Chapter 10.08


10.08.001    Speed limits.

10.08.010    School speed limit.

10.08.001 Speed limits.

A. Subject to RCW 46.61.400(1) and (3), the maximum speed limit for all city streets is established as twenty-five miles per hour except where a lower or greater maximum lawful speed is established by Mattawa ordinance or resolution pursuant to WAC 308-330-270 and RCW 46.61.415 and for which speed limit signs have been duly posted by the city. Alterations from those general speed limits, including for school zones and parks, are set forth in the master speed limit schedule, which may be adopted and amended from time to time by separate resolution. Any such alteration shall be made on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation unless exempted pursuant to RCW 46.61.415(3), be reasonable and safe, and in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this city. The city of Mattawa may amend or adopt such school speed zones as necessary and may designate school speed zones with any of the signage options pursuant to WAC 392-151-035 as adopted or amended.

B. The city senior traffic engineer or designated representative is authorized to temporarily reduce the maximum allowable speed on any city road, as the senior traffic engineer deems necessary during road construction and/or emergency conditions. The speed limit reductions shall become effective upon the placement of standard signs indicating the maximum allowable speed, and shall cease at such time as the signs are removed by the senior traffic engineer or that person’s representative. All signs placed in accordance with this section shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for streets and highways for the state of Washington.

(Ord. No. 629, § 1, 2-6-20).

10.08.010 School speed limit.

Weekdays, during the school year, from seven thirty a.m. until four p.m. within two blocks of the school, the speed limit is set at twenty miles per hour. This shall be effective on proper posting of the reduced speed.

(Ord. 253, 1991).