Chapter 22C.220
22C.220.010 Intent and purpose.
22C.220.030 Master planned senior community – Site qualifications.
22C.220.050 Procedures for review and approval.
22C.220.060 Required elements of master planned senior community site plan and application.
22C.220.090 Development regulations.
22C.220.100 Modification of development regulations.
22C.220.010 Intent and purpose.
This chapter is intended to provide for developments that incorporate a variety of housing, care options, and related uses for senior citizens. Developments may consist of individual lots or may have common building sites. It is further intended that commonly owned land be related to and preserve the long-term value of the development. This chapter is not intended to be used for the development of a single use or housing type, which would otherwise be permitted in other zones under the regular zoning provisions.
In addition, the purpose of this chapter is as follows:
(1) To allow the development of unique communities in residential, commercial and public/institutional zones that are designed to accommodate the increased housing needs of senior citizens and disabled persons, through the provision of a variety of housing types, services and continuum of care, including independent senior housing, assisted living and nursing care, as well as recreation, dining and on-site medical facilities and services.
(2) To encourage long-time Marysville residents to remain in the community.
(3) To encourage/implement active aging strategies within senior communities.
(4) To ensure that the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and universal design principles are incorporated within senior communities.
(5) To ensure that affordable and special needs housing opportunities are dispersed throughout the city, not concentrated.
(6) To permit higher densities for senior housing that provides amenities and services.
(7) To assist in meeting Snohomish County Tomorrow fair share housing allocation targets for special needs housing and services. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.020 Applicability.
An applicant may request to utilize the master planned senior community provisions if the site meets the site qualification criteria of this chapter and concurrently utilizes a land division process or a commercial/multifamily site plan. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.030 Master planned senior community – Site qualifications.
A master planned senior community (MPSC) may be established at a particular location if the following site qualifications are met:
(1) The site development must incorporate a range of housing and care options for seniors, including a mix of independent senior housing, senior assisted living and nursing facilities. At the discretion of the community development director, a development providing for a range of care types, but not necessarily all of those listed in this subsection, may be permitted, subject to satisfactory demonstration by the applicant that the resulting community meets the intent and purpose of these regulations.
(2) The site must be served by adequate public facilities, including public sewers, water supply, roads and other needed public facilities and services.
(3) The site must have close proximity to existing or planned services.
(4) The site shall be a minimum of 20 units, with at least 50 percent of all units in the community being senior apartments/multifamily, assisted living or nursing home/convalescent care units or beds. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.040 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted in master planned senior communities:
(1) Age-restricted, independent housing, attached or detached.
(2) Age-restricted, independent apartments, townhomes or condos (multifamily units).
(3) Senior citizen assisted living dwelling units/facilities.
(4) Convalescent, nursing, and rest homes.
(5) Accessory uses. Services and businesses that serve the residents of the senior community, including recreational, educational, health, personal, professional and business services and retail stores, shall be permitted. In residential zones, these uses shall be sized for and used solely by residents of the community. Such uses shall be integrated with the units and oriented towards the interior of the project; no signs or other evidence of business facilities shall be visible from the periphery of the community. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.050 Procedures for review and approval.
The master planned senior community review and approval process shall occur concurrently with the underlying land use action. The decision-making authority for the underlying land use action shall also be the decision-making authority for the MPSC.
(1) Site Plan. A site plan meeting the requirements of this chapter, Chapters 22C.010 and 22C.020 MMC, and, when applicable, Chapters 22G.090 and 22G.100 MMC shall be submitted with all applications for an MPSC. The site plan may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied by the city. Specific development regulations may be modified in accordance with this chapter, and special requirements may be applied to the property within the MPSC. Modifications and special requirements shall be specified in the approval and shown on the approved site plan.
(2) Decision Criteria. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate the criteria in this subsection have been met. The city may place conditions on the MPSC approval in order to fulfill the requirements and intent of the city’s development regulations, comprehensive plan, and subarea plan(s). The following minimum criteria must be met for approval to be granted:
(a) Consistency with Applicable Plans and Laws. The development will comply with all applicable provisions of state law, the Marysville Municipal Code, the comprehensive plan, and any applicable subarea plan(s).
(b) Public Facilities. The community shall be served by adequate public facilities, including streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fire protection, water, storm water control, sanitary sewer, and parks and recreation facilities.
