less than five years. If a scrub-shrub or forested vegetation community is proposed, monitoring may be required for 10 years or more. The project mitigation plan shall include monitoring elements that ensure certainty of success for the project’s natural resource values and functions. If the mitigation goals are not obtained within the initial five-year period, the applicant remains responsible for restoration of the natural resource values and functions until the mitigation goals agreed to in the mitigation plan are achieved.

M. Wetland Mitigation Banks.

1. Credits from a wetland mitigation bank may be approved for use as compensation for unavoidable impacts to wetlands when:

a. The bank is certified under state rules;

b. The city determines that the wetland mitigation bank provides appropriate compensation for the authorized impacts; and

c. The proposed use of credits is consistent with the terms and conditions of the certified bank instrument.

2. Replacement ratios for projects using bank credits shall be consistent with replacement ratios specified in the certified bank instrument.

3. Credits from a certified wetland mitigation bank may be used to compensate for impacts located within the service area specified in the certified bank instrument. In some cases, the service area of the bank may include portions of more than one adjacent drainage basin for specific wetland functions.

4. The use of wetland mitigation banks shall only be authorized after fully complying with the mitigation sequencing requirements of this section. Wetlands provide critical and localized water quality functions and flood storage capacity. As such, wetland mitigation banks shall only be used to offset unavoidable impacts associated with large scale public facilities, transportation projects, utilities, or essential facilities. Projects utilizing wetland mitigation banks shall demonstrate that all local impacts to flood water storage and storm water flows have been fully mitigated.

N. In-Lieu Fee. To aid in the implementation of off-site mitigation, the city may develop an in-lieu fee program. This program shall be developed and approved through a public process and be consistent with federal rules, state policy on in-lieu fee mitigation, and state water quality regulations. An approved in-lieu fee program sells compensatory mitigation credits to permittees whose obligation to provide compensatory mitigation is then transfered to the in-lieu program sponsor, a governmental or nonprofit natural resource management entity. Credits from an approved in-lieu fee program may be used when subsections (N)(1) through (6) of this section apply:

1. The approval authority determines that it would provide environmentally appropriate compensation for the proposed impacts.

2. The mitigation will occur on a site identified using the site selection and prioritization process in the approved in-lieu fee program instrument.

3. The proposed use of credits is consistent with the terms and conditions of the approved in-lieu fee program instrument.

4. Land acquisition and initial physical and biological improvements of the mitigation site must be completed within three years of the credit sale.

5. Projects using in-lieu fee credits shall have debits associated with the proposed impacts calculated by the applicant’s qualified wetland scientist using the method consistent with the credit assessment method specified in the approved instrument for the in-lieu fee program.

6. Credits from an approved in-lieu fee program may be used to compensate for impacts located within the service area specified in the approved in-lieu fee instrument.

O. Advance Mitigation. Mitigation for projects with pre-identified impacts to wetlands may be constructed in advance of the impacts if the mitigation is implemented according to federal rules, state policy on advance mitigation, and state water quality regulations.

P. Exceptions to Mitigation Requirements. Requirements for mitigation do not apply when a wetland alteration is intended exclusively for the enhancement or restoration of an existing regulated wetland and the proposal will not result in a loss of wetland function and value, subject to the following conditions:

1. The enhancement or restoration project shall not be associated with a development activity.

2. An enhancement or restoration plan shall be submitted for site plan review. The restoration or enhancement plan must include the information required under this title. (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022).

V. Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas

14.15.350    Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area designations.

A. Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (HCAs) shall be designated and classified as provided for in the definition section of this chapter. The map and species references indicated are intended to serve only as a guide during development review. In all cases, actual presence or absence for the listed species or habitat shall prevail.

B. In addition to the HCAs, additional species and habitats of local importance may be designated by the community development director based on declining populations, sensitivity to habitat manipulation or special value including but not limited to commercial, game or public appeal.

C. In order to nominate an area or a species to the category of habitats and species of local importance, an individual or organization must:

1. Demonstrate a need for special consideration based on:

a. Declining population,

b. Sensitivity to habitat manipulation, or

c. Commercial or game value or other special value, such as public appeal.

2. Propose relevant management strategies considered effective and within the scope of this chapter; and

3. Provide species habitat location(s) on a map (scale 1:24,000). Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the community development director and forwarded to the Departments of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Resources, and/or other county and state agencies or experts for comments and recommendations regarding accuracy of data and effectiveness of proposed management strategies. A public hearing will be held for proposals found to be complete, accurate, and potentially effective and within the scope of this chapter. Approved nominations will become designated “Habitats/Species of Local Importance” and will be subject to the provisions of this chapter.

D. The following species and habitats have been designated on a site-specific basis according to the official Species and Habitats of Local Significance Map:

1. Great blue heron nest sites;

2. Vaux’s swifts communal roosts;

3. Pileated woodpecker nest sites;

4. Osprey nest sites;

5. Townsend big-eared bat communal roosts;

6. Cavity nesting ducks breeding areas;

7. Trumpeter swan concentrations;

8. Harlequin duck breeding areas;

9. Waterfowl concentrations.

14.15.360    Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas initial project review.

