A garage sale which does not comply with the following conditions shall be considered a business and must be brought into compliance with all requirements for business uses, including compliance with the Zoning Code.


Conditions for garage sales shall include:

1. Maximum Time and Number: Incidental garage sales consisting of no more than one such sale per calendar quarter, and no more than three (3) within the same calendar year and with no such sale continuing for more than two (2) days.

2. Supervision of Vehicles Required: Garage sales shall be supervised and are the responsibility of the occupant or the tenant who occupies the dwelling unit. This person shall not permit vehicles to impede the passage of traffic on any roads or streets in the area of the person’s property.

3. Use of Right-of-Way Prohibited: Goods are not to be displayed in public rights-of-way.

4. Signage Installation and Removal Requirements: Signs advertising such sales shall not be attached to any public structures, signs or traffic control devices or utility poles.

Signs may only be placed on property owned by the person conducting the sale or on property where an owner gives consent to post such sign. All such signs shall be removed twenty four (24) hours after the sale is completed.

5. Special Restriction for Self Storage Uses in RM-F Zone: No garage, yard, or estate sales are allowed from leased storage units. (Ord. 4736, 8-24-1998)


Any person in violation of this Section shall be informed in writing of the violation and shall be given fourteen (14) days to comply with this Section. Following this action, if a subsequent garage sale is conducted in violation of this Section, each day the sale is conducted shall be considered a separate violation and shall be subject to the following penalty.

Any person conducting any “garage sale” as defined herein in RMC 4-11-070 without being properly licensed therefor or who shall violate any of the other terms and regulations of this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor subject to RMC 1-3-1. (Ord. 4493, 1-23-1995; Ord. 5159, 10-17-2005)