2.10A.010 Salary schedule.

The salaries of the county councilors, sheriff, assessor, auditor, clerk and treasurer shall be set, as provided by the Home Rule Charter and any amendments thereto.

The prosecuting attorney’s salary shall be equal to the annual salary of a superior court judge as set forth by the state of Washington, including adjustments thereto.

In no instance shall the salary of any elected official be reduced during their term of office. Provided, the salary of any elected official set by this chapter shall continue at the most recent level set herein. Such salary shall not lapse upon the expiration of the term of office, but it is intended to continue at the most current adopted level until modified. (Sec. 1 of Ord. 1978-08-10; amended by Sec. 2 of Res. 1981-03-125; amended by Res. 1981-09-106; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1982-01-82; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1982-12-43; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1984-06-23; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1984-06-73; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1984-08-60; amended by Sec. 1 of Res. 1986-12-02; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1988-12-08; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1996-01-42; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1996-12-17; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1997-12-14; amended by Sec. 1 of Res. 2000-07-16; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 2005-03-10; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 2006-02-04; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 2018-12-23)