A. A site visit shall be conducted to determine whether HCAs identified on a critical area checklist or on available map resources or whether HCAa not previously identified are present within 300 feet of the project or activity site.

B. Habitat conservation areas are designated by definition in this title and are referenced as follows:

1. An area with which anadromous fish, endangered, threatened or sensitive species have a primary association and/or their habitat such as those designated and mapped by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Priority Habitats and Species Program;

2. A water of the state as defined under WAC 222-16-030;

3. A Critical Biological Area as designated and mapped by the Department of Ecology Coastal Zone Atlas dated June 1978 and/or the maps;

4. Designated species and habitats of local importance;

5. Naturally occurring ponds under 20 acres and their submerged aquatic beds that provide fish or wildlife habitat;

6. Lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers planted with game fish by a government or tribal entity;

7. Areas with which anadromous fish species have a primary association; and

8. State Natural Area Preserves and Natural Resource Conservation Areas.

C. If the director determines through the site visit described in subsection (A) of this section that a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area (HCA) may be present within 300 feet of the proposed project or activity area, then a site assessment/habitat management plan shall be required as part of the complete application.

14.15.370    Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area site assessment requirements.

Site assessment/habitat management plans shall be prepared by a qualified fish and wildlife biologist with experience assessing the relevant species and habitats and include, at a minimum, the following requirements:

A. Site plan prepared in accordance with the permit requirements indicating all fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas falling within 300 feet of the subject property. This site plan may be prepared by the applicant subject to review by the qualified fish and wildlife biologist;

B. Project narrative describing the proposal including, but not limited to, associated grading and filling, structures, utilities, adjacent land uses, description of vegetation both within and adjacent to the habitat conservation area, and when deemed necessary by the administrative officer, surface and subsurface hydrologic analysis;

C. Impact analysis identifying and documenting the presence of all habitat conservation areas and discussing the project’s effects on the fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas;

D. Regulatory analysis including a discussion of any federal, state, tribal, and/or local requirements or special management recommendations which have been developed for species and/or habitats located on the site;

E. Mitigation report including a discussion of proposed measures of mitigating adverse impacts of the project and an evaluation of their potential effectiveness. Measures may include but are not limited to: establishment of buffer zones, preservation of critically important plants, and trees, limitation of access to habitat area, seasonal restrictions of construction activities, establishment of a timetable for periodic review of the plan and/or establishment of performance or maintenance bonds;

F. Management and maintenance practices including a discussion of ongoing maintenance practices that will assure protection of all fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas on site after the project has been completed. This section should include a discussion of proposed monitoring criteria, methods and schedule;

G. Approval of any activity that can adversely affect fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas shall conform to the requirements set forth in this title.

14.15.380    Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area mitigation standards.

Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas shall be protected in accordance with local determination of appropriate conditions considering the site-specific recommendations from agencies with jurisdictions over the specific area, which may include but not be limited to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Department of Ecology, federally recognized Indian tribes located within Skagit County, WDFW Management Recommendations for Washington Priority Habitats and Species, and site-specific information supplied by the applicant.

Development proposals shall be reviewed for potential impacts to fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. The determination of potential impacts shall be dictated by site conditions and be made in consultation with the Washington State Departments of Ecology, Fish and Wildlife and Natural Resources and federally recognized Indian tribes located in Skagit County. If it is determined that a proposed project may have an adverse effect on a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area, the applicant shall implement a habitat management plan including mitigation measures in conformity with the performance standards outlined below.

A. Riparian Performance Standards. Riparian buffer areas shall be established from the ordinary high water mark. The intent of riparian buffers is to protect five basic riparian forest functions that influence in-stream and near-stream habitat quality. These are:

1. Recruitment of large woody debris (LWD) to the stream: LWD recruitment creates habitat structures necessary to maintain salmon/trout productive capacity and species diversity.

2. Shade. Shading by the forest canopy maintains cooler water temperatures and influences the availability of oxygen for salmon/trout.

3. Bank Integrity (Root Reinforcement). Bank integrity helps maintain habitat quality and water quality by reducing bank erosion and creating habitat structure and instream hiding cover for salmon and trout.

4. Runoff Filtration. Filtration of nutrients and sediments in runoff (surface and shallow subsurface flows) helps maintain water quality.

5. Wildlife Habitat. Functional wildlife habitat for riparian-dependent species is based on sufficient amounts of riparian vegetation to provide protection for nesting and feeding.

B. Standard Riparian Buffers. Riparian areas have the following standard buffer requirements (Note: Riparian areas do not extend beyond the toe of the slope on the landward side of existing dikes or levees unless specifically exempt from Federal Vegetation Management requirements):

Water Type

Riparian Buffer

Type “S”

200 feet

Type “F”

100 feet

Type “Np” and “Ns”

50 feet

Once buffers are established, they shall not be altered except as allowed below. Riparian buffers not currently meeting the minimum standards shall be restored; provided, that such restoration does not conflict with other provisions of this chapter. In implementing buffer widths other than the standard riparian buffers identified above, the director shall provide opportunity for review and comment from appropriate federal, state or tribal natural resource agencies to ensure the use of best available science. These comments shall be included in the public record along with the basis and rationale for requirement or approval of any such nonstandard buffers.

