Chapter 3.72


3.72.010    Established.

3.72.010 Established.

A.    There are established the following reserve funds within the city budget:

1.    1st 1/4% real estate excise tax fund (Fund 301).

2.    2nd 1/4% real estate excise tax fund (Fund 302).

3.    Police mitigation reserve fund (Fund 310).

4.    Transportation impact fee reserve fund (Fund 314).

5.    Fire impact fee reserve fund (Fund 312).

6.    Parks impact fee reserve fund (Fund 311).

7.    Sewer facilities reserve fund (Fund 402).

8.    Sewer capital projects reserve fund (Fund 410).

9.    Stormwater reserve fund (Fund 426).

10.    Solid waste reserve fund (Fund 413).

11.    Building maintenance reserve fund (Fund 303).

12.    Parks reserve fund (Fund 107).

13.    City council strategic reserve fund (Fund 115).

B.    No moneys shall be withdrawn from any reserve fund except by resolution or ordinance of the city council. All appropriations in any reserve fund shall be used only for the purpose or purposes specified by the city council. The reserve funds shall be cumulative and carried forward from year to year until fully expended or the purpose or purposes have been accomplished or abandoned. There shall be no other reserve funds within the city budget except as established by the city council. (Ord. 1934-19 § 1, 2019: Ord. 1810-14 § 1, 2014; Ord. 1730-12 § 1, 2012: Ord. 1714-11 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1656-09 § 1, 2009: Ord. 1167 § 1, 1992)