
3.50.001    General provisions regarding funds.

3.50.010    Current Expense Fund.

3.50.101    Library Fund.

3.50.102    Street Fund.

3.50.103    Street Reserve Fund.

3.50.104    Equipment Reserve Fund.

3.50.105    Park Reserve Fund.

3.50.106    Cumulative Fire Department Reserve Fund.

3.50.107    Contingency Fund.

3.50.108    Library Reserve Fund.

3.50.109    Police Department Reserves Fund.

3.50.110    Tourism/Visitor Fund.

3.50.111    Mechanical Shop Reserve Fund.

3.50.113    Drug Education/Prevention Fund.

3.50.117    LEOFF I Fund.

3.50.120    Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund.

3.50.305    Recreation Center Project Fund.

3.50.312    Capital Improvements Fund.

3.50.316    Sidewalk Improvements Fund.

3.50.401    Water Utility Fund.

3.50.402    Water/Sewer Bond Redemption Fund.

3.50.403    Water Repair and Replacement Fund.

3.50.405    Water Reuse Utility Operating Fund.

3.50.406    Industrial Sewer Utility Operating Fund.

3.50.407    Domestic Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund.

3.50.409    Industrial Pretreatment Fund.

3.50.410    Domestic Sewer Utility Operating Fund.

3.50.415    USDA Equipment Reserve Fund.

3.50.416    USDA Bond Fund.

3.50.417    USDA Bond Reserve Fund.

3.50.419    Water Reuse Reserve Fund.

3.50.420    Refuse Division Fund.

3.50.430    Consumer Deposits Fund.

3.50.501    Fleet Maintenance Fund.

3.50.502    Insurance Fund.

3.50.503    Central Services Fund.

3.50.631    Clerk’s Agency Fund.

3.50.634    Payroll Fund.

3.50.635    Claims Fund.

3.50.999    Residual Investments Fund.

3.50.001 General provisions regarding funds.

The moneys of the City shall be accounted for utilizing funds established pursuant to this chapter, designated according to the Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System ("BARS") of the Washington State Auditor.

A. Maintenance of Records/Investment. The Finance Officer will be responsible for maintaining records of receipts and disbursements of moneys, as well as the investment, of each of the funds of the City.

B. Reserve and Cumulating Funds. Certain funds may be designated as either being a reserve fund or a cumulating fund. Moneys in reserve or cumulating funds shall be allowed to accumulate for year to year until the City Council determines to expend the moneys in said funds for the purposes specified in the ordinance establishing said fund, based upon appropriation in the City’s annual budget. Any moneys remaining in said funds at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse nor shall they be a surplus available or which may be used for any purpose or purposes other than those specified ordinance establishing said fund.

C. Termination of Funds. The Council may terminate any fund which is not necessary for the operation of the City. Moneys in a terminated fund that have not been expended may be distributed to any other fund as directed by the Council, unless such fund was established for a particular purpose, and such purpose has not terminated, or otherwise prohibited by law. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 07-227 §1; Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.010 Current Expense Fund.

The Current Expense Fund is established pursuant to RCW 35.37.010 as the general operating fund of the City, as BARS Fund 001. All proceeds of licenses, fines, proceeds of general tax levies, and all other moneys received by the City, unless the same is specifically collected for or ordered paid into some other fund, shall be deposited into the Current Expense Fund. The general expenses of the City for legislative, judicial, administration, finance, legal, maintenance, police, fire, building, planning, parks and recreation, community services and other governmental agency fees shall be paid from the Current Expense Fund. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.101 Library Fund.

The Library Fund is established as BARS Fund 101 to accumulate funds from year to year, for operating and maintaining the City’s library over and above the cost paid by the North Central Regional Library District, or as determined by the City Council from time to time. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.102 Street Fund.

The Street Fund is established pursuant to RCW 35.76 as BARS Fund 102 for the purpose of operating and maintaining the City’s streets, rights-of-way and alleys. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.103 Street Reserve Fund.

The Street Construction Reserve Fund is established pursuant to RCW 35.21.070 as BARS Fund 103 to accumulate moneys from year to year to be expended for the construction of City streets, rights-of-way, alleys and related improvements. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.104 Equipment Reserve Fund.

