40.240.410    Review Uses – Residential Land (REPEALED)

The following uses may be allowed on lands in the General Management Area zoned Gorge Residential, subject to compliance with the scenic, cultural, natural and recreation resources guidelines (Sections 40.240.490 through 40.240.590):

A.    One (1) single-family dwelling per legally created parcel.

1.    If the subject parcel is located adjacent to lands zoned Gorge Large-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture the use shall comply with the buffer and notification requirements of Section 40.240.190(B), and the notification requirements of Section 40.240.230(A)(14)(e); and

2.    If the subject parcel is located adjacent to lands zoned Gorge Small Woodland, the use shall comply with the buffer and notification requirements of Section 40.240.190(C), and the notification requirements of Section 40.240.320(A), and the placement of a dwelling shall also comply with Section 40.240.330.

B.    Buildings exceeding sixty (60) square feet in area and/or eighteen (18) feet in height as measured at the roof peak, which are accessory to a dwelling.

C.    The temporary use of a mobile home in the case of a family hardship, subject to Section 40.240.190(D).

D.    Construction or reconstruction of roads.

E.    New cultivation, subject to compliance with Sections 40.240.510 and 40.240.530 through 40.240.560.

F.    Land divisions, subject to Section 40.240.190(A)(2).

G.    New agricultural structures.

H.    Placement of structures necessary for continued public safety and the protection of private property and essential public services damaged during an emergency/disaster event. This includes the replacement of temporary structures erected during such events with permanent structures performing an identical or related function. Land use proposals shall be submitted within twelve (12) months following an emergency/disaster event.