Chapter 21.40


21.40.010    Purpose and applicability.

21.40.020    Timeline for submittal of final plat and extensions for completion of improvements.

21.40.030    Application requirements.

21.40.040    Prescribed form.

21.40.050    Review and approval process.

21.40.060    Filing – Copies.

21.40.010 Purpose and applicability.

Final plats are final drawings of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing with the county auditor in accordance with Chapter 58.17 RCW and county and city ordinances. Final plats are required for any land division which uses the subdivision process to create lots, parcels or tracts. Final plats are not required to be submitted for binding site plans. (Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).

21.40.020 Timeline for submittal of final plat and extensions for completion of improvements.

(1) An application for final plat approval shall be submitted to the director within five years of the preliminary plat approval and when either:

(a) The subdivider has completed and has received approval of the construction and installation of all improvements; or

(b) The subdivider has submitted an approved performance bond in lieu thereof.

(2) The city council may grant a time extension for completion of the requirements for preliminary plat for a maximum of two years. Said extension shall be conditioned upon:

(a) Upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the five-year period.

(3) Any lots in a final plat filed for record shall be a valid land use notwithstanding any change in zoning laws, in accordance with time periods established in RCW 58.17.170 as hereafter amended. (Ord. 1992 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1892 § 1, 2019; Ord. 1782 § 2, 2016; Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).

21.40.030 Application requirements.

(1) The application for the final plat shall include all of the following:

(a) A reasonable application processing fee in accordance with RCW 82.02.020 to cover the cost of processing the application as set out in the city’s comprehensive permit fee list.

(b) The final plat map meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW, including certifications, dedications and title reports. Every plat containing a dedication filed for record must be accompanied by a title report confirming that the title of the lands as described and shown on said plat is in the name of the owners signing the certificate or instrument of dedication.

(c) A recordable survey and surveyor’s signature meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.09 RCW and RCW 58.17.250.

(d) The subdivider’s engineer shall provide cost information for construction and installation of all improvements including but not limited to the following:

(i) Water Mains and Appurtenances. Total cost by size and number of feet and the cost of any other associated improvement by item, including water services;

(ii) Storm Drains and Management Facilities. Total cost by size and number of feet; total cost of low impact development BMPs;

(iii) Sanitary Sewer. Total cost by size and number of feet;

(iv) Streets. Total cost by size and number of feet;

(v) Pedestrian/Bike Connections. Total cost by size and number of feet;

(vi) Landscaping, Including Street Trees. Total cost;

(vii) Other on- or off-site improvements as required.

(2) The application and number of prints as set forth on the application of the final plat shall be submitted to the director along with the original signed by the owner and registered land surveyor. (Ord. 1784 § 86, 2016; Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).

21.40.040 Prescribed form.

The final plat shall be submitted to the director or designee in the form and manner prescribed in this section. The prescribed form described in this section also applies to short subdivision maps.

(1) Form.

(a) The final plat, containing all the information specified in this chapter, shall be prepared in a neat and legible manner in permanent drawing ink or equivalent on mylar film or better. Applicant shall also submit an electronic copy to the city of the approved final plat. All documents, maps, survey calculations and notes shall contain the name of the subdivision, the name(s) of the subdivider(s), and the name of the registered land surveyor responsible to the subdivider(s); and

(b) The plat map shall be 18 inches by 24 inches with a one-half-inch border on the top, bottom, and right-hand margins and a two-and-one-half-inch border on the left-hand or binding margin.

(2) Specific Requirements. The final plat shall clearly show the following information:

(a) The lines and names of all streets and other public ways, pedestrian/bike connections, parks, playgrounds and easements intended to be dedicated for public use and/or common areas granted for use of inhabitants of the subdivision;

(b) The lines and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways, pedestrian/bike connections, parks, playgrounds and easements adjacent to the subdivision, including municipal boundaries, township lines, and section lines;

(c) The lengths and bearings of all straight lines, curve radii, curve delta, arcs and semitangents (where appropriate) of all curves;

(d) All bearings and dimensions along the lines of each lot together with any other data necessary for the location of any lot lines in the field. All bearings shall be referenced to the Washington Coordinate Systems, North Zone;

(e) All easements and associated restrictions and maintenance provisions;

(f) Building setbacks;

(g) Tracts or areas set aside for environmental protection, tree and native vegetation retention and protection, community open space, common stormwater infiltration areas, common access or any other restricted use with associated restrictions and maintenance provisions clearly defined;

(h) The area of all lots and tracts expressed in square feet;

(i) Suitable primary control points, approved by the city engineer, on descriptions and ties to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data given on the plat shall be referred;

(j) The location of all permanent monuments;

(k) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent thereto;

(l) The date, north arrow, scale, datum plane, and date of survey;

(m) The boundary of the tract with the courses and distances marked thereon as determined by a field survey made by a registered land surveyor of the state;

(n) A vicinity sketch map of approximately 800 feet to the inch;

(o) Street names; and

(p) The stamp and signature of a surveyor licensed in the state of Washington.

(3) All linear dimensions shall be given in feet and decimals of a foot to the nearest hundredth.

