20C.30.82 Residential Innovative Zone.

20C.30.82-010 Purpose.

The Residential Innovative zone is intended to achieve the purposes below in addition to those described in the Redmond Comprehensive Plan and Redmond Community Development Guide for Low Moderate Density zones.

(1)    Provide a type of single-family housing (smaller dwelling units such as a cottage, size-limited dwelling or duplex) that responds to changing household sizes and ages (e.g., small families, single-person households, retirees).

(2)    Provide opportunities for households of various sizes, ages, and incomes to live in a neighborhood by promoting diversity in the size, type and price of new single-family development.

(3)    Blend infill development with existing residential development to help maintain neighborhood character, particularly in neighborhoods with a predominance of small to moderately sized dwelling units.

(4)    Help to provide appealing and active streetscapes that promote a more walkable and enjoyable neighborhood experience for residents and avoid concentrations of a single housing type or size in one location by interspersing dwellings and lots of various sizes within a residential development. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-020 Applicability.

The Residential Innovative zone may be applied to areas of the City designated Low-Moderate Density Residential. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-030 Density.

(1)    Sites 30,500 Square Feet and Greater. Allowed density shall be five dwelling units per gross acre.

(2)    Sites Less Than 30,500 Square Feet. Allowed density shall be four dwelling units per gross acre.

(3)    Bonus Programs. The allowed density represents the maximum number of dwelling units that may occupy a gross acre of land. This maximum number of units for a site may be exceeded through participation in cottage housing density bonus provisions (RCDG 20C.30.52) or affordable housing requirements (RCDG 20D.30.10) when allowed through a neighborhood plan, or through other bonus programs as provided for in the RCDG. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-040 Requirements for Smaller Dwelling Units.

Applications for subdivisions, short plats, and binding site plans with sites 30,500 square feet and greater shall include smaller dwellings units as a minimum of 20 percent of the greater of: (1) number of proposed dwelling units on the site, excluding cottage housing density bonus or other bonuses, or (2) net buildable area multiplied by the site’s allowed or “zoned” density. See RCDG 20C.30.25-040 for calculation of net buildable area. The smaller dwelling unit(s) shall be a size-limited dwelling as defined by RCDG 20A.20.190, a duplex, or cottage as defined by RCDG 20A.20.030. An existing dwelling on the site that meets the RCDG requirements with regard to size may be counted towards the requirement for smaller dwellings. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-050 Other Site Requirements.

(1)    RCDG 20C.30.25 provides the basic site requirements for residential zones in Redmond. Site requirements for the Residential Innovative zone are identified in RCDG 20C.30.25-140, Site Requirements Chart and Flexibility. For site requirements referenced with Note 17 in the site requirements chart, development on sites 30,500 square feet and greater in size shall comply with the requirements as they apply to the R-6 zone and development on sites less than 30,500 square feet in size shall comply with the requirements as they apply to the R-4 zone. For the Willows/Rose Hill Neighborhood, see also RCDG 20C.30.82-070, Supplemental Neighborhood Requirements.

(2)    Cottage housing in the Residential Innovative zone shall comply with the requirements of RCDG 20C.30.52, Cottage Housing Developments. Site requirements that may be applicable for cottage housing and are not specified in RCDG 20C.30.52, such as average lot size, are provided by RCDG 20C.30.25-140, Site Requirements Chart and Flexibility, for the R-6 zone. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-060 Allowed Land Uses.

RCDG 20C.30.20 identifies the allowed land uses in residential zones. Uses allowed in the Residential Innovative zone are identified in RCDG 20.30.20-030, Land Uses Chart, and further identified in Chapter 20C.70 RCDG Neighborhood/Design Districts. (Ord. 2126)

20C.30.82-070 Supplemental Neighborhood Requirements: Willows/Rose Hill.

(1)    Applicability. Locations to which the Residential Innovative zone applies in the Willows/Rose Hill Neighborhood are shown on the City’s Zoning Map.

(2)    Site Requirements. Minimum building separation, maximum lot coverage requirements, and permitted building setback encroachments for the Residential Innovative zone in the Willows/Rose Hill Neighborhood are described in RCDG 20C.70.50.050, Residential Architectural, Site and Landscape Design.


Table 1: Example for Calculating Residential Densities in the Residential Innovative Zone, NE Rose Hill Subarea

Column 1

Per Acre

Column 2

Site Size for Example (acres)

Column 3

Number of Proposed Dwellings

Column 4

Number of Affordable Dwelling Units Required

(10% of proposed dwellings)

Column 5

Number of Standard Size Dwelling Units

(Allowed density plus 1 for 1 bonus for affordable dwellings)

Columns 6 8

Examples of Options for Including
20% Smaller Dwellings

Column 9

If all cottages

(2 cottages for each standard dwelling replaced


1.5 cottages allowed in place of each other small dwelling)

Column 10

Total Dwellings

Option 1:

Duplex or size limited dwelling

Option 2:

Mix of cottages and other small dwellings

(1.5 cottages allowed in place of each other small dwelling)

Option 3:

All cottages

(1.5 cottages allowed in place of each other small dwelling)

Sites less than 30,500 square feet

4 per acre






Not required

Not required


(4 cottages in place of 2 standard units)

2 standard dwellings or

4 cottages

Sites of 30,500+ square feet

5 per acre



4 standard dwellings,

1 smaller dwelling

Not required



Size limited



(1 other smaller unit x 1.5)


(8 cottages in place of 4 standard units plus 2 cottages in place of 1 smaller unit)

4 standard dwellings plus 1 size limited


4 standard dwellings plus 2 cottages


10 cottages

Minimum of 20 percent of dwellings (Column 3) must meet definitions for small residences (cottage, duplex or size limited dwelling)



8 standard dwellings,

2 smaller dwellings



8 allowed dwellings plus 1 bonus dwelling


duplex units

1 size limited dwelling


2 cottages (1 other smaller unit x 1.5)


(2 other smaller units x 1.5)


(18 cottages in place of 9 standard units plus 3 cottages in place of 2 smaller units)

9 standard dwellings and 2 duplex units


9 standard dwellings and 3 cottages


21 cottages



28 standard dwellings,

7 smaller dwellings



28 allowed dwellings plus 4 bonus dwellings


4 duplex units


5 cottages (3 other smaller units x 1.5)


(7 other smaller units x 1.5)


32 standard and 7 duplex units or size limited dwellings


32 standard dwellings and 11 cottages

(Ord. 2126)