Chapter 19.28


19.28.010    Flow chart of quasi-judicial project application process.

19.28.020    Flow chart of administrative project application process.

19.28.010 Flow chart of quasi-judicial project application process.


Application filed

28 days maximum

Issue determination of completeness

10 days maximum

Distribute completed application for comment to
municipal departments and interested agencies
with 15 to 45-day comment period

Issue notice of application/public notice

15 to 30 days before public hearing

Complete SEPA threshold determination
at least 15 days before public hearing

Complete staff report at least 10 days
before public hearing and make it available
to the applicant, interested agencies, and the public

Hold open record predecision public hearing

120 days maximum after issuance
of determination of completeness

Prepare findings and conclusions, applicable
approval conditions, and issue notice of decision

Closed record reconsideration/appeal
available for 15 days after
notice of decision issuance

Hold closed record reconsideration/appeal
hearing and issue notice of decision
no later than 60 days after the original
notice of decision that followed the
open record predecision hearing

Judicial appeal available for 21 days after issuance of notice of decision

(Ord. 722 § 175, 1998)

19.28.020 Flow chart of administrative project application process.


Application filed

28 days maximum

Issue determination of completeness

10 days maximum

Distribute completed application for comment to
municipal departments and interested agencies
with 15 to 45-day comment period

Issue notice of application

14 to 30 days before administrative decision

Complete SEPA threshold determination
after comment period (when applicable)

Complete staff report after comment period
and make it available to the applicant,
interested agencies, and the public

120 days maximum after issuance
of determination of completeness

Prepare findings and conclusions, applicable
approval conditions, and issue notice of decision

Open record reconsideration/appeal
available for 15 days after
notice of decision issuance

Hold open record reconsideration/appeal
hearing and issue notice of decision
no later than 90 days after the original
notice of decision that followed the
administrative comment period

Judicial appeal available for 21 days after
issuance of notice of decision

(Ord. 722 § 175, 1998)