1. Increasing Buffer Widths. The city may increase the standard buffer widths on a case-by-case basis, or to establish nonriparian buffer widths, when such buffers are necessary to protect priority fish or wildlife (e.g., great blue heron nesting colonies, osprey or cavity nesting ducks) using the HCA. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation from the Departments of Ecology and Fish and Wildlife, showing that the increased buffer width is reasonably related to the protection of the fish and/or wildlife using the HCA.

2. Decreasing Buffer Widths. Decreasing standard buffers will be allowed only if the applicant demonstrates that all of the following criteria are met:

a. A decrease is necessary to accomplish the purposes of the proposal and no other feasible options exist; and

b. Decreasing width will not adversely affect the fish and wildlife habitat functions and values; and

c. If a portion of a buffer is to be reduced, the remaining buffer area will be enhanced, using native vegetation, artificial habitat features, vegetative screening and/or barrier fencing as appropriate to improve the functional attributes of the buffer and to provide equivalent or better protection for fish and wildlife habitat functions and values; and

d. The buffer width shall not be reduced below 25 percent of the standard buffer width unless no other feasible options exist and that no net loss of HCA riparian functional values will result, based on a functional assessment provided by the applicant utilizing a methodology approved by the city.

e. A demonstration is provided to ensure that the goal of no net loss of shoreline environmental functions is being met.

C. Allowed Uses in HCAs or Buffers.

l. Docks. Docks designed to facilitate low-impact uses, such as education and/or private, noncommercial recreation may be permitted within fish and wildlife HCAs under the following conditions:

a. The activity will have minimum adverse impact to the fish and wildlife habitat conservation area;

b. The activity will not significantly degrade surface water or ground water;

c. The intrusion into the fish and wildlife habitat conservation area and its buffers is fully mitigated; and

d. An opportunity for review and comment by federal, state and tribal natural resource agencies shall be provided.

2. Limited park or recreational access to a fish and wildlife habitat area or its required buffer; provided, that all of the following are satisfied:

a. The access is part of a public park or a recreational resort development that is dependent on the access for its location and recreational function;

b. The access is limited to the minimum necessary to accomplish the recreational function;

c. The access and the balance of the development is consistent with other requirements of the Burlington Municipal Code and the Burlington shoreline master program; and

d. The proponent obtains a written approval from the city council for the limited access and associated mitigation.

3. Low impact uses and activities which are consistent with the purpose and function of the habitat buffer and do not detract from its integrity may be permitted within the buffer depending on the sensitivity of the habitat involved; provided, that such activity shall not result in a decrease in riparian functional values and shall not prevent or inhibit the buffer’s recovery to at least prealtered condition or function. Examples of uses and activities which may be permitted in appropriate cases, as long as the activity does not retard the overall recovery of the buffer, include removal of noxious vegetation, pedestrian trails, viewing platforms, and dispersion outfalls and bioswales.

4. In the riparian buffer, removal of hazardous trees that pose a threat to existing structures, as determined by a certified arborist, may be permitted with prior written approval. Any removed tree or vegetation shall be replaced with appropriate species. Replacement shall be performed consistent with accepted restoration standards for riparian areas within one calendar year. The community development director may approve alternative tree species to promote fish and wildlife habitat.

Prior to commencement of tree or vegetation removal and/or replacement, the landowner must obtain written approval from the director.

D. Bald eagle habitats shall be protected pursuant to the Washington State Bald Eagle Protection Rules (WAC 232-12-292); a cooperative habitat management plan shall be developed in coordination with the Department of Fish and Wildlife whenever activities that alter habitat are proposed near a verified nest territory or communal roost.

E. Wetlands that are identified as a fish and wildlife habitat conservation area shall be protected according to the provisions in this title, referencing increasing buffer widths. If the wetland buffer widths, standard buffer widths conflict with this section, the buffer widths providing the greatest protection shall apply.

F. All other fish and wildlife habitat conservation area, including habitats/species of local significance, shall be protected on a case-by-case basis by means of a habitat management plan based on the PHS program, initial project review and site assessment/habitat management plan.

G. Approval of any activity that can adversely affect fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas shall conform to the requirements set forth in this title. (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022).

VI. Critical Area Standards

14.15.070    General requirements and authorizations required.

A. In addition to any other requirements identified in this chapter, or otherwise imposed by the Burlington Municipal Code, all development occurring in critical areas, or critical area buffers, shall meet the following general requirements:

1. Site. Complete stabilization of all portions of a site which are disturbed or impacted by the proposed development, including all development coverage and construction activity areas, shall be required. Complete stabilization of all portions of a site refers to the process and actions necessary to ensure that existing and proposed site improvements are stabilized, and that all on-site areas and adjacent properties which are disturbed or impacted are stabilized. The proposed development shall be limited and controlled to avoid adverse impacts and potential harm and ensure safe, stable and compatible development appropriate to site conditions. Other reasonable and appropriate solutions to solve site stability problems may be required by the director.

