24.12.110 Solid waste advisory commission.

(1)    The solid waste advisory commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the application to the health officer only after the commission has reviewed the following at a public hearing:

(a)    The health officer’s findings.

(b)    The community development department report.

(c)    Any available comments from the Department of Natural Resources.

(d)    Any available comments from the Department of Ecology.

(e)    Conformance with the solid waste management plan.

(f)    The necessity for compliance and conformity with any county, state or federal laws.

(g)    The necessity for obtaining, and receipt of, any other permits required.

(h)    The necessity for an environmental impact statement.

(i)    Any and all environmental impact statements required.

(j)    Any other relevant public or private report and testimony submitted.

(k)    The public use, interest and welfare to be served by either the approval or disapproval of the application.

(l)    The desirability of the approval or disapproval of the application.

(2)    The determinations of the solid waste advisory commission shall be advisory only. (Sec. 11, Ord. 1978-02-01; amended by Sec. 15 of Ord. 1982-12-83; amended by Sec. 1 (Att. A § 2) of Ord. 2011-08-08; amended by Sec. 12 of Ord. 2018-01-09)