55.11 User Guide – TL 1B zone.

The charts in KZC 55.15 contain the basic zoning regulations that apply in the TL 1B zone of the city. Use these charts by reading down the left hand column entitled Use. Once you locate the use in which you are interested, read across to find the regulations that apply to that use.

Section 55.13


1.    Refer to Chapter 1 KZC to determine what other provision of this Code may apply to the subject property.

2.    In addition to the height exceptions established by KZC 115.60, the following exceptions to height regulations in TL zones are established:

a.    Decorative parapets may exceed the height limit by a maximum of four feet; provided, that the average height of the parapet around the perimeter of the structure shall not exceed two feet.

b.    For structures with a peaked roof, the peak may extend eight feet above the height limit if the slope of the roof is equal to or greater than four feet vertical to 12 feet horizontal.

3.    The minimum required front yard is 10 feet, unless otherwise prescribed in the use zone chart. Ground floor canopies and similar entry features may encroach into the front yard, provided the total horizontal dimension of such elements may not exceed 25 percent of the length of the structure. No parking may encroach into the required 10-foot front yard.


4.    The ability to accommodate new development in the TL 1B zone is dependent upon the construction of a new street: NE 130th Place, between 120th Avenue NE and Totem Lake Boulevard NE, as shown on Plate 34A. Consistent with and to the extent authorized by applicable statutes and court decisions, new development on properties across which this street in whole or in part extends shall contribute to the creation of the street as follows:

a.    With all new development, the portions of the street crossing the subject property shall be dedicated as public right-of-way consistent with Plate 34A; and

b.    With all new development exceeding 30 feet in height, the street shall be improved consistent with Plate 34A.

    Minor deviations in the location, width and improvement of the street may be approved by the Public Works Director if the deviations will not negatively affect the functioning of the street.


5.    Within 100 feet of the centerline of NE 132nd Street, building height may not exceed 35 feet above the elevation of the centerline of NE 132nd Street along the subject property.

link to Section 55.15 table