Chapter 19.24
19.24.010 Development agreements.
19.24.020 Furnishing plans and regulations to county assessor.
19.24.010 Development agreements.
The city may enter into a development agreement with a person owning or controlling real property within the city, or within the city’s urban growth area as part of a proposed annexation or a service agreement. Any such development agreement shall set forth the development standards and other provisions that shall apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for the duration specified in the agreement. A development agreement shall be consistent with all applicable development regulations of the city.
A. The city adopts the following sections of Chapter 36.70B RCW by reference:
36.70B.170 Development agreements – Authorized
36.70B.180 Development agreements – Effect
36.70B.190 Development agreements – Recording – Parties and successors bound
36.70B.200 Development agreements – Public hearing
36.70B.210 Development agreements – Authority to impose fees not extended
(Ord. 722 § 175, 1998)
19.24.020 Furnishing plans and regulations to county assessor.
Pursuant to RCW 36.70B.230, by the thirty-first day of July of each year, the city shall provide the Spokane County assessor with the comprehensive plan and development regulations and/or pertinent amendments and additions thereto, adopted and in effect before July 31st of each year. (Ord. 722 § 175, 1998)