14.50.120 No liability and no public funds.

(1)    This chapter does not confer any right of action nor property interest upon any party to a C-PACER transaction against the county, and the county shall incur no liability for enacting this program, nor shall the county, its governing body, executives, or employees be personally liable as a result of exercising any rights or responsibilities granted under this chapter.

(2)    The county shall not enforce any privately financed debt under this chapter. The county shall not use public funds to fund or repay any loan between a capital provider and a property owner. No section of this chapter shall be interpreted to pledge, offer, or encumber the full faith and credit of the county, nor shall the county or any local government within the county pledge, offer, or encumber its full faith and credit for any lien amount through a program. (Sec. 1 of Ord. 2021-10-04)