14.06.904.5 Roof assemblies—Materials.

Section R904 (Roof Assemblies—Materials) of the IRC shall be amended by the addition of the following new section:

904.5 Special Conditions. In those areas designated as Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix by Clark County Code 15.13.030:

(1) Roofing materials for new construction or replacement of existing roofs shall be limited to those types which are noncombustible or have a class C or greater rating as defined in IBC Section 1505.

(2) Roofs with slopes of less than 3:12 shall have a noncombustible covering.

904.5 Special Conditions. For green or vegetated roof design:

Follow the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) for all design considerations. Note that specific information can be found in section 403 for stormwater and 408 for vegetative roofs. The IgCC follows the International Code Council recommendations for building codes (as adopted by the State of Washington). https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/apps/sbcc/page.aspx?nid=4

(Sec. 4 (Exh. C) of Ord. 2004-06-04; amended by Sec. 18 of Ord. 2007-06-19; amended by Sec. 13 of Ord. 2015-11-24)