8. Public Services and Utilities

Water, sewer, and storm drainage services and facilities are adequate for existing and foreseeable future developments in the Finn Hill Neighborhood. There are segments of the street network system that are not open, paved or up to City standards. If not included in the Capital Improvement Program, new development is required to install and upgrade water, sewer service and streets as a condition of development and to meet storm water requirements. The goals and policies contained in the Utilities, Capital Facilities and Public Services Elements of the Comprehensive Plan and Northshore Utility District Comprehensive Plans provide the general framework for these services and facilities.

Goal FH-17: Provide public and private utility services for the neighborhood.

Policy FH-17.1: Provide emergency services (fire and police) to the Finn Hill Neighborhood at levels enhanced beyond those provided prior to annexation in 2011.

The City provides emergency services to fire and medical emergencies, fire prevention, and public education and participates in regional specialized response for hazardous materials, technical rescue and paramedic services.

The City conducted a Standard of Coverage and Deployment Plan and Fire Strategic Plan to evaluate response services for fire suppression, emergency medical services and specialty situations. The study identified the need for a new dual fire station number 24 to serve the northern areas of the City, including Finn Hill Neighborhood. The new station 24 will be located in the north part of the City and is due to be completed by 2019.

Policy FH-17.2: Provide potable water, sanitary sewer and surface water management facilities to new and existing development in accordance with the Northshore Utility District Water and Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plans, the Kirkland Surface Water Master Plan, Kirkland Municipal Code, and adopted Kirkland Surface Water Design Manual requirements.

The Northshore Utility District provides water services to the Finn Hill Neighborhood. As a member of the Cascade Water Alliance, both the City of Kirkland and Northshore Utility District purchase their water supply from Seattle Public Utilities, which gets it from the Tolt River watershed, with occasional supply from the Cedar River watershed.

The Northshore Utility District provides sewer service to residents in Finn Hill.

See Section 4, Natural Environment, Surface Water, for more information on storm water management policies and protection of stream corridors and Lake Washington.

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) provides the Kirkland area with electricity and natural gas.

Policy FH-17.3: Encourage undergrounding of overhead utilities.

Undergrounding overhead utilities is encouraged to improve views and aesthetics of an area by removing visual clutter.