20.06.010    Official Zoning Map.

20.06.015    Use districts designated.

20.06.020    Interpretation of the Official Zoning Map.

20.06.025    Uses in use districts.

20.06.030    Prohibited uses.

20.06.035    Uses that are not listed.

20.06.010 Official Zoning Map.

A. The Zoning Districts of the City are hereby designated by a legend on the Official Zoning Map, together with all explanatory matter thereon.

B. The official zoning map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the Finance Officer/Clerk under the title "Quincy Official Zoning Map", along with the ordinance number and the date said ordinance was adopted.

C. If, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code and RCW 35A.63, changes are made in the boundaries of any Zoning District, or any other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been approved by the Council with an entry citing the appropriate ordinance number and signed by the Mayor and attested by the Finance Officer/Clerk.

D. Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official Zoning Map which may from time to time be made or published, the Official Zoning Map which shall be located in Quincy City Hall shall be the final authority as to the current state of zoning in the City. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.06.015 Use districts designated.

To further the identified purposes of the Zoning Code, the following Zoning Districts and zoning map symbols are established:

A. Residential District (R-1): The R-1 District is for areas which are or will become primarily single or two family unit living areas. Uses are limited to residential occupancies, agricultural activities and public service uses which by their necessity or convenience to residential activities require an R-1 location. Density shall be no higher than six units per acre.

B. Residential Multifamily District (R-M): The R-M District is for areas which are or will become single family to multifamily living areas. Allowable uses are limited to residential activities and other uses that can be integrated into this designation without being unduly detrimental to its residential character. Density shall be no higher than twelve units per acre, excepted within a Planned Development.

C. Business District (B-D): The B-D District is for areas that are or will become suited to certain retail sales and services as well as public service uses that support such activities.

D. Light Industrial District (L-I): The L-I District provisions are intended to foster a wide variety of business, heavier commercial, and light industrial services within buildings and as open air uses. Such areas are protected from the invasion of heavier manufacturing and industrial processes.

E. General Industrial District (G-I): The G-I District is for areas that are or will become suited to wholesale commercial activities, warehousing, and manufacturing. Uses are limited to industry, institutional uses and related support facilities, including caretaker housing. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.06.020 Interpretation of the Official Zoning Map.

Where uncertainty exists as to any of the boundaries between Zoning Districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:

A. Where boundaries are indicated as substantially following the centerline of the roads, streets, highways, alleys, railroads, or waterways, the centerline shall be construed to be the boundaries.

B. Where boundaries are indicated as substantially following Lot Lines, the Lot Lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.

C. Where a zoning boundary divides a parcel of land, the location of the boundary shall be determined by the scale measurement.

D. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in subsections A through C above shall be so construed. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.06.025 Uses in use districts.

The Permitted Uses, Accessory Uses, and Conditional Uses in any of the Use Districts are identified in the District Use Chart. (Ord 14-331 §1; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.06.030 Prohibited uses.

The following uses are not allowed in any zone:

A. Disposal of radioactive wastes;

B. Outdoor shooting ranges;

C. Intensive agriculture;

D. Chickens, livestock, goats, other farm animals, dangerous animals, and exotic pets;

E. Sexual oriented uses; and

F. Marijuana uses. (Ord. 20-553 §1 (Ex A); Ord 14-331 §2)

20.06.035 Uses that are not listed.

A. Generally. If a proposed use is not listed in the District Use Chart, then the Land Use Code Administrator shall determine whether the proposed use is functionally comparable to a use that is listed in the District Use Chart. A proposed use is functionally comparable to a use that is allowed if it is reasonably comparable to the use, and with regard to each of the decision criteria enumerated in subsection (B) of this section, the proposed use has no greater impacts than the use with which it is functionally comparable.

B. Decision Criteria. The following decision criteria shall be evaluated when the Land Use Code Administrator determines whether a proposed use is functionally comparable to an allowed use:

1. Parking demand;

2. Average daily and peak hour trip generation (cars and trucks);

3. Noise;

4. Vibration;

5. Lighting;

6. Dust;

7. Odors;

8. Potentially hazardous conditions, such as projectiles leaving the site;

9. Use and storage of hazardous materials;

10. Design of buildings and structures;

11. Character of operation; and

12. Hours of operation.

C. Effect of Determination. If the Land Use Code Administrator approves an application for a decision pursuant to this section, then the use is permitted, subject to the same standards and procedures as the use to which it was compared for the purposes of the favorable decision. If the Land Use Code Administrator determines that a proposed use is not functionally comparable to a use that is permissible in the District Use Chart in the zone that applies to the subject property, then the proposed use is a prohibited use in that zone. (Ord 23-594 §1; Ord. 20-553 §1 (Ex A))