Chapter 2.56


2.56.010    Created

2.56.020    Membership/Appointment/ Compensation

2.56.030    Term of Office

2.56.040    Removal From Office

2.56.050    Expenses

2.56.060    Powers and Duties

2.56.070    Rules of Procedures

2.56.010 Created.

The Park and Recreation Planning Board (Park Board) is hereby acknowledged and ratified. (See Section 14.16A.380 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code.) (Ord. 811, Sec. 6, 2010)

2.56.020 Membership/Appointment/ Compensation.

The Park Board shall be composed of seven members, appointed by the Mayor with the approval by a majority vote of the City Council, without regard to political affiliation. The Mayor and Council may appoint a member who resides or owns property within the City or the City’s Urban Growth Area. At least four members shall be residents of the City. The members of the Park Board shall serve without compensation. (Ord. 1177, Sec. 1, 2024; Ord. 1111, Sec. 1, 2021)

2.56.030 Term of Office.

The term of office of each member shall be for four years. The term shall terminate on the last day of the respective calendar year, even though this shortens or extends slightly the appointed term. Should a Board member desire re-appointment for another term, he/she shall submit a written request to the Mayor for approval, and the concurrence of the City Council.

2.56.040 Removal From Office.

Members may be removed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, three consecutive unexcused absences, malfeasance in office, for a disqualifying change of eligibility, or for other good cause. Notification of such dismissal shall be in writing stating the exact cause for dismissal; however, all dismissals shall be final on approval of the Council. (Ord. 1029, Sec. 1, 2018)

2.56.050 Expenses.

The Park Board as a body or individual members thereof may be reimbursed actual and reasonable expenses in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Board from funds included within the general budget of the Planning and Community Development Department. Such expenses may include, but are not limited to, such items as: Travel and subsistence, registration fees and other costs incidental to meetings and conferences, professional and consulting services, educational fees, dues and assessments of professional park planning organizations, subscriptions to periodicals and purchase of informational and educational texts, and similar expenditures that may be deemed necessary to increase the efficiency and professional ability of the members of the Board. Park Board expenses shall be authorized only by the Planning and Community Development Director.

2.56.060 Powers and Duties.

(a)    The Park Board shall be the principal planning advisory body for all matters relating to parks and the provision of recreation services to staff, Mayor and City Council.

(b)    The Park Board shall perform such other advisory functions as may be assigned to it by resolution or motion of the City Council.

(c)    In addition to these and other powers and duties set forth elsewhere in this chapter, the Park Board shall be given the powers and duties hereinafter set forth:

(1)    To recommend to the staff, Mayor and City Council programs for the provision of recreation opportunities and for park and open space acquisitions and improvements;

(2)    To publish and distribute copies of status reports of activities of the Park Board which may include plans and official recommendations made by the Board in the regular exercise of its duties, as set forth in this section;

(3)    To consult with and advise public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educational, professional, and other organizations and citizens in relation to its plans and recommendations prepared by it;

(4)    To provide input on prioritization of park projects and recreation programming;

(5)    To exercise such authority as may be necessary to enable it to fulfill its functions, promote park and recreation planning, and carry out the purposes of this section;

(6)    To conduct, upon request by the Mayor or Council, an investigation and submit a report, plan, map, or recommendation in connection with the development of the parks and recreation facilities of the City;

(7)    Assist in development of scope and vision of park development. (Ord. 1078, Sec. 2, 2019)

2.56.070 Rules of Procedures.

The Park Board is hereby directed to adopt rules of procedures for the orderly and fair conduct of matters coming before the Park Board. The Park Board shall review and revise the adopted rules of procedures as necessary, forwarding a copy to the City Administrator, Mayor and City Council.