2. Adjacent Site, Surrounding Area, and Drainage Basin. The proposed development shall ensure safe, stable and compatible development which avoids adverse environmental impacts and potential harm to adjacent sites, the surrounding neighborhood, and the drainage basin. Detailed analysis of impacts of the development upon wetlands, riparian corridors, native vegetation and wildlife habitats, water quality, natural water temperature, slope and soil conditions, and surface water drainage may be required at the request of the director when site and area conditions indicate the need for this analysis. Supplemental technical reports may be required by the director to specify measures to preserve, protect, and maintain adjacent sites and the drainage basin and ensure safe, stable and compatible development.

B. Procedures. No land use development permit, land division, development approval, or other authorization required shall be granted until the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.

1. The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposal submitted conforms to the purposes and standards of this chapter, assesses impacts an the critical area from activities and uses proposed, and identifies protective mechanisms adequate to meet the requirements of this chapter.

2. Each proposal shall be reviewed by the director for consistency with the applicable regulations identified in this chapter and to ensure the protective mechanisms proposed are sufficient to protect the critical area, public health, safety and welfare. If not, conditions of approval shall be specified as necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter. If there are no conditions under which the proposal could be approved, then the proposal shall be denied.

C. All land use actions shall be conditioned as necessary to mitigate impacts to critical areas as required by this chapter and any project that cannot adequately mitigate its impacts to critical areas shall be denied.

D. Conflicts With Other Provisions. If any provision of this chapter conflicts with any other applicable code provision, the more restrictive shall apply unless specifically excepted in this chapter.

E. Satisfaction of the requirements of this chapter shall also be sufficient to satisfy the requirement for critical areas analysis and mitigation pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW, State Environmental Policy Act, and chapter 14.10 BMC, Environmental Policy.

F. SEPA Compliance. The goals, policies and purposes set forth in this chapter shall be considered policies of the State Environmental Policy Act. When applicable the applicant must meet SEPA requirements.

G. Other Permits Required. It is recognized that many local, state, and/or federal permit conditions may apply to the proposed action, and that compliance with the provisions of this chapter may not necessarily constitute compliance with other such requirements.

14.15.090    Application submittal requirements.

In addition to the application submittal requirements specified in other codes, a complete application for development subject to this chapter shall include the following additional information:

A. Surveyed Site Plan. A surveyed site plan shall be prepared by a state of Washington licensed surveyor and shall include the following, when required by the community development director:

1. Existing topography at two-foot contour intervals on site, within 25 feet of the site’s abutting boundaries, and within the full width of abutting public and private rights-of-way and easements;

2. Terrain and drainage flow characteristics within the site, within 25 feet of the site’s abutting boundaries, and within the full width of abutting public and private rights-of-way and easements;

3. Proposed location and boundaries of all required undisturbed fenced areas and buffers on site and on adjacent lands;

4. Location of all vegetation, including location and description of all trees over six inches in diameter measured five feet above the base of the trunk, shrubs over eight feet tall or six feet wide, and noting their species;

5. Location and boundaries of all existing and proposed site improvements on the site and within 25 feet of the site’s property boundaries, and the full width of abutting public and private rights-of-way and easements. This shall include the limits of development coverage, impervious surfaces and construction activity areas (noting total square footage and percentage of site occupied);

6. Location of all grading activities in progress or proposed, and all drainage control facilities or systems in existence, in progress or proposed within 25 feet of the site’s property boundaries, and the full width of abutting public and private rights-of-way and easements;

7. Location of all existing and proposed utilities (water, sewer, gas, electric, phone, cable, etc.), both above and below ground, on site, on adjacent lands within 25 feet of the site’s property lines, and in the full width of abutting public rights-of-way, and proposed methods and locations for the proposed development to hook up to these services;

8. Such other additional site plan information as necessary to complete review of a project or waive specific submittal requirements when not necessary for project review.

B. Technical Reports. Technical reports shall be prepared and submitted as required by this chapter.

14.15.100    Administration.

A. The director shall be responsible for the administration of this chapter, including:

1. Review applications for land use actions to verify compliance with this chapter, issue permit decisions, or make recommendations to the hearing examiner in accordance with the permit processing procedures identified in BMC Title 14A;

2. Review applications for land use actions to assure that all necessary permits have been obtained from those federal, state or local government agencies from which prior approval is required;

3. Recording and maintaining records of:

a. As-built elevation above mean sea level of the lowest floor including basement of all new and substantially improved structures requiring a floodplain approval and whether same structure contains a basement;

b. Certification by registered professional engineer or architect as required by this chapter;

c. Floodplain approvals and other actions pursuant to the administration of this chapter;

4. Notification to adjacent communities and the Department of Ecology prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse with copy to FEMA, and maintenance within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that flood-carrying capacity is not diminished;

5. When base flood elevation data has not been provided, obtaining, reviewing, and reasonably utilizing any base flood elevation and floodway data that should become available from a federal, state or other source in order to administer standards and floodways;

6. Issuance of development permits pursuant to BMC Title 14A, Land Use Decisions, and chapter 15.04 BMC, Uniform Codes, before construction or development begins within the city limits.

