Chapter 2.55


2.55.010    Purpose.

2.55.020    Distribution.

2.55.030    Authorization and control.

2.55.040    Payment of bills.

2.55.050    Responsibility for charges.

2.55.060    Cash advances.

2.55.070    Credit limits.

2.55.080    Personal use.

2.55.090    Additional policies or procedures.

2.55.010 Purpose.

City of Newcastle credit card usage is intended to provide an efficient method for the purchase of goods and services when the use of the city’s purchasing system is not possible or practical. The finance director shall implement the system set forth in this chapter for the distribution, authorization and control, credit limits and payment of bills related to the use of credit cards by city officials and employees. (Ord. 98-164 § 1; Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 1).

2.55.020 Distribution.

Credit cards may be distributed to those city officials and employees who, in the opinion of the director or his/her designee, have job responsibilities which would benefit or otherwise be facilitated by the use of a credit card. (Ord. 98-164 § 2; Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 2).

2.55.030 Authorization and control.

The finance director shall develop and implement guidelines and accounting controls to ensure the proper usage of credit cards and credit card funds. (Ord. 98-164 § 3; Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 3).

2.55.040 Payment of bills.

The finance director shall establish and implement a written procedure for the payment of all credit card bills. (Ord. 98-164 § 4; Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 4).

2.55.050 Responsibility for charges.

Charges not properly identified will be paid by the employee before the credit card billing is due. Failure to do so will render the employee personally liable for the unpaid amount, plus interest. The city may deduct the amount of the expenditure for the officer or employee’s pay.

Failure to submit properly identified charges may result in a loss of credit card use privileges. (Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 5).

2.55.060 Cash advances.

The use of “cash advances” with the city credit cards is strictly prohibited. (Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 6).

2.55.070 Credit limits.

The finance director shall set credit limits on each credit card issued; provided, that in no event shall such credit limits exceed $5,000 for any individual credit card. (Ord. 98-164 § 5; Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 7).

2.55.080 Personal use.

Use of city credit cards for personal purchases is strictly prohibited. (Ord. 97-140 Exh. A § 8).

2.55.090 Additional policies or procedures.

The finance director is authorized to adopt any additional policies or procedures necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 98-164 § 6).