
20.44.010    Purpose.

20.44.020    Accessory structures.

20.44.025    Accessory dwelling units.

20.44.030    Exception to height limitations.

20.44.040    Exceptions to setback requirements.

20.44.050    Places of habitation.

20.44.060    Clear view triangle.

20.44.070    Residential performance standards.

20.44.090    Building construction.

20.44.100    Sidewalks, curbs and gutters.

20.44.120    Fence and hedge standards. Revised 5/24

20.44.130    Electric fences.

20.44.140    Barbed wire fences.

20.44.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the general regulations is to provide a concise reference to requirements that are common to many different zoning districts. This chapter provides standards for fences, hedges and other partially or totally vision obscuring installations to assure that desirable objectives of providing privacy, security, and screening of certain uses from streets and less intense uses can be met while minimizing undesirable obstruction of views, light, air, and motorists’ and pedestrians’ vision. It is recognized that along streets these goals may conflict. Fences along streets provide privacy and security, but long expanses of such fencing generally are undesirable due to the visual monotony and restricted vistas such expanses create. Moreover, fencing needs along streets differ between front yards, which are traditionally open and unobscured and contain vehicular access to streets, and side and rear yards, where family activities more often take place and thus require more privacy. Therefore, it is further stated that exceptions to the regulations of this chapter to allow site screening fences in front yards are strongly discouraged and that where these regulations allow a continuous expanse of site screening fencing along side and/or rear property lines abutting a street, the adverse aesthetic impacts of such fencing should be mitigated. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.020 Accessory structures.

A. Accessory structures shall not be used as a place of human habitation.

B. A permitted accessory building, not over one story in height and not over one thousand square feet in area and not over 50% of the buildable lot width may be established in a rear yard, provided, however, that the accessory building shall be twelve feet or more from the center line of any alley and five feet or more from any principal building or five feet or more from any rear lot line where no alley exists. In the case of a reversed corner lot a permitted accessory in the rear yard shall be located no closer to the side street lot line than the required front yard of the adjoining key lot and in no case closer to the lot line than the principal building to which it is accessory.

C. No accessory structure shall occupy any part of a required front yard area. (Ord 09-262 §2; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.025 Accessory dwelling units.

An accessory dwelling unit shall satisfy the following minimum requirements:

A. Only one accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed per building lot or home site in conjunction with a single family structure, even if such structure is built on more than one platted lot;

B. An accessory dwelling unit may be attached to, created within, or detached from a new or existing primary single-family dwelling unit;

C. The property owner (which shall include title holders and contract purchasers) shall occupy either the primary unit or the accessory unit as their permanent residence;

D. The accessory dwelling unit will require one parking space, which is in addition to any off-street spaces required for the primary single-family dwelling unit;

E. The floor area for the accessory dwelling unit shall in no case exceed 900 square feet, nor be less than 300 square feet, and the accessory dwelling unit shall contain no more than two bedrooms. Additionally, the square footage of the accessory dwelling unit shall be no more than fifty (50) percent of the area of the primary single-family dwelling;

F. An accessory dwelling unit, together with the primary single-family dwelling unit and other accessory buildings or structures with which it is associated, shall conform to all other provisions of this code, and no variance of yard setback or building lot coverage requirements will be granted;

G. The accessory dwelling unit shall satisfy the minimum requirements of the various codes adopted by the City in Title 15, and all other applicable laws;

H. The accessory dwelling unit shall be connected to the water and sewer utilities of the Primary Structure and may not have separate services;

I. Future subdivision would require compliance with all applicable parts of the City of Quincy including, without limitation, water and sewer hook-up; and

J. Conversions of accessory storage structures, including without limitation garages and carports, to accessory dwelling units shall only occur when that existing structure meets the required yard setbacks for a residence, including without limitation, the rear and side yard requirements.

K. Required designated off street parking spaces in the front yard area in a residential zone, not to exceed forty feet in width without approval of the City.

L. A projection into the rear yard setback from the principal dwelling unit that is less than fifty percent of the buildable lot width may be permitted. (Ord 09-262 §3; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.030 Exception to height limitations.