B. This chapter shall be administered in accordance with chapter 86.16 RCW and chapter 508-60 WAC. This chapter shall be revised as necessary to conform with any changes in state rules pertaining to flood control zones which may be adopted by the State Department of Ecology subsequent to the effective date of delegation of the state’s permit program to the city.

C. The administrative procedure for critical areas review shall be as follows:

1. Determination That an Activity Requires Standard Review. All applications for approval of activities requiring written authorization pursuant to BMC 14.15.070 shall require the submission of a critical areas checklist completed and filed by the applicant on the forms provided by the planning department. If not otherwise required, all applications for critical areas review shall include a description of the proposed activity and a site plan showing the location of the proposed activity and associated area of disturbance in relation to all known critical areas or critical area indicators. Upon receipt of the application, a determination shall be made as to whether or not the proposed activity fits within any of the exempt activities found in BMC 18.09.020. If the proposed activity is classified as exempt, and meets the associated conditions for such an allowance, no other critical areas review shall be required, except as necessary to ensure that any conditions for such an allowance are met in practice. This determination shall be made in writing and included in the application file.

Proposed activities identified under BMC 18.09.020 that do not meet the conditions for such an allowance or that may result in significant adverse impacts to a critical area or its buffer shall be subject to standard critical areas review.

2. Method for Initial Determination of Critical Areas. Upon determination that the proposed activity requires detailed critical areas review, and upon receipt of a completed critical areas checklist, the following method shall be used to determine whether critical areas or their required buffers will possibly be affected by the proposed activity:

a. Review the critical areas checklist together with the maps and other critical areas resources identified in the relevant sections of this chapter; and

b. Complete the critical areas staff checklist; and

c. Inspect the site; and

d. Complete the critical areas field indicator form.

3. Determination That Critical Areas Are Not Affected. If critical area indicators are not present within 200 feet of the proposed activity or within a distance otherwise specified in this chapter, then the review required pursuant to this chapter is complete, except as necessary to ensure that the proposed activity is undertaken as described in the application and as shown on the site plan. This determination shall be noted in the application file and provide written authorization shall be provided for the project or activity to proceed as proposed in the application or, where applicable, with any specific conditions of approval. This determination shall not constitute approval of any use or activity or its compliance with the requirements of this chapter, outside the scope of that stated in the application. Any proposed change in use or scope of activity from that contained in the application shall be subject to further review under this chapter. The applicant shall acknowledge in writing that the determination regarding the apparent absence of critical area indicators and the likelihood that critical areas will not be affected is not intended as an expert certification regarding the presence or absence of critical areas and that the critical areas review process is subject to possible reopening if new information is received as described in subsection (C)(4) of this section. If the applicant wants greater assurance of the accuracy of any such critical area indicators determination, the applicant shall hire a qualified critical areas expert to provide such assurances.

4. Reopening of Review Process.

a. If at any time prior to completion of the public input process on the associated permit or approval, the city receives new evidence that a critical area may be present within 200 feet of the project area or within a distance otherwise specified in this chapter, then the critical areas review process shall be reopened pursuant to this chapter and shall require whatever level of critical areas review and mitigation as is required by this chapter.

b. Once the public input process on the associated permit or approval is completed and the record is closed, then the city’s determination regarding critical areas pursuant to this chapter shall be final; provided, however, that the critical areas review process may be reopened if it is determined that incomplete or incorrect information was provided by the applicant in the application or checklist. For the purposes of this subsection, “incomplete or incorrect information” means information regarding the nature and/or location of the proposed activity as presented in the application or regarding the presence of a critical area or critical area indicators on the subject property which the applicant knew or should have known was relevant at the time of the submittal of the checklist. Prior to reopening a critical areas review under this subsection, the city shall conduct a site visit. No critical areas review shall be reopened under this section unless it is determined, after the site visit, that incomplete or incorrect information was provided.

5. Determination That Critical Areas Are Affected. If the city determines that critical area indicators are present within 200 feet of the proposed activity or within a distance otherwise specified in this chapter, then the determination shall be recorded in the project file and the applicant shall provide a critical areas site assessment as specified in this chapter. Development of a site assessment may precede a site visit; provided, that no disturbance of vegetation or land surface occurs prior to authorization.

6. Critical Areas Determination and Conditions of Approval. Based on the critical areas site assessment report and other available critical areas information, the city shall make a determination on the proposed activity. A determination to approve a proposed activity shall include designation of protected critical areas (PCAs) pursuant to this chapter and stipulation of binding conditions and required mitigation, monitoring, maintenance or other conditions of approval pursuant to this chapter. If there are no conditions under which the proposed activity could be approved, then the community development director shall deny the proposal.

14.15.110    Critical areas checklist, site assessment and conditions of approval.

A. Critical Areas Checklist. Every application for an activity that might alter or adversely affect a critical area or critical area buffer shall include a critical area checklist on a form provided by the director. The checklist shall identify all critical area indicators and/or all known critical areas within 200 feet of the proposed activity or within a distance otherwise specified in this chapter. The checklist shall be signed by the applicant and shall inform the applicant that if the information on the checklist is later determined incorrect, then any permit or approval issued based on information provided may be rescinded and the site restored to its original, predevelopment, condition.

