8.11.060 Nuisances.

It is unlawful for the owner or person responsible to cause, allow, or permit, either willfully or by failure to exercise due care, or participate in any of the following, which are singly or together defined as a public nuisance:

(1)    Any animal which by habitual howling, yelping, barking or other noise disturbs or annoys any person or neighborhood to an unreasonable degree, taken to be continuous noise for a period of ten (10) or more minutes or intermittent noise for a period of thirty (30) or more minutes, except: such noises made by livestock, whether from commercial or noncommercial activities on land which is properly zoned to allow keeping of livestock, and such sounds made in facilities licensed under and in compliance with the provisions of this title. Livestock on properties inside of urban growth boundaries may be subject to the provisions of Section 40.260.235. It shall be an affirmative defense under this subsection that the animal was intentionally provoked to make such noise; provided, that enactment of this provision shall in no way abrogate any other provision under this code concerning animal noise.

(2)    Any domesticated animal which enters upon private or public property, so as to damage or destroy any real or personal property, including but not limited to domestic animals and livestock, thereon.

(3)    Any domesticated animal which chases, runs after or jumps at vehicles using the public streets and alleys.

(4)    Any domesticated animal which snaps, growls, snarls, jumps at or upon, or otherwise threatens persons lawfully using public sidewalks, streets, alleys or other public ways.

(5)    Animals running in packs.

(6)    Any animal which dumps garbage or strews trash on public or private property.

(7)    Any dog, whether licensed or not, which runs at large (i.e., off the owner’s property).

(8)    Any animal which enters any place where food is prepared, served, stored or sold to the public; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any service animal as described in Section 8.01.020, or a duly authorized law enforcement officer or security guard using guard dogs in performance of their duties.

(9)    Animals confined, staked or kept on public property without prior consent of the applicable agency.

(10)    Animals kept, harbored or maintained and known to have a contagious disease, unless under the treatment of a licensed veterinarian or being kept for medical research.

(11)    Animals on public property not under the control of the owner or other competent person and without the consent of the applicable agency.

(12)    The ownership, harboring, or keeping of any species of animals designated by the Washington State Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 246-100 WAC as dangerous to the public including any skunk, fox or raccoon, except as lawfully authorized for fur farming.

(13)    Any vicious animal which runs at large at any time, or such animal when off or outside of the owner’s premises, not under the control of a person of suitable age and discretion to restrain such animal, or such animal when uncontrolled on the owner’s premises; PROVIDED, that this subsection shall not apply to previously declared dangerous dogs regulated by Chapter 8.18.

(14)    The taking from the wild, or the holding in captivity, or the having in one’s possession, or the exportation from or importation into the county of any species designated in Chapter 232-12 WAC, as protected wildlife, as furbearing animals, or as game fish, birds, or animals, except as lawfully authorized.

(15)    Any dog in an established leash law zone found in violation of the provisions of Chapter 8.15.

(16)    Any animal violating or involved in a violation of the provisions of Chapter 8.07.

(17)    Any animal which deposits excrement or other solid waste in any place not designated to receive such waste when such waste is not removed by the owner or other person having control over the animal.

(18)    Any domesticated animal which causes injury or harm to any person while such person is in or on a public place or lawfully in or on a private place including the property of the owner of such animal.

(19)    Any unconfined female animal while in estrus which is accessible to other animals, except those used for controlled and planned breeding.

(20)    Harass a police dog while said police dog is confined in its quarters, an automobile, kennel fenced area, training area, or while it is under the control of a dog handler.

(21)    Interfere with a police dog or dog handler while said police dog or dog handler is engaged in lawful police activities.

(22)    Prohibited Animals. Turkeys, peacocks and roosters are prohibited within the urban growth area for the city of Vancouver. (Sec. 1 of Res. 1981-04-108: amended by Sec. 25 of Res. 1984-12-65; amended by Sec. 16 of Ord. 1985-12-06; amended by Sec. 9 of Ord. 1987-11-37; amended by Sec. 18 of Ord. 1993-08-13A; amended by Sec. 1 (Att. A) of Ord. 2012-02-03; amended by Sec. 27 of Ord. 2016-11-13; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 2017-12-21; amended by Sec. 22 of Ord. 2024-03-01)