A. The height limitations contained within each zoning district do not apply, and are not limited to the following: spires, belfries, cupolas, domes, monuments, antennas, bunkers, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys, flagpoles, smoke stacks, fire host towers, transmission towers, water towers, utility poles, radio and television towers, roof-top mechanical and ventilation equipment, monitors, scenery lofts, cooling towers, grain elevators, gas holders, drive-in theater projection screen, or other appurtenances usually required to be placed above roof level and not used or intended to be used for human occupancy, provided such structures or parts shall be fifty feet or more from any adjoining lot line.

B. Any building in a residential zone may exceed the height limit for that zone in which it is located by one foot for each foot that each of the required yard is in excess of the required minimum. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.040 Exceptions to setback requirements.

A. Eaves, cornices, awnings, chimneys, flues, belt courses, sills, pilasters, gutters, ornamental features or other architectural projections may extend two feet into required front, side or rear yard areas.

B. Steps or decks of thirty inches or less in height may project into required setback areas.

C. All structures in residential zones shall set back at least fifty-five feet from the right-of-way nearest the undedicated side of any half-street.

D. In any zone when the side lot line of a lot adjoins either directly or across any alley the side lot line of another lot in a more restricted zone, then the front yard for such a lot shall be not less than the average depth of the front yard depths required on either side of the zone boundary.

E. In any residence zone when at least forty percent of the frontage of lots in any block front have front yards of a depth greater or less than the minimum front yard requirement for the zone, then all new buildings in the block front shall provide a front yard equal to the average depth of the front yards so established.

F. In the case of a reversed corner lot in any zone, the side yard on the street side of the lot shall be not less than the required front yard of the key lot adjoining either directly or across an alley; provided, however, that when the corner lot is less than sixty feet wide, the side yard on the street side shall be not less than fifty percent of the front yard for the key lot.

G. In the case of a required side yard adjoining an alley, the side yard may be measured to the center of the alley; provided, however, that the principal building in no case shall be closer than three feet to the alley.

H. In any zone when the rear lot line of a lot abuts directly upon the rear lot line or side lot line of another lot in a more restricted zone, then the rear yard for the lot in the less restricted zone shall be not less than one-half the required rear yard depth in the more restrictive zone.

I. In any residence zone, the rear yard for a lot having a depth of not more than one hundred feet may be reduced by not less than twenty-five percent of the depth, but in no case shall the yard be less than ten feet, provided, the lot was a lot of record and held under separate ownership from abutting property at the rear on the effective date of the ordinance codified herein.

J. In the case of a through lot in any zone, the required rear yard in a block front need not exceed the required front yard in the same block format.

K. In the case of a park owned by the City in a residential zone, the setback may be reduced to ten feet, to the extent the reduction does not result in a sight obstruction, safety hazard to the general public or conflict with easements or rights-of-way. (Ord 12-300 §1 (Ex A); Ord 09-262 §4; Ord 08-243 §4; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.050 Places of habitation.

Travel trailers and motor homes are prohibited as places of habitation when located outside of approved mobile/manufactured home parks, or other areas specifically authorized by the Zoning Code. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.060 Clear view triangle.

A. A clear view triangle shall be maintained for vision safety purposes on all corner lots, driveways and intersecting public/private roads. No fence, sign, utility structure, associated landscaping or any other sight obstruction between thirty-six inches and eight feet in height above the existing road grade shall be placed or maintained within the triangle.

B. The clear view triangle shall be established as follows:

1. At street intersections it shall be determined by measuring twenty-five feet from the point of intersection of the two property lines, along the property lines adjacent to each street. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the end points of the first two sides of the triangle.

2. At a driveway intersection with a street right-of-way it shall be determined by measuring fifteen feet along the road right-of-way and fifteen feet along the edges of the driveway, beginning at the respective points of the intersection. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the end points of the first two sides of the triangle. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.070 Residential performance standards.

All residential dwellings permitted in the City shall satisfy the following provisions. Manufactured home placement within manufactured home parks, in existence prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, are excluded from these provisions:

A. Minimum Width. The minimum width of the main body of a residence on a site shall not be less than twenty-four feet, as measured across the narrowest portion of the dwelling;

B. Minimum living space floor area. Nine hundred square feet for a single-family structure and seven hundred twenty square feet per dwelling unit for multifamily structures;

C. Minimum roof pitch. Three feet vertical distance for every twelve feet horizontal distance (3:12), however nothing in this section shall prevent a site-built home from using a roof with less pitch, provided the design, engineering and construction ensure the structure maintains the adopted snow load requirements;

D. Foundation. A manufactured home shall have a foundation or skirting that is similar in appearance to foundations of housing built on-site; and

E. Floor Level. The first finished floor level of a single story residence shall be fifteen inches or less above the finished grade of the lot. Manufactured homes shall be recessed (pit set) to achieve this.

