Chapter 18.04


18.04.010    Adopted.

18.04.020    SEPA guidelines adopted.

18.04.010 Adopted.

The city adopts by reference the policies of the State Environmental Policy Act as expressed in RCW 43.21C.010 and RCW 43.21C.020.

(Ord. 118 §1, 1978).

18.04.020 SEPA guidelines adopted.

The city adopts by reference the following sections or subsections of Chapter 197-10 of the Washington Administrative Code: The “SEPA Guidelines” adopted by the state of Washington, Council on Environmental Policy and amended by the state of Washington, Department of Ecology:


WAC 197-10-040    Definitions.


WAC 197-10-060    Scope of a proposal and its impacts.


WAC 197-10-160    No presumption of significance for nonexempt actions.


WAC 197-10-170    Categorical exemptions.


WAC 197-10-175    Exemptions and nonexemptions applicable to specific state agencies.


WAC 197-10-180    Exemptions for emergency actions.


WAC 197-10-200    Lead agency-Responsibilities.


WAC 197-10-203    Determination of lead agency-Procedures.


WAC 197-10-205    Lead agency designation-Governmental proposals.


WAC 197-10-210    Lead agency designation-Proposals involving both private and public construction.


WAC 197-10-215    Lead agency designation-Private projects for which there is only one agency.


WAC 197-10-220    Lead agency designation-Private projects, licenses from more than one state agency when one is city/county.


WAC 197-10-225    Lead agency designation—Private projects, licenses from more than one state agency.


WAC 197-10-230    Local agency transfer of lead agency status to a state agency.


WAC 197-10-240    Agreements as to lead agency status.


WAC 197-10-245    Agreements between agencies as to division of lead agency duties.


WAC 197-10-260    Dispute as to lead agency determination—Resolution by SEPA.


WAC 197-10-270    Assumption of lead agency by another agency with jurisdiction.


WAC 197-10-300    Threshold determination requirement.


WAC 197-10-305    Recommended timing for threshold determination.


WAC 197-10-310    Threshold determination procedures—Environmental checklist.


WAC 197-10-320    Threshold determination procedures—Initial review of environmental checklist.


WAC 197-10-330    Threshold determination procedures—Information in addition to checklist.


WAC 197-10-340    Threshold determination procedures—Negative declarations.


WAC 197-10-345    Assumption of lead agency status by another agency with jurisdiction—Pre-requisites, effect and form of notice.


WAC 197-10-350    Affirmative threshold determinations.


WAC 197-10-355    Form of declaration of significance/nonsignificance.


WAC 197-10-360    Threshold determination criteria—Application of environmental checklist.


WAC 197-10-365    Environmental checklist.


WAC 197-10-370    Withdrawal of affirmative threshold determination.


WAC 197-10-375    Withdrawal of negative threshold determination.


WAC 197-10-390    Effect of threshold determination by lead agency.


WAC 197-10-400    Duty to begin preparation of a draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-410    Pre-draft consultation procedures.


WAC 197-10-425    Organization and style of a draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-440    Contents of a draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-442    Special considerations regarding contents of and EIS.


WAC 197-10-444    List of elements of the environment.


WAC 197-10-450    Public awareness of availability of draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-455    Circulation of the draft EIS—Review period.


WAC 197-10-460    Specific agencies to which draft EIS should be sent.


WAC 197-10-465    Agencies possessing environmental expertise.


WAC 197-10-470    Costs to the public for reproduction of environmental documents.


WAC 197-10-480    Public hearing on a proposal—When required.


WAC 197-10-485    Notice of public hearing on environmental impact of the proposal.


WAC 197-10-490    Public hearing on the proposal—Use of environmental document.


WAC 197-10-495    Preparation of amended or new draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-500    Responsibilities of consulted agencies—Local agencies.


WAC 197-10-510    Responsibilities of consulted agencies—State agencies with jurisdiction.


WAC 197-10-520    Responsibilities of consulted agencies—State agencies with environmental expertise.


WAC 197-10-530    Responsibilities of consulted agencies—When pre-draft consultation has occurred.


WAC 197-10-535    Cost of performance of consulted agency responsibilities.


WAC 197-10-540    Limitations on responses to consultation.


WAC 197-10-545    Effect of no written comment.


WAC 197-10-550    Preparation of the final EIS—Time period allowed.


WAC 197-10-570    Preparation of final EIS—When no critical comments received on the draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-580    Preparation of the final EIS—Contents—When critical comments received on draft EIS.


WAC 197-10-600    Circulation of the final EIS.


WAC 197-10-650    Effect of an adequate final EIS prepared pursuant to NEPA.


WAC 197-10-652    Supplementation by a lead agency of an inadequate final NEPA EIS.


WAC 197-10-660    Use of previously prepared EIS for a different proposed action.


WAC 197-10-690    Use of a lead agency’s EIS by other acting agencies from the same proposal.


WAC 197-10-695    Draft and final supplements to a revised EIS.


WAC 197-10-700    No action for seven days after publication of the final EIS.


WAC 197-10-710    EIS combined with existing planning and review processes.


WAC 197-10-831    Responsibilities of agencies—SEPA public information.


WAC 197-10-840    Application of agency guidelines to ongoing actions.

(Ord. 118 §2, 1978).