20D.150.140 Parking Facilities Within Shorelines.

Parking facilities associated with all uses other than single-family residential within the shoreline jurisdiction shall comply with the following additional requirements:

(1)    Parking facilities are prohibited in the Lake Sammamish waterfront building setbacks established in RCDG 20D.150.60-020, Lake Sammamish Setback.

(2)    Parking facilities are prohibited within shoreline buffers established in RCDG 20D.150.60-010, Shoreline Buffers, unless in a location where the shoreline environment is High Intensity/Multi-Use, and where clearing, grading, disturbance or alteration already exists within the outer and/or inner buffer.

(3)    Parking facilities within the shoreline jurisdiction shall be located upland of, or beside buildings. Parking, loading bays and other vehicle use areas shall be screened from the shoreline pursuant to RCDG 20D.150.110, Tree Protection, Landscaping and Screening Within Shorelines.

(4)    Parking Bonus for Shoreline Access Parking. Additional parking stalls above the maximum number allowed under Table 20D.130.10-020(2), Required Off-Street Parking, shall be granted to properties adjacent to shoreline trails and shoreline trail connections for the dedication of parking for shoreline trail users.

(a)    One additional parking stall above the maximum shall be allowed for each parking stall dedicated to public use. One-half stall above the maximum shall be allowed for each cooperative parking stall shared between private and public users. Dedicated or cooperative stalls shall be designated as public with signs.

(b)    All parking stalls dedicated to or shared with the public shall be exempt from the maximum parking spaces under Table 20D.130.10-020(2), Required Off-Street Parking.

(5)    See Chapter 20D.130 RCDG for additional Citywide parking regulations. (Ord. 2486)