(c) Perimeter Design. The perimeter of the master planned senior community shall be compatible in design, character, and appearance with the existing or intended character of development adjacent to the subject property and with the physical characteristics of the subject property.
(d) Streets, Sidewalks and Parking. Existing and proposed streets and sidewalks within the development shall be suitable and adequate to carry anticipated motorized and pedestrian traffic within the proposed project and in the vicinity of the subject property. Adequate parking shall be provided to meet or exceed the applicable requirements of the Marysville Municipal Code.
(e) Landscaping shall be provided for public and semi-public spaces and shall integrate them with private spaces. Landscaping shall create a pleasant streetscape and provide connectivity between homes, facilities, and common areas, using trees, shrubs and ground cover throughout the development and providing for shade and visual relief while maintaining a clear line of sight throughout the public and semi-public spaces.
(f) Maintenance Provisions. A means of maintaining all common areas, such as a homeowner’s association, shall be established, and legal instruments shall be executed to provide maintenance funds and enforcement provisions.
(3) Amendments. An approved MPSC may be amended in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Marysville Municipal Code.
(4) Duration of Approval. The duration of approval for an MPSC shall be the same as the underlying land use action, plat, or binding site plan.
(5) Compliance. Any use of land which requires MPSC approval, as provided in this chapter, and for which approval is not obtained, or which fails to conform to an approved MPSC and final site plan, constitutes a violation of this title. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.060 Required elements of master planned senior community site plan and application.
All MPSCs shall be subject to site plan approval as provided in this chapter. The following are minimum requirements for the site plan and supplemental application materials:
(1) A site plan drawing, showing property dimensions and boundaries, existing and proposed topography, critical areas, proposed access to the site, size and shape of all building sites and lots, and location of all building pads and open space areas;
(2) A written explanation of the desired age restriction for the community;
(3) Calculation of total project land area and net project density;
(4) The total number of proposed dwelling units/beds and a description of the housing type for each such unit;
(5) Existing development within 200 feet of the site;
(6) The existing edge and width of pavement of any adjacent roadways and all proposed internal streets, off-street parking facilities, driveway approaches, curbing, sidewalks or walkways, street channelization and type of surfaces;
(7) Landscaping plan, including plant locations and species size at planting, together with location and typical side view of perimeter fencing or berms, if any;
(8) Plans for all attached dwellings, multiple-family dwellings and assisted living and nursing facilities, and related improvements, to a scale of not less than one inch to 50 feet, showing typical plot plans for each such building, including location of building entrance, driveway, parking, fencing and site screening, and typical elevations of each type of building, including identification of exterior building materials, and roof treatment;
(9) Plans for signing and lighting, including typical side view of entrance treatment and entrance signs;
(10) The location of all solid waste collection points, proposed meter locations, water mains, valves, fire hydrants, sewer mains, laterals, manholes, pump stations, and other appurtenances;
(11) Conceptual drainage plans demonstrating feasibility of the proposed facilities;
(12) Project staging or phases, if any;
(13) Draft restrictive covenants including provisions to address enforcement of age restrictions, parking, ongoing maintenance of open space, recreation facilities and common areas;
(14) Design analysis to demonstrate the relationship of the development to surrounding land uses, with cross sections, renderings or elevation drawings showing the scale and character of the development;
(15) Descriptions of the design features and general size and layout of the proposed dwellings to demonstrate their appropriateness for the age-restricted population. The material submitted must indicate how the use of universal design features will make individual dwelling units adaptable to persons with mobility or functional limitations and how the design will provide accessible routes between parking area, sidewalks, dwelling units, and common areas; and
(16) Such additional information as the city may deem necessary. (Ord. 3057 § 7, 2017; Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.080 Age requirements.
At least one household member must be 55 years of age or older. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.090 Development regulations.
(1) Existing amenities (e.g., views, mature trees, etc.) that are unique to the site should be preserved and incorporated into the project’s design whenever possible.
(2) When an MPSC project adjoining residential and commercial uses can mutually benefit from connection rather than separation, appropriate connective elements (e.g., walkways) should be provided.
(3) The site shall be designed and developed utilizing crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles as set forth in MMC 22C.010.290 and 22C.020.250.
(4) Building Design and Layout.
(a) Development of the site is subject to compliance with development standards outlined in Chapters 22C.010 and 22C.020 MMC.