The Equipment Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 104 to accumulate moneys from year to year to purchase equipment and supplies for the City’s various departments. All moneys appropriated to the Equipment Reserve Fund shall be designated at their time of appropriation, for the purchase of specific supplies, materials, or equipment, or for the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or work and shall not be expended for any other purpose or purposes than those specified at the time of appropriation without an approving vote of a majority of the electors of the City at a general or special election voting on a proposal submitted to them to allow other specified uses to be made of the said moneys; provided, always, moneys may be accumulated in the Equipment Reserve Fund of more than one specified purpose, the limitation being only as to the respective amounts in the Equipment Reserve Fund so set aside for the specific purpose or purposes named at the time of appropriation. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.105 Park Reserve Fund.

The Park Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 105 to accumulate moneys from year to year for the purchasing park equipment for, or making capital improvements to, the City’s parks. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.106 Cumulative Fire Department Reserve Fund.

The Cumulative Fire Department Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 106 to accumulate moneys from year to year for the purchase of equipment and supplies for the City’s fire department. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.107 Contingency Fund.

The Contingency Fund is established pursuant to RCW 35.33.145 as BARS Fund 107 to provide moneys to meet unforeseen municipal expenses and/or emergencies, with the total amount accumulated in the Contingency Fund to not exceed the equivalent of thirty-seven and one-half cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation of property within the City. Any moneys in the Contingency Fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse except upon re-appropriation by the City Council to another fund in the adoption of the subsequent budget. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.108 Library Reserve Fund.

The Library Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 108 to accumulate funds from year to year for purchasing books, equipment and related items for library use, and improvements to the City’s library, as determined by the City Council from time to time, which may be based on recommendations regarding the accumulation and expenditures in the Library Reserve Fund, by the Library Advisory Board. Any money or property given to or for the use or benefit of the City’s library shall be held in the Library Reserve Fund and used according to the terms of the gift, or this section, in the event the terms of the gift are not specific. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.109 Police Department Reserves Fund.

The Police Department Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 109 to accumulate funds from year to year for purchasing radios, vehicles and equipment for the City’s Police Department. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.110 Tourism/Visitor Fund.

The Tourism Fund is established as BARS Fund 110 to receive and accumulate the proceeds from the special excise tax levied by the authority of Chapter 3.24, with said moneys to be used solely for the purpose of paying all or any part of the costs of tourist promotion, acquisition of tourism related facilities, or operation of tourism related facilities or to pay for any other uses as authorized in RCW 67.28, and any amendments thereto. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2) (Reference to Chapter 3.24 corrected during codification)

3.50.111 Mechanical Shop Reserve Fund.

The Mechanical Shop Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 111 to receive, disburse, and accumulate moneys to purchase equipment and provide capital improvements for the City’s shop. Moneys will be transferred from the Intra Governmental Services Fund to the Mechanical Shop Reserve Fund in an amount to be determined in each annual budget by the City Council. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.113 Drug Education/Prevention Fund.

The Drug Education/Prevention Fund is established as BARS Fund 113, to accumulate funds from year to year to provide drug education and prevention programs from the operating budget of the City’s police department as approved by the City Council or from private donations made specifically for drug education and prevention activities. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.117 LEOFF I Fund.

The LEOFF I Fund is established as BARS Fund 117 to accumulate funds from year to year to provide moneys to meet unforeseen medical expenses for the remaining LEOFF I employees as required by law. Such funds shall be for medical insurance premiums and other medical expenses upon approval by the Grant County Disability Board. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 06-189, 2006) (Ed. Note: The term ‘Fund’ was added to the title during codification)

3.50.120 Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund.

The Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund is established as BARS Fund 120 to receive and dispense all monies received by the City for the tax collected pursuant to Chapter 3.29. The monies in the Affordable Housing Sales Tax Fund shall be used only for the purposes set forth in Section 3.29.020. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 20-548 §2)

3.50.305 Recreation Center Project Fund.

The Recreation Center Project Fund is established as BARS Fund 305 to receive and dispense all revenues and expenditures needed for the design and construction of the Recreation Center. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 14-336 §5)

3.50.312 Capital Improvements Fund.

The Capital Improvements Fund is established as BARS Fund 312 to receive and accumulate the proceeds from the real estate excise tax authorized by Section 3.26.010 to finance capital projects specified in the capital facilities plan element of the City’s comprehensive plan, as authorized by RCW 82.46.010(2)(b), and any amendments thereto. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 19-529 §2; Ord 03-118 §2. Formerly 3.50.112) (Reference to Section 3.26.010 corrected during codification)

3.50.316 Sidewalk Improvements Fund.

The Sidewalk Improvements Fund is established as BARS Fund 316 to receive and accumulate the proceeds from the additional real estate excise tax authorized by Section 3.26.010(B), for the financing of capital projects related to the City’s sidewalks, as specified in the capital facilities plan element of the City’s comprehensive plan, as authorized by RCW 82.46.035, as presently adopted and subject to any amendments thereto. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 19-529 §3; Ord 03-118 §2. Formerly 3.50.116) (Reference to Section 3.26.010 corrected during codification)

3.50.401 Water Utility Fund.

The Water Utility Fund is established pursuant to RCW 35.37.010 as BARS Fund 401 to receive and dispense all revenues and expenditures needed for the operation of the City’s water utility. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.402 Water/Sewer Bond Redemption Fund.

The Water/Sewer Bond Redemption Fund is established as BARS Fund 402 to receive and expend all moneys allocated to the redemption of the City’s bonded indebtedness relating to the City’s water and sewer utilities. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.403 Water Repair and Replacement Fund.

The Water Repair and Replacement Fund is established as BARS Fund 403 to receive and disburse moneys to upgrade and renovate the City’s water utility system. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.405 Water Reuse Utility Operating Fund.

The Water Reuse Utility Operating Fund is established as BARS Fund 405 to receive and disburse moneys for the operation of the City’s Water Reuse Utility. The Water Reuse Fund shall be a self-supporting fund, and all moneys received by the City from the customers of the City’s Water Reuse Utility shall be deposited to the Water Reuse Operating Fund, and all moneys shall be disbursed in accordance with the annual budget as adopted by the City Council. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 22-585 §1; Ord 09-272 §3; Ord 08-241 §1)

3.50.406 Industrial Sewer Utility Operating Fund.

The Industrial Sewer Utility Operating Fund is established as BARS Fund 406 to receive and disburse moneys for the operation of the City’s industrial wastewater treatment utility. The Industrial Sewer Operating Fund shall be a self-supporting fund, and all moneys received by the City from the customers of the City’s Industrial sewage treatment utility shall be deposited to the Industrial Sewer Operating Fund, and all moneys shall be disbursed in accordance with the annual budget as adopted by the City Council. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.407 Domestic Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund.

The Domestic Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund is established as BARS Fund 407 to receive and disburse moneys to upgrade and renovate the City’s domestic sewer plant. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.409 Industrial Pretreatment Fund.

The Industrial Pretreatment Fund is established as BARS Fund 409 to receive and disburse all revenues and expenditures relating to the City’s Industrial Pretreatment Program. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 17-498 §2)

3.50.410 Domestic Sewer Utility Operating Fund.

The Domestic Sewer Utility Operating Fund is established as BARS Fund 410 for the purpose of receiving and dispensing monies related to the operation of the City’s Domestic Sewer System. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.415 USDA Equipment Reserve Fund.

The USDA Equipment Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 415 to receive the annual sum of twenty-one thousand dollars for the purpose of financing the replacement of "short-lived" items being financed with the proceeds of the City of Quincy Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, 2010 (USDA) ("USDA Bond") established by Ordinance 10-280. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 10-280, §8; Ord 08-251 §8) (Ed. Note: In establishing the USDA Equipment Reserve Fund, Ord 08-280 did not utilize language to be inserted into the Quincy Municipal Code, so the foregoing statement is based upon the stated intent of Ord 10-280 in establishing the USDA Equipment Reserve Fund)

3.50.416 USDA Bond Fund.

The USDA Bond Fund is established as BARS Fund 416 to receive and hold moneys for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the City of Quincy Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, 2010 (USDA) ("USDA Bond") established by Ordinance 10-280. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 10-280, §6; Ord 08-251 §6) (Ed. Note: In establishing the USDA Equipment Reserve Fund, Ord 10-280 did not utilize language to be inserted into the Quincy Municipal Code, so the foregoing statement is based upon the stated intent of Ord 08-280 in establishing the USDA Bond Fund)

