Chapter 19.30


19.30.010    Where allowed.

19.30.020    Requirements.

19.30.030    Environmental considerations.

19.30.040    Water service.

19.30.050    Electrical and telephone service.

19.30.060    Garbage and waste collection and removal.

19.30.070    Sewage and wastewater.

19.30.080    Storm water.

19.30.090    Service buildings.

19.30.100    Fire protection.

19.30.110    Development in phases.

19.30.120    Completion prior to occupancy.

19.30.130    RV occupancy.

19.30.010 Where allowed.

Recreational vehicle (RV) parks are only allowed as conditional uses in the RMHP. The conditional use permit process shall be utilized to verify compliance with the conditional use permit criteria and this chapter. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.020 Requirements.

A. The materials and construction of buildings and accessory buildings and structures shall conform to the International Building Code and all other regulations, codes and ordinances applicable to ensure the health, safety, morals and general welfare of occupants.

B. The following minimum dimensions shall be observed:

1. Lot area: 1,400 square feet;

2. Lot width: 25 feet;

3. Distance from lot lines: seven and one-half feet side, seven and one-half feet interior street, 20 feet public rights-of-way.

C. No more than 50 percent of the entire recreational vehicle park shall be covered by recreational vehicles and their towing vehicles when the park is at 100 percent occupancy.

D. All RV lots shall be afforded access by a private roadway no less than 26 feet in width and with unobstructed access to a public street or highway. If the total length of private roadway measured along the centerline is 500 feet or greater, then two accesses to public streets shall be provided; one access may be for emergency access. Any driveway providing access shall not be closer than 50 feet to a street intersection measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street. All dead-end roadways shall include adequate vehicular turning space or cul-de-sacs. All roadways and walkways shall be paved to APWA standards with asphaltic concrete or the equivalent and provided with electrical night illumination.

E. Each recreational vehicle space shall provide at least one on-site parking space in addition to recreational vehicle. No parking shall be allowed on roadways.

F. An RV park and mobile home park may be developed on the same site; provided, a site plan is submitted to indicate the measures taken to minimize the effects of overnight, short-term occupancy and traffic generated by the RV park on the more permanent mobile home park area; and further provided, the RV park has its own access to a public street.

G. Recreational vehicle parks shall have a minimum of one acre.

H. A minimum of a 10-foot-wide landscape buffer strip shall be along all boundaries of the recreational vehicle park, except for driveways. A wall, 100 percent sight-obstructing fence, or landscaping at least five feet high shall be along all boundaries and set back at least 10 feet, except for driveways. Such walls shall be set back at least an additional two feet for a minimum distance of 24 feet every 100 lineal feet. When the side or rear property lines of a proposed recreational vehicle park are contiguous to an existing mobile home park or recreational vehicle park, the planning commission may waive these requirements for a good cause, which may include the presence of existing landscape and screening. (Ord. 2400 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2216 § 8, 2004; Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.030 Environmental considerations.

A. All RV parks shall provide for the protection of valuable, irreplaceable environmental amenities and make the development as compatible as possible with the ecological balance of the area. The goals are to preserve drainage patterns, prevent erosion and to preserve trees and natural vegetation. This is beneficial to the city in lessening the costs of the development to the city as a whole, and to the developer in creating an attractive and quality environment. Land which is found to be unsuitable for development includes land with features likely to be harmful to the safety and general health of the future residents (such as lands adversely affected by flooding, bad drainage, steep slopes, rock formations).

B. Chapter 19.04 EMC, Flood Damage Prevention, shall be complied with.

C. Every reasonable effort shall be made to preserve existing trees.

D. Every effort shall be made to preserve existing streams, bodies of water, marshes and bogs.

1. If a stream passes through any of the subject property, a plan shall be presented which indicates how the stream will be preserved; methodology should include an overflow area, and an attempt to minimize the disturbance of the natural channel and stream bed.

2. The piping or tunneling of water shall be discouraged and allowed only when going under streets.

3. Every effort shall be made to keep all streams and bodies of water clear of debris and pollutants. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.040 Water service.

Each recreational vehicle park shall be provided with a minimum of 125 gallons of water per day per unit. All water service lines shall comply fully with plumbing code and water department regulations. At least one water outlet connection on a riser termination above the ground surface shall be provided at each RV parking space and shall be connected with the water system in compliance with the plumbing code. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.050 Electrical and telephone service.

All electrical and telephone installations shall comply with the State Electrical Code and other related codes, ordinances and regulations of the appropriate utilities. Electrical distribution systems and telephone service systems to each RV lot shall be underground except for outlets and risers at each individual lot. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.060 Garbage and waste collection and removal.