(b) When a master planned senior community is located within, or adjacent to, single-family residential zones and is, or may be, surrounded by traditional single-family development, the community shall be designed and developed so as to be consistent with a single-family residential environment. Larger scale (i.e., multi-unit buildings, nursing care facilities) buildings shall be located on the site so as to least impact surrounding single-family uses and to create a consistent streetscape that is in the desired character for a residential area.
(c) When a master planned senior community is located within, or adjacent to, commercial or multifamily zones and is or may be surrounded by traditional commercial or multifamily development, any multi-unit buildings and nursing care facilities on the site shall be placed to consider the visual continuity between the proposed and existing adjacent development with respect to building setbacks and placement of structures to create a consistent streetscape.
(d) Multiple buildings in a single project should provide a functional relationship with one another to achieve a sense of place by use of the following techniques:
(i) Cluster buildings around open space areas or courtyards, not parking lots.
(ii) Provide open space areas and courtyards with landscaping and other pedestrian amenities.
(iii) Provide convenient pedestrian circulation between buildings, open space, and parking areas.
(iv) Link buildings together visually, using such elements as trellis structures, arcades, and/or enhanced paving.
(v) Where feasible and desirable, locate buildings near public streets, thus creating a strong presence thereon.
(5) Building and Unit Design. Universal design (also known as “aging in place”) is a method of design that seeks to create development that can be used by everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. All projects shall implement, at minimum, the following universal design principles:
(a) No-step entries.
(b) One-story living such that an eating area, bathroom, and sleeping area are available on the same floor.
(c) ADA accessible doors, hallways and bathrooms.
(d) Room thresholds that are flush.
(e) Adequate lighting throughout the dwelling unit.
(6) Architectural Style and Design Guidelines. Multifamily and nursing/assisted living facilities shall comply with MMC 22C.010.290 and MMC 22C.020.250. Attached/detached single-family dwelling units shall comply with MMC 22C.010.310.
(7) Utility and Mechanical Equipment.
(a) All mechanical equipment shall be architecturally screened from view.
(b) Utility equipment (e.g., electric and gas meters, electrical panels, and junction boxes) should be located in utility rooms within the structure or utility cabinets with exterior access.
(8) Solid Waste and Recycling. Developments shall provide storage space and collection points for solid waste and recyclables in accordance with Chapter 7.08 MMC, MMC 22C.010.370 and 22C.020.320.
(9) Parking and Circulation.
(a) Project entries should provide the resident and visitor with an overview of the project through either an easy visual assessment (in smaller projects) or by providing signage or placards that illustrate the circulation, parking, building, and amenity layout of the project.
(b) The principal vehicular access should be through an entry drive rather than a parking aisle, when possible. Colored, textured paving treatment at entry drives together with lush landscaping is strongly encouraged.
(c) The number of required off-street parking stalls shall be in accordance with MMC 22C.130.030. The community development director may approve alternative parking requirements upon satisfactory demonstration by the applicant that the site will have adequate parking to serve all proposed uses and/or that the community is located within walking distance of a neighborhood center that offers a variety of services and a safe walking route is provided.
(d) If parking is not attached to the residential structures, covered carports and dispersed parking courts are the desired alternative.
(e) A parking court should not consist of more than two double-loaded parking aisles (bays) adjacent to each other.
(f) Carports should provide no more than five parking spaces within each structure. The structures should be constructed with material consistent with those used in building construction.
(g) All parking standards identified in Chapter 22C.130 MMC, Parking and Loading, shall apply, except as may be specified herein.
(10) Pedestrian Access.
(a) Drop-off points should be provided at major building entries and plaza areas.
(b) The project should be designed to minimize the need for pedestrians to cross parking aisles and landscape islands to reach building entries.
(c) Stamped or painted concrete walkways should be provided in areas where it is necessary for pedestrians to cross drive or parking aisles.
(d) All projects shall provide a clear connection between the on-site pedestrian circulation system and the off-site public sidewalk.
(11) Landscaping. Landscaping shall comply with Chapter 22C.120 MMC, Landscaping and Screening, except as may be specified herein.
(12) Public Transportation Amenities.
(a) A sheltered bus stop with a canopy provided with architecture consistent with the project shall be provided, if required in coordination with local transit agencies.
