20D.55.40 Requirements for Land Use Compatibility.

(1)    High Consequence Land Uses.

(a)    New high consequence land uses proposed for location within 500 feet of a hazardous liquid pipeline corridor are prohibited.

(b)    Proposed expansions to existing high consequence land uses located within 500 feet of a hazardous liquid pipeline corridor shall at a minimum be designed to avoid increasing the level of risk in the event of a pipeline failure, and where feasible, reduce the risk compared to the existing development. Potential techniques to minimize or reduce risk include but are not limited to:

(i)    Site design features, such as maintaining or increasing the distance between occupied structures, or structures that provide critical lifeline functions, and the hazardous liquid pipelines and anticipated flow paths for leaking hazardous materials.

(ii)    Building features, such as design to avoid a significant increase in on-site population or to expedite evacuation.

(iii)    Technological features, such as accelerated notice of a pipeline failure to the high consequence land use to facilitate evacuation or features that help to avoid damage in the event of a pipeline failure.

(iv)    Operational features, such as emergency plans and education programs for occupants and employees concerning pipeline safety, developed in accordance with the procedures in subsection (2)(B)(ii) of this section.

    Minor modifications to existing buildings are exempt from this requirement.

(2)    Other Development.

(a)    Applicants for the following types of new or expanded development in the Willows/Rose Hill or Grass Lawn Neighborhoods shall use appropriate mitigation measures to help reduce adverse impacts in the event of a pipeline failure:

(i)    Commercial or industrial.

(ii)    Multi-family.

(iii)    Religious facilities.

(iv)    High consequence land uses proposed for locations not covered by subsection (1) of this section.

(v)    Other developments as required by the Code Administrator that, because of proximity to a hazardous liquid pipeline corridor, pose a safety concern due to characteristics of the occupants, development, or site.

(b)    Mitigation measures intended to reduce risk and minimize impact in the event of a pipeline failure include but are not limited to:

(i)    Site and building design techniques such as maximizing the distance between new or expanded development and anticipated flow paths for leaking hazardous materials and controlling ignition sources.

(ii)    Emergency procedures such as emergency plans and guides, employee training and drills, and education programs for occupants and employees concerning pipeline safety, such as what to be aware of and how to respond in the event of a problem.

(A)    Applicants shall consult with the Fire Marshal regarding the level of emergency planning and procedures appropriate for the proposed development. Based on the nature, occupancy, or location of a proposed development, the Redmond Fire Chief may require emergency plans and procedures for any occupancy classifications.

(B)    Emergency plans and procedures shall be consistent with the Redmond Fire Code and shall be approved by the Redmond Fire Chief. (Ord. 2137)