40.240.540    Approval Criteria for Fire Protection in Forest Designations

All uses, as specified, shall comply with the following fire safety guidelines within the GMA:

A.    All buildings shall be surrounded by a maintained defensible space of at least fifty (50) feet. Hazardous fuels shall be removed within the defensible space area. Irrigated or fire-resistant vegetation may be planted within the defensible space. This could include green lawns and low shrubs (less than twenty-four (24) inches in height). Trees should be spaced greater than fifteen (15) feet between the crowns and pruned to remove dead and low (less than eight (8) feet) branches. Accumulated leaves, needles, and other dead vegetation shall be removed from beneath trees. Defensible space shall be adjusted to account for site slope, to protect riparian vegetation and other resources, or as recommended by local fire districts, conservation districts, or other professionals.

B.    Buildings with plumbed water systems shall install at least one (1) standpipe a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the structure(s).

C.    A pond, stream, tank or sump with storage of not less than one thousand (1,000) gallons, or a well or water system capable of delivering twenty (20) gallons per minute shall be provided. If a well pump is located on site, the electrical service shall be separate from the dwelling.

D.    Access drives shall be constructed to a minimum of twelve (12) feet in width and not exceed a grade of twelve percent (12%). Turnouts shall be provided at a minimum of every five hundred (500) feet and at the building site. Access drives shall be maintained to a level that is passable to fire equipment pursuant to Section 40.350.030(B). Variances to road guidelines may be made only after consultation with the Director of Public Works, local rural fire district, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources.

E.    Within one (1) year of the occupancy of a dwelling, the responsible official shall conduct a review of the development to assure compliance with these guidelines.

F.    Utility supply systems shall be underground whenever possible.

G.    Roofs of structures shall be constructed of fire-resistant materials such as metal, fiberglass, or Class A asphalt shingle or tile pursuant to Section 15.13.050 and NFPA 1144 2018 Edition. Roof materials such as cedar shake and shingle shall not be used.

H.    Any chimney or stovepipe on any structure for use with a woodstove or fireplace should be equipped with a spark arrestor that includes at least one (1) screen no coarser than eighth (1/8) inch mesh metal that is noncombustible and corrosion resistant.

I.    All structural projections such as balconies, decks and roof gables should be built with fire-resistant materials equivalent to those specified in the International Building Code. Structural projections shall be set back from slopes per Washington State Building Code.

J.    Attic openings, soft vents, foundation louvers or other ventilation openings on dwellings and accessory structures should be screened with no coarser than eighth (1/8) inch mesh metal screen that is noncombustible and corrosion resistant.

K.    Proposed uses shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 15, Fire Prevention, including Chapters 14.05 and 15.13. This section’s requirements shall prevail in the event of conflict with these county codes.

(Amended: Ord. 2006-05-04; Ord. 2021-12-02)