(4) The scale of the final plat will be 100 feet to the inch, or as approved by the director or designee.

(5) If the plat constitutes a replat, the lots, blocks, streets, etc., of the original plat shall be shown by dotted lines in their proper positions relative to the new arrangement of the plat, the new plat being clearly shown in solid lines so as to avoid ambiguity.

(6) Document Forms. All final plats shall contain the elements listed in RCW 58.17.160. In addition, the final plat shall contain the legal description of the subdivision and easement provision, a dedication, acknowledgments, and other statements, in substantially the form as follows:

(a) Easements (Sample Utility Easement).

An easement is reserved for and granted to (the names of all the utilities, public and private, serving the area) and their respective successors and assigns under and upon the exterior ten (10) feet of front boundary lines of all lots and tracts, in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate, maintain and remove utility and stormwater systems, lines, fixtures and appurtenances attached thereto, for the purpose of providing utility services to the subdivision and other property, together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes stated, with the understanding that any grantee shall be responsible for all unnecessary damage it causes to any real property owner in the subdivision by exercise of rights and privileges herein granted.

(b) Dedication (by Individuals).

Know All Men by these Presents that we, the undersigned owners in the fee simple or contract purchaser and mortgage holder of the land hereby platted, hereby declare this plat and dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues shown thereon and use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes; also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots and blocks shown on this plat in the original reasonable grading of the streets and avenues shown hereon. This subdivision has been made with our free consent and in accordance with our desires.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this ____ day of ________, ___.

____________ ___________

____________  ___________

(c) Dedication (by Corporation).

Know All Men by these Presents that the _____, Inc., a state corporation, owner in the fee simple or contract purchaser and mortgage holder of the land hereby platted, declares this plat and dedicates to the use of the public forever, the streets and avenues shown hereon and the use thereof for all public purposes consistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes together with the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots and blocks shown hereon in the original reasonable grading of all such streets and avenues shown hereon. This subdivision has been made with our free consent and in accordance with our desires.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said corporation has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this ____ day of _________, ___.

____________ ___________, Inc.



(d) Acknowledgment (by Individuals).

State of ___________



) ss

County of ________


I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that __________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.

WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written.


Notary Public in and for the State

of ______________

residing at _____________. My Appointment Expires________

(e) Acknowledgment (by Corporations).

State of ___________



) ss

County of ________


I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ___________ signed this instrument, on oath stating that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the ____________ (type of authority, e.g., officer, trustee, etc.) of ___________________ (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and affixed by official seal the day and year above written.


Notary Public in and for the State

of _______________

residing at_____________

My Appointment Expires________

(f) Surveyor’s Certificate.

I hereby certify that the plat of ______ is based upon a complete and actual survey and subdivision of Section ___, Township ___, Range ____ East W.M.; that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments have been set and the lot and block corners staked correctly on the ground; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the statutes and platting regulations.


Certificate No.____________

Expiration _______________

Date ________________

(g) City Engineer Approval.

I hereby certify that this final plat is consistent with all applicable city improvement standards and requirements in force on the date of preliminary plat approval, examined and approved this ____ day of _________, 20___.


City engineer

(h) Development Services Director or Designee Approval.

I hereby certify that this final plat is consistent with all applicable conditions of the preliminary plat approval and that all standards for a final plat have been met, examined and approved this ______day of ______, 20______.


Development Services Director or Designee

(i) City Finance Director Approval.

I hereby certify that all taxes and delinquent assessments for which the property may be liable as of the date of certification have been duly paid, satisfied or discharged.

This ____ day of ________, ____.


City Finance Director

(j) County Treasurer Approval.

This is to certify that all taxes heretofore levied and which have become a lien upon the lands herein described, have been fully paid and discharged, according to the records of my office, up to and including the year of _____.

(k) County Auditor.

Filed for at the request of _________, this ___ day of _______, 20___, and recorded in Volume ___ of Plats, page(s) ____, Records of Island County, Washington.


County Auditor

(l) The final plat shall be accompanied by a computer check of the boundaries, street centerlines, lots, blocks and lot areas.

(m) All documents submitted under this section shall contain the name of the subdivision and the name and address of the subdivider.

(7) Waivers of claims for damages to adjacent land pursuant to RCW 58.17.165 may be required where the city accepts a street or avenue as part of final plat approval. (Ord. 1824 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1784 §§ 87, 88, 2016; Ord. 1784 § 87, 2016; Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).

21.40.050 Review and approval process.

(1) The director or designee shall approve the final plat application if:

(a) The application is in order; and

(b) Improvements are constructed in a satisfactory manner and approved by the city engineer or a bond or other security acceptable to the city engineer has been satisfactorily posted for deferred improvements. (Ord. 1824 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).

21.40.060 Filing – Copies.

(1) If approved, the subdivider shall file the final plat with the county auditor within 30 working days after approval by the city council. If the final plat has not been recorded within the above specified time frame, the city resolution adopting the final plat will automatically become null and void.

(2) The subdivider shall furnish the director with a digital version of the final plat including all recording data and covenants. (Ord. 1992 § 4, 2024; Ord. 1568 § 6, 2010).