(b) In cases when a public bus stop is, or may be in the future, located within the frontage of a proposed site, a bus stop or cover shall be provided.
(13) On-Site Common Recreational Facilities.
(a) Recreational amenities shall be appropriately distributed throughout the community. Such facilities shall consist of open or enclosed areas for residents of the community to congregate for recreation and leisure. Structures with multiple-family style dwelling units (i.e., independent senior housing apartment units, assisted living dwelling units, etc.) shall provide open space or active or indoor recreation space consistent with the following chart:
Type of Dwelling Unit |
Outdoor Open Space |
Active Outdoor or Indoor Recreation Facility |
(a) Studio and one bedroom |
90 square feet per unit |
45 square feet per unit |
(b) Two bedroom |
130 square feet per unit |
65 square feet per unit |
(c) Three or more bedroom |
170 square feet per unit |
85 square feet per unit |
(b) The following standards shall be utilized for outdoor recreational facilities:
(i) The design and orientation of these areas should take advantage of available sunlight and should be sheltered from the noise and traffic of adjacent street or other incompatible uses.
(ii) Each outdoor open space area should have a focal point. The focal point may consist of, but need not be limited to, water fountains, landscape planters, monuments, waterways, view points, artwork, trellises or gazebos. The focal point of all open space areas shall complement one another by maintaining a common theme, consistent furnishing, and signage.
(iii) On-site outdoor recreation space shall:
(A) Be of a grade and surface suitable for recreation;
(B) Be one continuous parcel if less than 3,000 square feet in size;
(C) Have no dimension less than 30 feet (except trail segments);
(D) Be situated and designed to be visible from adjacent buildings and uses on site; and
(E) Be accessible and convenient to all residents within the development.
(iv) The required amount of on-site common recreation space may be reduced by the community development director, if it is demonstrated that the facilities provided on site will offer residents with exceptional opportunities to participate in active aging (i.e., physical activity programs, trails, tennis courts, swimming pools, or other amenities deemed appropriate), and/or if it is demonstrated that the community is located within walking distance of a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood center and a safe walking route is provided.
(14) Private Open Space. Each single-family attached or detached dwelling unit shall be provided a private open space area, free and clear of any attached or detached accessory structures, as follows:
(a) Each unit shall be provided 100 square feet of private yard with a minimum interior dimension of 10 feet.
(b) The required amount of private open space may be reduced by the community development director as provided in subsection (13)(b)(iv) of this section.
(15) Covenant and Duration. An agreement in a form approved by the city must be recorded on the property requiring that the provisions of this chapter, including age restrictions and site plan approval, be maintained for the life of the project. The agreement shall be recorded prior to building permit issuance. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the land, binding on the assigns, heirs and successors of the applicant. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).
22C.220.100 Modification of development regulations.
The city’s standard development regulations shall be modified for a master planned senior community as provided in this section.
(1) Density and Dimensions. The standard dimensional regulations shall apply to all lots and development in a master planned senior community, except as specifically modified below and as provided in the design review standards in Chapters 22C.010, 22C.020 and/or 22G.080 MMC. The density permitted is modified as follows:
(a) Modified Density Standards:
Residential Zones |
Commercial Zones |
Maximum Density: Dwelling Unit/Acre |
As per the underlying zone plus 20% |
None |
(b) When projects are proposed on sites that encompass multiple zones, the density built on each zone will be limited to that of the underlying allowed density for each zone.
(2) Maximum Building Height. Outside of Planning Area 1, buildings or portions of buildings located within 50 feet of a property that is zoned single-family, or where the predominant adjacent use is single-family, shall be limited to a maximum height of 30 feet.
(3) Street Standards. When multiple detached single-family or duplex units are proposed, the project shall meet residential right-of-way and access standards as set forth in the Marysville Municipal Code and engineering development and design standards (EDDS). An applicant may request to utilize the city’s PRD access street standards, which may be allowed at the discretion of the community development director.
(4) Open Space. Open space requirements may be modified consistent with this chapter.
(5) Additional Modifications. An applicant may request additional dimensional, open space, street, and design standard modifications beyond those provided in this section. Granting of the requested modification(s) will be based on innovative and exceptional architectural design features and/or innovative and exceptional site design and layout that contribute to achieving the purpose of this chapter. (Ord. 2852 § 10 (Exh. A), 2011).