Title 3


3.04    Budget

3.08    Gambling Tax

3.12    Leasehold Excise Tax

3.14    Lodging Tax

3.16    Real Estate Excise Tax

3.20    Sales and Use Tax

3.22    Affordable Housing Sales and Use Tax

3.24    Utility Fund Tax

3.26    Commercial Parking Tax

3.28    Contracts

3.30    E-Verify

3.32    Payment of Claims and Obligations

3.36    Surplus Property

3.38    Property Acquisition Procedure

3.40    Local Improvements

3.44    Funds

3.48    Bond and Obligation Registration

3.50    School Impact Fees

3.52    Multifamily Property Tax Exemption

3.54    Donation Acceptance Procedure

3.56    Compost Procurement


For provisions of state law on excise taxes generally, see chapters 35A.82 and 67.40 RCW, and Title 82 RCW; for provisions on special purpose funds, see chapter 35A.37 RCW; for provisions on budgets, see chapter 35A.33 RCW.