20D.95 Limitations on External Effects of Uses (Performance Standards)*

*User Guide How to use this chapter:

1.    Identify what, if any, standards could not be met with normal construction and operational practices. If some cannot, determine what additional measures will be necessary to meet the standards.

2.    Monitoring, while not required, is a good strategy to ensure that the standards are being met.

3.    If standards are not met during operation, modify processes or structures to meet the requirements.

20D.95.10    Purpose.

20D.95.20    Applicability.

20D.95.30    Performance Standards.

20D.95.30-010    Vibration.

20D.95.30-020    Glare and Heat.

20D.95.30-030    Light.

20D.95.30-040    Smoke Emissions.

20D.95.30-050    Odor Emissions.

20D.95.30-060    Radioactivity.

20D.95.30-070    Electromagnetic Interference.

20D.95.30-080    Loading Operations.

20D.95.30-090    Hazardous Materials.

20D.95.10 Purpose.

Certain land uses have the potential to adversely impact nearby uses. Such adverse impacts include vibration, heat, glare, air pollution, odor, radioactive emissions, or electromagnetic interference. This chapter contains standards to prevent unacceptable adverse impacts on nearby uses. (Ord. 2006)

20D.95.20 Applicability.

All uses, activities, and structures shall comply with the requirements of this chapter. Uses, activities, or structures that do not comply with these standards shall be brought into conformance with them. With respect to the requirements of this chapter, nonconforming use provisions shall not apply to uses, activities, or structures that do not comply with these requirements. (Ord. 2006)