B. Site Assessment Required. If, after a site visit, the city determines that the proposed activity area is within 200 feet, or within a distance otherwise specified in this chapter, of an area that may contain critical area indicators, or if the city determines that the proposed activity will adversely impact a critical area or its associated buffer, then a complete critical areas site assessment shall be required. Critical areas site assessments, as described in more detail in the various sections for each type of critical area, shall be submitted as part of a complete application for a development permit, or other approval of land use activities having the potential to impact critical areas or their buffers, by a qualified expert.

C. Site Assessment Preparation. The critical area site assessment shall be prepared by a qualified expert for the type of critical area or areas involved and shall contain the information specified for each type of critical area. In general, the site assessment shall include critical area inventory, assessment of impacts and, where applicable, proposed mitigation, land use restrictions and landowner management, maintenance and monitoring responsibilities. The city may require peer review or review by personnel from state and federal agencies with expertise.

D. Any site plans required by this chapter may be combined into a single site plan wherever possible.

E. Critical Areas Determination and Conditions of Approval. After receiving a complete site assessment report, the city shall determine whether or not the proposed activity meets the requirements of this chapter and under what conditions. This determination shall utilize the information provided in the site assessment report and all other resource information available.

Critical area determinations shall be made in writing, contain findings addressing the requirements of this chapter, and shall identify any conditions of approval, land use prohibitions, and mitigation, management, monitoring and maintenance requirements.

14.15.130    General construction and maintenance standards.

All land use actions and development activities located in critical areas or critical area buffers shall be subject to the following general construction and maintenance standards:

A. All buffer areas and other designated protected areas shall be fenced with a highly visible and durable protective barrier during construction to prevent access and protect critical areas.

B. All disturbed areas on the site, including development coverage and construction activity areas, shall be controlled in a manner sufficient to control drainage and prevent erosion during construction, and revegetated to promote drainage control and prevent erosion after construction. In cases where erosion potential is severe, a vegetation and revegetation report prepared by a qualified professional with landscaping, plant ecology and botany education and experience may be required. All revegetation shall consist of trees, shrubs, and ground cover that is suitable for the location and does not require permanent irrigation systems for long-term survival.

C. When development is proposed in a critical area or critical area buffer, grading activities shall be strictly limited to areas located on the most environmentally suitable portion of the site.

D. All drainage associated with the development shall be managed using an approved drainage control system in accordance with the provisions of this title.

E. Land use actions and development shall comply with the seismic design requirements identified in the building code adopted by, or referenced in, BMC Title 15.

F. All grading in critical areas shall not occur prior to March 31st and shall be stabilized by October 31st unless demonstrated to the satisfaction of the director based on approved technical analysis that no environmental harm or safety issues would result from grading between November 1st and March 31st.

G. Construction activities shall adhere to a prepared schedule approved by the city prior to issuance of a building or development permit.

This schedule shall include, but not be limited to, a schedule for compliance with project conditions, limits of construction and work activities, equipment to be used, start and duration of each phase, and work sequencing.

H. Dumping or filling is prohibited in wetlands and special flood risk areas. Dumping includes deposit of yard waste, trash, litter, refuse, dirt, concrete, asphalt, rocks or similar materials, but shall not include work authorized by approved plans and permits.

14.15.150    Critical area and buffer mitigation requirements – General provisions.

A. Buffers.

1. As described in more detail in each relevant section, buffers have in some cases been determined necessary and appropriate to protect critical areas and their functions or to prevent risk from a critical area hazard. In those sections of this chapter where specific buffers are identified, those buffers are deemed “required” or “standard” buffers. If a project or activity does not propose any alteration of those buffers or of the associated critical area and the city determines that these buffers are adequate to protect the critical area or to prevent risk of a hazard from the critical area, then subject to the provisions of this section, no additional mitigation will be required. Once the critical area and its buffer have properly been delineated through a critical areas assessment and any conditions of approval have been established to ensure protection of the critical area function, no further critical areas mitigation assessment is required, except as necessary to ensure that long-term protection of critical areas and buffers is met in practice through compliance with the provisions of this section. The applicant shall ensure the protection of critical area by performing a site assessment on the entire parcel.

2. If, however, based on a site assessment by a qualified expert, unique features of the particular critical area or its buffer or of the proposed development, the qualified expert determines that additional buffers and/or mitigation measures beyond these buffers are necessary to adequately protect the function of the critical area or to prevent risk of a hazard from the critical area, such additional mitigation requirements may be imposed, provided the qualified expert can demonstrate, based on best available science, why that additional mitigation or buffering is required to adequately protect the critical area function or to prevent hazard from a critical area.

3. If the applicant proposes to reduce buffers or to alter the critical area or its required buffer, then the applicant shall demonstrate, based on best available science, why such buffer and/or critical area modification, together with such alternative mitigation proposed in the critical areas assessment, is sufficient to provide equal or better protection of the critical area function or provide no increased risk of a hazard from the critical area.

4. The critical areas assessment and the conditions of approval shall make adequate provision for long-term protection related to critical areas and buffers, and shall fully address the requirements of this chapter.

