Chapter 8.32


8.32.010    Hooking onto, catching hold of trains prohibited—Exceptions.

8.32.020    Violation of Section 8.32.010—Penalty.

8.32.030    Loitering or congregating of minors prohibited—Exception.

8.32.040    Lawful guardians designated.

8.32.050    Violation of Section 8.32.030 or 8.32.040—Penalty.

*    For statutory provisions regarding trespass, see RCW Ch. 9.83.

8.32.010 Hooking onto, catching hold of trains prohibited—Exceptions.

It is unlawful for any person or persons to hook onto, suspend from or in any manner catch hold of any standing moving train within the limits of the city unless such person or persons be a regular employee of the railroad company operating such trains, or unless such person or persons have transportation entitling such person or persons to transportation upon such train or trains. (Ord. 80 § 1, 1909).

8.32.020 Violation of Section 8.32.010—Penalty.

Any person or persons violating any part of Section 8.32.010 of this chapter shall upon conviction thereof, be punishable as set forth in Section 1.28.010 of this code.

(Ord. 917 § 2(c) (part), 1974; Ord. 80 § 2, 1909).

8.32.030 Loitering or congregating of minors prohibited—Exception.

It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one years to congregate and loiter in and about the freight and passenger depot and depot grounds, or in the yards or right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company at any point or portion thereof situated within the limits of the city, unless such minors shall be in the custody and care of a lawful guardian entitled to the custody and care of such minor. (Ord. 81 § 1, 1909).

8.32.040 Lawful guardians designated.

Any person shall be deemed a lawful guardian of such minor who is the father or mother of such child, or a sister or brother over the age of twenty-one years, or any other person over the age of twenty-one years to whose care and custody such minor has been entrusted. (Ord. 81 § 2, 1909).

8.32.050 Violation of Section 8.32.030 or 8.32.040—Penalty.

Any person violating any part of Section 8.32.030 of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable as set forth in Section 1.28.010 of this code. (Ord. 917 § 2(c) (part), 1974; Ord. 81 § 3, 1909).