F. Off Street parking. A minimum of one off-street covered parking space is required for each dwelling unit. (Ord 09-262 §5; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.090 Building construction.

A. All structures shall be erected or installed on a permanent foundation with approved connections to utilities. All structures shall satisfy the requirements of the codes adopted in Title 15, or must be a designated manufactured home and previously unoccupied or built within the last five years, and shall otherwise be harmonious with the surrounding residential properties and shall preserve the general character and integrity of the neighborhood. The foundation for a designated manufactured home shall be installed with footings and foundations from below the frost line to the ground level as required by Chapter 296.150B, Washington Administrative Code, and as required by the manufacturer’s specification. To provide an appearance that is similar to crawl spaces enclosures on permanent site built single-family residences, the perimeter of designated manufactured houses must have solid material similar to concrete, or masonry and conventional residential siding installed to enclose the area between the lowest inhabitable floor and the ground level.

B. No temporary or mobile structure can remain on a site for more than sixty days except a mobile or designated manufactured home located in a mobile home park. Temporary construction offices can remain on a construction site for the term of construction or one year, whichever is shorter, unless extended as a conditional use to accommodate a longer construction period. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.100 Sidewalks, curbs and gutters.

Subject to reduction or waiver of any standard upon good cause shown; curbs and gutters shall be required in all zones; and sidewalks shall be required in all zones, except for the General Industrial zone. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.120 Fence and hedge standards. Revised 5/24

A. Height of Fences and Hedges – General Standards.

1. Fences. Shall not exceed six feet in height in any residential zoned areas and shall not exceed eight feet in height in commercial and industrial zoned areas.

2. Measurement of Height. The maximum height shall be measured from the elevation of the ground adjacent to the fence or hedge on the higher side, except that within a driveway or intersection sight distance triangle, maximum height shall be measured from the elevation of the street adjacent to such sight distance triangle.

3. Maintenance. All fences and hedges shall be maintained in a condition of repair so as not to be dangerous to human life or a danger to the property.

4. Conflicting Limitations. Where the limitations of this chapter conflict with site screening or fencing required by this or other City ordinances, requirements relating to the site screening and other required fences shall apply, subject only to adequate provisions for driver visibility.

B. Location of Fences and Hedges.

1. Residential Zones. Fences and hedges are limited to the following locations:

a. Front Yards: Fences and hedges may be placed on or behind the property line. However, no fence or hedge shall exceed four feet in height within the required front yard setback.

b. Rear Yard and Side Yards: Fences and hedges may be placed on or behind the property line.

2. Commercial Zones. In commercial and industrial zones fences or hedges are limited to the following locations:

a. Front Yards: Fences, up to a maximum height of eight feet, and hedges must be placed behind the required front yard setback.

b. Rear Yard and Side Yards: Fences, up to a maximum height of eight feet, and hedges may be placed on or behind the property line.

C. Effectiveness. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to affect fences existing on the effective date of Ordinance 2006-186. (Ord 24-613 §1; Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.130 Electric fences.

An electric fence using an interrupted flow of current at intervals of about one second on and two seconds off shall be limited to two thousand volts at seventeen milliamperes current. All electric fences shall be posted with permanent signs a minimum of thirty six square inches in area at intervals of one hundred feet, stating that the fence is electrified. Electric fences manufactured by an established and reputable company and sold as a complete assembled unit carrying a written guarantee that complies with the requirements of this paragraph can be installed by an owner if the controlling elements of the installation carry an "UL Approved" seal. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))

20.44.140 Barbed wire fences.

No fences incorporating barbed wire shall be permitted except that barbed wire may be used on top of a six foot high solid or chain link fence surrounding a public utility, an industrial plant site, or a whole property, or barbed wire may be used when the fence is not a property line fence. (Ord 06-186 (Ex A))