3.50.417 USDA Bond Reserve Fund.

The USDA Bond Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 417 to receive and hold moneys as security for the payment of the principal and interest on the City of Quincy Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, 2010 (USDA) ("USDA Bond") established by Ordinance 10-280, in an amount equal to ten percent of the semiannual payments on the USDA Bond. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 10-280, §6; Ord 08-251 §6) (Ed. Note: In establishing the USDA Equipment Reserve Fund, Ord 10-280 did not utilize language to be inserted into the Quincy Municipal Code, so the foregoing statement is based upon the stated intent of Ord 10-280 in establishing the USDA Bond Fund)

3.50.419 Water Reuse Reserve Fund.

The Water Reuse Reserve Fund is established as BARS Fund 419 to receive and expend all moneys from the Annual True Up with the City’s contractor that operates and maintains the City’s Water Reuse Utility. All monies held in this fund, upon approval of a majority of the Water Reuse Utility users, may be used as needed for capital projects for the City’s Water Reuse Utility. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 22-585 §1)

3.50.420 Refuse Division Fund.

The Refuse Division Fund is established as BARS Fund 420 to receive, accumulate and disburse all revenues from garbage collection and dispensing for the operation of the refuse division of the City’s public works department. The Refuse Division Fund will be a self-supporting fund. In the event the Refuse Division Fund is dissolved, moneys and equipment will revert to the Current Expense Fund. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.430 Consumer Deposits Fund.

The Consumer Deposits Fund is established as BARS Fund 430 to hold all deposits of customers for the City’s various utilities. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 20-545 §1; Ord 03-118 §2. Formerly 3.50.621)

3.50.501 Fleet Maintenance Fund.

The Fleet Maintenance Fund is established as BARS Fund 501 to finance and account for the services, commodities, labor and overhead furnished by the City’s shop. Moneys to finance the Fleet Maintenance Fund shall be paid by intragovernmental cash transactions from budgeted appropriations of various funds to which the City’s mechanical shop provides services based on the pro rata use of the City’s mechanical shop during the budget year. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 12-312 §4; Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.502 Insurance Fund.

The Insurance Fund is established as BARS Fund 502 to provide moneys to pay insurance premiums, deductibles and non-insurance claims against the City. The Insurance Fund shall be funded each year by the City Council, by budgeting certain amounts into the Insurance Fund from the City’s departments that are being insured. Insurance premiums and deductible amounts shall be paid from the Insurance Fund, along with any approved uninsured claims against the City. Moneys in the Insurance Fund may accumulate for the purpose of self insurance. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 12-311 §1)

3.50.503 Central Services Fund.

The Central Services Fund is established as BARS Fund 503 to finance and account for the services, commodities, labor and overhead shared by the various departments of the City. Moneys to finance the Central Services Fund shall be paid by intragovernmental cash transactions from budgeted appropriations for the City’s various departments for central services based either on a direct use of central services or a pro rata use of Central Services during the budget year. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 15-462 §5; Ord 12-312 §5)

3.50.631 Clerk’s Agency Fund.

The Clerk’s Agency Fund is established as BARS Fund 631 to receive and disburse the moneys of other governmental funds. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)

3.50.634 Payroll Fund.

The Payroll Fund is established as BARS Fund 634, pursuant to RCW 35.21.085, into which moneys may be placed from time to time as directed by the City Council from funds available and upon which warrants may be drawn and cashed for the purpose of paying any moneys due City employees for salaries and wages. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2. Formerly 3.50.801)

3.50.635 Claims Fund.

The Claims Fund is established as BARS Fund 635, pursuant to RCW 35.21.085, into which moneys may be paid from time to time and upon which warrants may be issued and paid in payment of claims against the City for any purpose. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2. Formerly 3.50.802)

3.50.999 Residual Investments Fund.

The Residual Investments Fund is established as BARS Fund 999 to hold moneys not needed for the City’s current operations, and which is invested in the state investment pool. (Ord 23-597 §1 (Exh. A); Ord 03-118 §2)