Each RV park shall be provided with adequate means for the collection and removal of waste and garbage, shown on the plans submitted for review. Racks or holders shall be provided for all refuse containers so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, and to minimize spoilage and container deterioration, and to facilitate their cleaning and maintenance. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.070 Sewage and wastewater.

All wastewater from sinks, showers, or other fixtures shall be designed to enter the city’s wastewater treatment system. Proper drainage shall be provided for all outside water connections, faucets and hydrants. Each RV space and service building shall be equipped with a sewer or septic tank connection located on a riser and fitted to provide watertight junction between the RV sewer extension and the sewer connection. Such an individual RV sewer connection shall be further constructed so as to be closed when not linked to an RV and trapped to maintain it in an odor-free condition as required by the plumbing code. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.080 Storm water.

Because any RV park can be expected to approach 100 percent impermeability due to the larger amounts of land covered by roadways, roofs and other features, each RV space shall be provided with one or more underground connections to the park’s storm drainage system. Forty-five percent of the area comprising the recreational vehicle park shall be permeable to allow the absorption of surface water. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.090 Service buildings.

A. All RV parks shall be provided with one or more service buildings adequately equipped with flush-type toilets, lavatories, shower baths and laundry facilities. Service buildings shall be located within the RV park so that no RV lot is more than 200 feet from a service building. The floors and splash zones of such service buildings shall be of concrete or similar impervious material, the floors being elevated not less than four inches above grade and each room provided with floor drains properly connected to the sewer system subsequently installed.

B. Service buildings shall be provided with a heating facility capable of maintaining a temperature within the building of 70 degrees Fahrenheit at a point three feet above the floor under ordinary minimum winter conditions.

C. Cold water shall be provided at a minimum rate of 125 gallons per day per RV lot. Hot water shall be provided at a minimum rate of three gallons per hour per RV lot. Water heating facilities shall be properly installed, maintained in safe and good working conditions and properly connected to hot water lines as specified in the plumbing code, and shall be capable further of heating water to such a temperature as to permit its being drawn at every required lavatory, shower bath, laundry tray and service sink fixture at a temperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Such water heating equipment must be able to meet the above requirements independent of any space heating equipment.

D. RV parks shall be provided with service buildings containing bathroom facilities as follows:

1. Toilets: one for each sex for each 12 lots;

2. Urinals: one for each 20 lots;

3. Lavatories: one for each two toilets;

4. Showers: one for each sex for each 20 lots, with a minimum three-foot by three-foot dressing area contiguous to the shower.

E. Laundry facilities shall be provided in service buildings and shall be separated by a permanent wall from the area within which toilet, lavatory and bathing facilities are located. One fully automatic washing machine and dryer shall be provided for each 10 RV lots. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.100 Fire protection.

RV parks shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the fire department, and all playgrounds, setback and screening areas shall at all times be kept free from litter, rubbish and other flammable materials. Fire extinguishing equipment of a type or types approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be kept in all the service buildings and all other locations named by the fire department and shall be maintained in good operating condition. Standard fire hydrants shall be located within 150 feet of any RV. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.110 Development in phases.

Provided the first phase is a minimum of five acres, the developer may develop the RV park in phases, completing one phase before undertaking another. Additional phases shall be at least two acres in area. Prior to the city finalizing a phase, the city engineer may require that improvements be extended beyond the phase to assure orderly and complete development of the RV park and/or enhance public safety. When the applicant completes a phase the remainder of the plan approved by the planning commission shall be extended for a two-year period. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.120 Completion prior to occupancy.

All improvements and other conditions of the RV park shall be met prior to occupancy. (Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).

19.30.130 RV occupancy.

A. No person shall occupy an RV except in an approved RV park. A single recreational vehicle may be permitted subject to the following:

1. A single recreational vehicle may be permitted for occupancy on a residentially zoned property for a limited period of time for no more than 60 consecutive days per calendar year.

2. A recreational vehicle shall not be permitted on public zoned properties, unless incidental to a special event.

3. A recreational vehicle shall not be permitted on vacant property or public parks.

4. A recreational vehicle shall not encroach on the public sidewalk or public right-of-way.

5. A recreational vehicle may be permitted for occupancy on a residentially zoned property for longer than 60 days per calendar year under the following conditions:

a. During a public emergency issued by the mayor; or

b. Caring for an ill family member for no more than one calendar year; or

c. Any single-family residential lot that has been destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, explosion, wind, earthquake, or other natural or accidental causes may be permitted for a period of no more than one calendar year.

6. A recreation vehicle shall be set back from the front property lines a minimum of 10 lineal feet excluding the driveway.

B. Permit Required. A recreational vehicle occupancy permit application and fee shall be submitted to the community development department. (Ord. 2783 § 2 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 1960 § 3, 1998).