20D.170.35 Carts and Street Vendors.

20D.170.35-010 Purpose.

The regulations in this section set the conditions under which vending carts, kiosks, or drive-up stands may locate in commercial zones to ensure their compatibility with existing uses and to prevent conflicts with pedestrian or vehicular movement, access to utilities, or emergency response. (Ord. 1930 (20C.80.7305))

20D.170.35-020 Development Criteria.

(1)    Business License. All vendors shall obtain necessary business licenses, health certificates, and permits from regulating agencies. For uses on public rights-of-way, right-of-way use permits are also required.

(2)    Location. No portion of such an operation or service shall occupy:

(a)    A required parking space.

(b)    A driving aisle or driveway entrance.

(c)    An area that would result in obstruction of emergency access to or from a building.

(d)    An area that would result in obstruction of utility or fire hydrant access.

(e)    Any required landscaping.

(3)    Access. No such operation or service shall reduce or interfere with the functional use of a walkway or a plaza pathway to below the standards of the American Disabilities Act.

(4)    Safety. These structures shall be secured by tie-downs, chaining, wheel locks, or other such method as to prevent tipping or movement that would endanger the public safety. The method used to secure the structure as necessary to ensure reasonable safety shall require approval by the Technical Committee, however in no case shall the use be placed on a permanent foundation.

(5)    Circulation. Drive-up facilities shall submit a circulation plan indicating how traffic queuing is to be handled. The plan must be approved by the Technical Committee.

(6)    Signage. Signs shall conform to Chapter 20D.160 RCDG, Signs and Street Graphics, but in no case shall exceed 30 percent of any facade.

(7)    Size. Vending carts, kiosks, and drive-up stands will be limited to a maximum size of six feet wide by 10 feet long.

(8)    Design Review. For all structures used by street vendors and vending carts, kiosks, drive-up stands or similar permanent or temporary structures, the structure, site and parking design shall be reviewed in accordance with Chapter 20D.40 RCDG, Design Standards, and, if acceptable, approved by the Administrator. Design Review shall not be required for structures used for temporary uses authorized by RCDG 20D.190.10, Temporary Uses. (Ord. 1930 (20C.80.7310))