However, critical areas and/or buffers identified as protected critical areas (PCAs) as defined in this chapter do not require any provisions for public access, and appropriate restrictions may be included in the easement or title documents. Critical areas and/or buffers identified as PCAs are, however, subject to periodic inspection by the director, upon prior notification to the landowner, to ensure long-term protection.

5. Protected Critical Areas (PCAs).

a. For proposed land divisions, critical areas and their associated buffers identified through the site assessment and city review process shall be designated as PCAs and placed in separate tracts or easements and protected through protective covenants shown on the face of the recorded plat. (See BMC 14.15.160, Protected critical area (PCA) requirements.)

b. For development projects or land use activities not involving a new land division, the critical area and its associated buffer identified through the site assessment process shall instead be identified as a PCA by either easement, open space designation or permit conditions, all including restrictive covenants and recorded with the auditor on a site plan to ensure long-term protection. Critical areas and/or buffers identified as PCAs are subject to periodic inspection, upon prior notification to the landowner, to ensure long-term protection.

6. Open Space – Protected Area. If a portion of a parcel contains a proposed development project that triggers a development permit, and has not had its critical areas and associated buffers delineated because it was outside the project or area affected by the project, then further critical areas assessment may be required in the future prior to any change of use, or new development permit for that portion of the site.

B. Mitigation. All proposed alterations to critical areas or associated buffers shall require mitigation sufficient to provide for and maintain the functional values of the critical area or to prevent risk from a critical area hazard and shall give adequate consideration to the reasonable economically viable use of the property. Mitigation of one critical area impact should not result in unmitigated impacts to another critical area. Mitigation may include, but is not limited to: buffers, setbacks, limits on clearing and grading, best management practices for erosion control and maintenance of water quality, or other conditions appropriate to avoid or mitigate identified adverse impacts.

C. Preferred Mitigation Sequence. Mitigation includes avoiding, minimizing or compensating for adverse impacts to regulated critical areas or their buffers. The preferred sequence of mitigation is defined in BMC 18.14.020.

D. Mitigation requirements shall be identified in written conditions of approval and shall be included in an approved mitigation plan.

E. Financial Assurance. The approved mitigation plan shall be completed prior to final approval of the development permit. For all projects with an estimated mitigation cost of $4,000 or over, the financial assurance may be required to assure compliance with the mitigation plan if the complete mitigation proposed in the site assessment cannot be completed prior to final approval of the development permit. Financial assurance shall be in the form of either a surety bond, performance bond, assignment of savings account or an irrevocable letter of credit guaranteed by an acceptable financial institution with terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney, shall be in the amount of 125 percent of the estimated cost of the uncompleted actions or construction, and shall be assigned in favor of the city of Burlington. The term of the financial assurance shall remain in place until the required mitigation is complete.

F. Monitoring of Critical Areas Mitigation. On a regular basis, but no less frequently than once every two years, the city shall survey a sampling of projects and activities for which critical area site assessments were required, including mitigation plans, potentially impacting fish-bearing streams and/or Category I, II or III wetlands. The sample shall be taken from permits or approvals issued more than 10 months prior to the sampling date. The selected sites shall be inspected for critical area and buffer size and condition and for compliance with any required mitigation or other conditions of approval. Results of such sampling shall be included in the permanent record for the project or activity, shall be reported to the city council, and shall also be utilized for enforcement purposes.

14.15.160    Protected critical area (PCA) requirements.

A. PCA Identification and Recording.

1. PCA Identification. Approval of development projects which trigger a development permit and other land use activities that can cause adverse impacts to critical areas and/or their buffers shall require the identification and designation of PCAs by the community development director. This section is intended to apply to unique critical area elements such as buffers or wellhead protection areas that can cause adverse impacts; location in the floodplain unless adjacent to a wetland or riparian corridor does not require recording of a PCA. PCAs shall include all critical areas and associated buffers on the proposed project site which have been identified through the site assessment process.

2. PCA Recording. All PCAs shall be recorded with the county auditor in accordance with the procedures established under this section. The applicant shall be responsible for all fees and other costs associated with recording of PCAs.

3. For each project or activity that requires recording of PCAs, the following information shall be recorded with the auditor and be readily available to the public upon request:

a. Recorded documents signed by the landowner and the director which stipulates any special conditions of approval, protective covenants, binding conditions, or other requirements such as use restrictions, required mitigation, and/or landowner maintenance or monitoring requirements established at the time of approval;

b. Required final plat map or site plan clearly showing the locations of PCAs, existing vegetation and permanent buffer edge markers;

c. Additional information necessary to document the critical areas inventory at the time of approval, including descriptions of identified critical areas, their locations, functions and values, and existing critical areas or buffer vegetation;

d. Identification of any local responsibilities beyond those required by this chapter;

e. Reference to the file containing the complete record of information pertaining to approval of the project or activity.

