40.240.430    Approval Criteria for Specified Review Uses on Lands Zoned Residential (REPEALED)

The uses identified in Section 40.240.420 may be allowed only if they meet all of the following:

A.    The proposed use will be compatible with the surrounding area. Review of compatibility shall include impacts associated with the visual character of the area, traffic generation, and noise, dust and odors.

B.    The proposed use will not require public services other than those existing or approved for the area.

C.    If the subject parcel is located within five hundred (500) feet of lands zoned Gorge Large-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture, Gorge Small Woodland, new buildings associated with the proposed use shall comply with Section 40.240.190(B).

D.    If the subject parcel is located within five hundred (500) feet of lands designated Gorge Small Woodland, new buildings associated with the proposed use shall comply with Section 40.240.330.