Chapter 15.70


15.70.010    Purpose.

15.70.020    Authority.

15.70.030    Applicability.

15.70.040    Pre-application conference.

15.70.050    Submitting binding site plan application, related materials, and fee.

15.70.060    Determination of completeness.

15.70.070    Notice of application.

15.70.080    City planner review and decision.

15.70.090    Improvements.

15.70.100    Lots created by binding site plan.

15.70.110    Report of decision.

15.70.120    Appeals.

15.70.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to accommodate the division of land for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of commercial or industrial lots, tracts, or parcels using a procedure other than subdivisions or short subdivisions. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.020 Authority.

The Washington State Legislature authorized this optional method of dividing property in RCW 58.17.035. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.030 Applicability.

Every division of land located within a commercial (GC, RC, HC, or WFC) or industrial (M-1, M-2) zoning district for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer into two or more lots, parcels, or tracts in the city of Raymond must proceed in compliance with this chapter, unless the division(s) of land is processed in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 15.64 (Short Subdivision), or Chapter 15.66 (Preliminary Plat) and Chapter 15.68 (Final Plat) RMC. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.040 Pre-application conference.

A. An applicant may request a pre-application conference with the city planner before submitting an application to discuss requirements and the review process, in accordance with RMC 15.08.040.

B. If an applicant requests consolidated permit processing, a pre-application conference is required. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.050 Submitting binding site plan application, related materials, and fee.

A. A binding site plan is a drawing which:

1. Identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, and open spaces;

2. Contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land; and

3. Contains provisions that require any development to be in conformity with the site plan.

B. To be considered for binding site plan approval, the applicant must submit the following to the clerk/treasurer, in accordance with RMC 15.08.060.

1. A completed binding site plan application form, as provided by the city;

2. Ten copies of the binding site plan (information required on the binding site plan is the same as information required for preliminary plat approval, as listed on application form);

3. SEPA environmental checklist, if applicable; and

4. An application fee (see current fee schedule).

C. The clerk/treasurer will forward the items in subsections (B)(1) through (B)(3) of this section to the city planner. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.060 Determination of completeness.

The city planner must notify the applicant that the binding site plan application has been received and that it is complete or incomplete, in accordance with RMC 15.08.070. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.070 Notice of application.

The city planner must send out a notice of application in accordance with RMC 15.08.090. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.080 City planner review and decision.

A. After a binding site plan application is complete according to RMC 15.08.070, the city planner will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the binding site plan.

B. The decision of the city planner must be in writing and must include findings of fact and conclusions to support the decision. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.090 Improvements.

The city planner will approve improvements and finalize specific individual commercial or industrial lots after approval of the general binding site plan. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.100 Lots created by binding site plan.

A. The binding site plan will be filed with the county auditor with a record of survey, after approval, and/or when specific lots are administratively approved.

B. Lots created through the binding site plan procedure will be legal lots of record.

C. All provisions, conditions, and requirements of the binding site plan will be legally enforceable on the purchaser or any other person acquiring a lease or other ownership interest of any lot, parcel, or tract created pursuant to the binding site plan.

D. Any sale, transfer, or lease of any lot, tract, or parcel created pursuant to the binding site plan that does not conform to the requirements of the binding site plan or without binding site plan approval will be considered a violation of this code and will be restrained by injunctive action and be illegal as provided in Chapter 58.17 RCW. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.110 Report of decision.

The city planner must provide a single report stating the decision on the binding site plan in accordance with RMC 15.08.120 and 15.08.130. (Ord. 1593, 1998)

15.70.120 Appeals.

An applicant may appeal the decision of the city planner on binding site plan approval to the planning commission in accordance with RMC 15.08.150. (Ord. 1593, 1998)