4. Permanent Buffer Edge Markers. Except as provided under subsection (A)(4)(a) of this section, the outer edges of all PCAs, with the exception of aquifer recharge areas, may be required, and if required shall be clearly marked on site by the applicant or landowner with permanent rebar stakes and critical area markers. Critical area markers may be either approved critical area signs or inexpensive steel posts painted a standard color approved by the director that is clearly identifiable as a critical area marker. Installation of permanent markers shall be the responsibility of the landowner.

a. The director may waive or modify the requirement for permanent buffer edge markers; provided, that any such decision shall be based on a site-specific determination that future verification of PCA locations will not be substantially more difficult without the placement of permanent markers and that such waiver or modification will not result in reduced long-term protection of critical areas. The determination shall be included in the permanent record.

b. Where such permanent markers are required, the director shall specify their frequency of placement and general location. Permanent markers shall be placed to locate the edge of the PCA to an approximate accuracy of within five percent of the specified buffer width or within five feet, whichever is larger. The spacing intervals of the markers shall be such as to provide comparable accuracy of line-of-sight determination of buffer edges. The locations of all required stakes/markers shall be shown on the plat map or site map recorded with the auditor.

B. Protected Critical Area (PCA) Designations for New Land Divisions.

1. For land divisions where site assessments have occurred pursuant to this chapter, all PCAs shall be placed into separate tracts or easements, whose uses shall be regulated by the provisions of this chapter and any conditions of approval, including protective covenants and binding agreements as provided for under subsection (A) of this section. Area within a PCA can be included in total acreage for development purposes end may be used in lot area or density calculations. PCAs may be owned and maintained by the owner of the lot of which they are a part or transferred to the homeowners association or land trust. Wetlands and buffers in the Gages Slough corridor may be donated to the city in exchange for park impact fee credit.

2. Recording. PCA designations shall be recorded with the auditor as part of the plat approval process.

The auditor file number referencing the agreement shall be on the face of the plat and its provisions shall run with the land.

3. PCA Descriptions. The location of PCAs shall be clearly identified on site plans and on preliminary and final plat maps. PCAs shall be labeled using the letters A through Z, or another labeling system approved by the community development director. Where more than one lot is involved, each lot shall carry independent labeling as described in subsection (D)(1) of this section.

4. Ingress, Egress and Use. Owners of PCAs shall grant ingress and egress by the community development director or his or her agent for monitoring and evaluation of compliance with established conditions of approval, binding conditions or any required mitigation. As part of an approved land division, the use limitations required of a designated and regulated critical area according to the provisions of this chapter, including the conclusions of the critical areas site assessment report and any conditions of approval, protective covenants and other binding conditions, shall be clearly stated on the face of the recorded plat.

C. PCAs on Preexisting Lots.

1. For development proposals and other land use activities that can adversely impact critical areas on preexisting lots, not part of a proposed land division or other form of multiple lot development, PCAs shall be identified on a scaled site plan showing the location of the PCA, structures (existing and proposed) and their distances from the PCA and lot lines to show relative location within the subject parcel(s). The project or activity shall be conditioned for critical area protection and the resulting information recorded with the auditor as defined under subsection (A) of this section. The site plan may be prepared by the applicant and all distances and locations of structures may be measured from the established PCA boundary to within plus or minus five feet.

2. Ingress and Egress. The city shall be granted access to PCAs for monitoring and evaluation of compliance with established conditions of approval, binding conditions or any required mitigation.

D. PCA Mapping, Labeling, and Area Calculations.

1. All PCAs shall be mapped. The area shall be delineated on the final plat map or on a site plan to an accuracy of plus or minus five feet horizontal and monumented in the field by a qualified expert.

2. During construction phases of development, clear temporary marking using flagging and staking shall be maintained along the outer limits of the delineated PCA or the limits of the proposed site disturbance outside of the PCA. Prior to the start of construction activity, and as necessary during construction, temporary markings shall be inspected and approved by the community development director or designee. The person responsible for inspecting the temporary flagging shall provide written confirmation to be included in the record as to whether or not the flagging has been installed consistent with the permit requirements prior to commencement of the permitted activity.

3. All PCAs shall include the necessary labeling to show calculated area (in square feet or acreage), and type and/or class of critical area within each lot. This information shall be noted on the face of the approved plat or site plan.

4. Sign, Marker and Fence Maintenance. It is the responsibility of the landowner to maintain the required PCA markers, signs or fences in working order throughout the duration of the development project or land use activity. Maintenance includes any necessary replacement. Removal of required signs, markers or fences without prior written approval of the director shall be considered a violation of this chapter.

14.15.170    Incentives.

The following incentives are intended to minimize the burden to individual property owners from application of the provisions of this chapter and assist the city in achieving the goals of this chapter:

A. Open Space. Any property owner on whose property a critical area or its associated buffer is located and who proposes to put the critical area and buffer in a separate open space tract may apply for current use property tax assessment on that separate tract pursuant to chapter 84.34 RCW.

B. Conservation Easement. Any person who owns an identified critical area or its associated buffer may place a conservation easement over that portion of the property by naming a qualified designee under RCW 64.04.130 as beneficiary of the conservation easement. This conservation easement can be used in lieu of the creation of a separate critical areas tract to qualify for open space tax assessment described in subsection (A) of this section.

The purpose of the easement shall be to preserve, protect, maintain, restore and limit future use of the property affected. The terms of the conservation easement may include prohibitions or restrictions on access and shall be approved by the property owner and the qualified designee. (Ord. 1924 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022).